When Does Turkey Day End in ACNH

In Animal Crossing New Horizon, Turkey Day event is an annual event. For this year, when this event is held? You need to know when this Turkey Day event is held so that you can participate this event and get some interesting rewards.

The Date of Turkey Day Event

In Animal Crossing New Horizon, Turkey Day event is held on Thanksgiving where it is the 4th Thursday in November. In this year, in 2021, this event was held on November 25th, 2021. In this event, there is a feast which is set up in the Event Plaza from 9 am to 12 am.

When Does Turkey Day End in ACNH

There is Franklin which is an NPC in this game which will ask you to find some ingredients for making some dishes that he will make. After you help him, you will get some interesting rewards.

Did you miss this event last Thursday? Hopefully, you did not miss this event so that you got the rewards after you helped Franklin. If you missed this event last Thursday, you have to make sure that next time, you do not miss this anymore.

Here, I give you the list of Turkey Day event schedule for next years. Once again, it is important for you to note that the schedule of Turkey Day event is held every year on the 4th Thursday of November.

    • In 2022, it will be held on November 24th, 2022.
    • In 2023, it will be held on November 23rd, 2023.
    • In 2024, it will be held on November 28th, 2024.
    • In 2025, it will be held on November 27th, 2025.

What to Do in the Turkey Day Event

The thing that you have to do in the Turkey Day event is to help Franklin to find some ingredients because Franklin wants to create some dishes. So, the first thing that you have to do to join this event is to go to the Plaza outside of Residential Services. In this area, you will find Franklin together with some villagers who are ready to conduct a the fest.

However, when you come to that area, Franklin is having problem. He wants to make some dishes, but he does not have the ingredients for the dishes. Here, your task is to save the Turkey Day by helping Franklin to find the ingredients.

You will be asked by Franklin to find ingredients for making four dishes including clam chowder, pumpkin pie, gratin and fish meuniere. You have to do your best to find the ingredients. If you are succeed in finding the ingredients so that four dishes can be made, then you can get rewards.

If you have made one of the dishes for the first time, you can add a secret ingredient to the dish. You just have to talk to Franklin after the dish has been made with the secret ingredient in your inventory and Franklin will upgrade it.

Dishes Needed to be Cooked by Franklin

Franklin will create Clam Chowder, Pumpkin Pie, Gratin and Fish Meuniere. Below, you can read what ingredients of each dish.

    • Clam Chowder

Clam Chowder2

The ingredients that Franklin needs for making a Clam Chowder are three Manila Clams so that he will ask you to find them. There is also a secret ingredient that you must  find namely Scallop. To find Manila Clams, you are able to wander the beaches of your island and then dig up the areas that spurt water. After getting manila clams,  go back to Franklin and he will give you the reward. A Scallop is able to be discovered by diving for sea creatures.

    • Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie1

You have to look for Orange Pumpkin + random other Pumpkin so that Franklin can make Pumpkin Pie. The secret ingredients for Pumpkin Pie are Two other pumpkin colours. You can grow Pumpkin using Pumpkin starts or you can trade with villagers.

    • Gratin


You have to find random Mushroom + Potato or Carrot so that Franklin can cook Gratin. The secret ingredient to find for this food is Dungeness Crab. To get Potato, you are able to grow it.  Or, you can visit Kapp’n’s Boat Tour. To find the mushroom, usually it grows near a tree on your island. So, you can wander and see in the trees. If you cannot find, looking for on your island and then visiting Mystery Island by using Nook Miles tickets can be the solution or you can trade ingredients with villagers. To find a Dungeness Crab, you can dive in the water surrounding your island or you can trade ingredients with the villagers who are at home on this event.

    • Fish meuniere

fish meuniere1

You have to find Sea Bass + random Fish or Flour so that Franklin can make Fish Meuniere. The secret ingredient for Fish Meuniere is Barred Knifejaw. Do you live in the northern hemisphere? The random fish that you must find can be a Dab, Olive Flounder or a Red Snapper. However, if you live in the southern hemisphere, the random fish that you must find can be an Olive Flounder or Red Snapper. You can find the fish by fishing in the sea in the day or by trading ingredients with villagers who are staying at home to cook.

The List of Turkey Day Rewards

You may wonder what you will get from taking part in the Turkey Day event by helping Franklin. So, you can check in the list below.

    • Turkey Day Rug
      You can get it by finding Clam Chowder recipe.
    • Turkey Day Wall
      You can get it by finding Pumpkin Pie Recipe.
    • Turkey Day Flooring
      You can get it by finding Gratin Recipe.
    • Cornucopia
      You can get it by finding Fish Meuniere Recipe.
    • Turkey Day Casserole
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Chair
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Decorations
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Garden Stand
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Hearth
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Table
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Table Setting
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.
    • Turkey Day Wheat Décor
      You can get it by enhancing recipe with secret ingredient – random.

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