What Does Mending Do in Minecraft

For everyone who is looking for the best enhancement for a specific weapon, tool, or armor in the game, you might want to consider mending. This one is named as one of the best. What does this enhancement do in the game? Keep reading to find out the answer to the question.

What Does Mending Do in the Game Called Minecraft?

Mending is the name of the enchantment that is able to be used on almost all tools or weapons in Minecraft for added durability. When you add it to a tool or a weapon, the items can be repaired, at a rate of two durabilities per experience point. The statement means the experience will go towards repairing the item instead of the player.

What Does Mending Do in Minecraft1

Keep in mind that there is no way for mending to repair the items in your inventory. The only ones that can be fixed are on hand or on your armor slots. If you want to find mending, you are recommended to find a librarian who will agree to trade one with you. The second way that you can try is to find their block, take it out, destroy it, and then rest their buy or sell stock. Beside these two, you can also heal a villager. The process of getting mending by healing a villager starts by finding a zombie villager. Then, you will have to lure the zombie away from the village. The next job to do is to douse him with a splash of a potion of weakness and then feed him an apple. If that one already has a profession, you might want to place a lectern next to him to change it and then check out his trade stock and try to find mending there. Those who are lucky can also find mending in mineshaft chests, raids, pillager outpost chests, dungeon chests, and so on.

If it is not your first time doing it, it is possible for you to find a good supply of mending books. The first level is known as the highest level for mending enhancement. It should be noted that items are able to be only enhanced on the first level, and there is no way to do it in the other levels.  Every player has to know that all the tools are able to be only fixed at two durabilities even if the item has unbreaking on it.

The Other Enhancement and What They Do in Minecraft

Minecraft has a lot of enhancements and mending is clearly not the only one. Apart from mending, below is the list of some other ones including what they do in the game:

    1. Aqua Affinity: This one is able to increase the underwater mining speed.
    2. Bane of Arthropods: This one is able to increase damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs such as spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, bees, and endermites.
    3. Blast of Protection: This one is able to reduce the explosion damage and knockback.
    4. Channeling: This one is able to channel a bolt of lightning toward a hit entity.
    5. Cleaving: This one is able to increase damage and shield stunning.
    6. Curse of Binding: This one is able to not remove the items from the armor slot.
    7. Curse of Vanishing: This one is able to destroy items on death.
    8. Depth Strider: This one is able to increase underwater movement speed.
    9. Efficiency: This one is able to increase the speed of the tool.
    10. Feather Falling: This one is able to reduce fall damage.
    11. Fire Aspect: This one is able to set a target on fire.
    12. Fire Protection: This one is able to reduce fire damage and burn time.
    13. Flame: This one is able to arrow set the target on fire and ignite TNT if hit.
    14. Fortune: This one is able to increase specific block drops.
    15. Frost Walker: This one is able to turn water beneath the player into frosted ice and to prevent the damage from happening.
    16. Knockback: This one is able to increase knockback.
    17. Looting: This one is able to increase mob loot.
    18. Luck of the Sea: This one is able to increase the rate of good loot such as enchanting books, and so on.
    19. Lure: This one is able to increase wait time until fish or junk or loot bites.
    20. Power: This one is able to increase the arrow damage.
    21. Multishot: This one is able to shoot three arrows at the speed of one. Keep in mind that only an arrow is able to be recovered.
    22. Piercing: This one is able to allow arrows pass through more than one entity and shields. As for the arrows, they are able to be recovered after passing through a few entities. This one is only available to the crossbow.
    23. Projectile Protection: This one is able to decrease the projectile damage, including the damage from arrows, ghast and blaze fireball, thrown tridents, and many more.
    24. Protection: This one is able to decrease most kinds of damage by 4% for every level.
    25. Punch: This one is able to raise the arrow knockback.
    26. Quick Charge: This one is able to reduce the charging time of the crossbow.
    27. Respiration: This one is able to extend the underwater breathing time.
    28. Sharpness: This one is able to raise up the damage for melee weapons.
    29. Smite: This one is able to raise the damage to undead mobs.
    30. Soul Speed: This one is able to rise up the walking speed on Soul Sand or Soul Soil. However, it damages the boots overtime.
    31. Sweeping Edge: This one is able to raise up the sweeping attack damage.
    32. Thorns: This one is able to reflect a few damages taken when hit. However, it decreases the durability with each proc.
    33. Unbreaking: This one is able to decrease the chance of an item taking damage.

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