Tutorial How to Make Qingce Stir Fry Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, you are able to make some dishes. One of them is Qingce Stir Fry. Do you want to make this dish? If so, you come to the right site because here we provide you the tutorial to make it and also the ingredients that you need. If you want to make the other dishes, we also provide you with some other recipes.

What is Qingce Stir Fry?

In the Genshin Impact game, Qingce Stir Fry is a food item which you are able to cook. You are able to obtain the recipe for making it from Ms. Bai in Qingce Village for 5,000 Mora. This food can increase the party’s by 160/194/228 for 300 seconds depending on the quality. It is the same as other foods where it does not have effect for other players in Co-Op mode.

How to Make Qingce Stir Fry Genshin Impact

This is a dish which is cooked over a roaring fire. They say that it was originally just a rustic dish which everyone in Qingce Village knew how to make. However, it is quite unexpectedly that its crispy and spicy dishes gained the recognition of people from elsewhere.  So, this food started to spread throughout the Liyue region. And the type of this dish is Warrior’s dish. What does it mean? Warrior’s dishes are food items which can give an effect a character’s attack. If a Warrior’s Dish is cooked perfectly by using Xiangling, there is a 12% chance to get double the product.

Steps to Make Qingce Stir Fry in Genshin Impact

The first thing that you need to know about how to make Qingce Stir Fry in the Genshin Impact game is the ingredients. The ingredients that you need for making Qingce Stir Fry  are 3 Mushrooms, 2 Lotus Head, a Jueyun Chili, and a Cabbage.

Now, how to make it? The first step that you have to do is to navigate to the near quest marker where you will find a cooking pot. Beside the pot, there is an NPC named Ms. Bai. You have to approach and start a conversation with her. The next thing that you have to do is to choose ‘What do you sell here?’ to see a list of her wares. There, you will see that she has a Qingce Stir Fry recipe available for 5,000 Mora.

If you have bought this recipe, then you are able to go back to the pot to be able to cook the dish. You may find that you are lacking in Lotus Head. If so, you may have to go out and do some farming. Where can we farm Lotus Head in Genshin Impact? You are able to go to the lakes and rivers in the Liyue region. Those spots are very good places to look. Luhua Pool is also a great place for getting this ingredient. If you make a trip to this location, you should be able to cook your Qingce Stir Fry in a short time. Alternatively, you are able to go to Liyue Harbor because Lotus Heads often appear in the ponds that surround it.

If you have collected all of the important ingredients for making Qingce Stir Fry, you are able to make it now. Then, when the Qingce Stir Fry has been made, you have to be ready to deliver it to Gao the Sixth. It is important for you to know that it will not mark the end of the What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals quest. It is because you will have to speak with Mona in Genshin Impact once again. This conversation will in turn send you to find a big meteorite on the beach. One Fragile Resin, 60 Primogems and 30,000 Mora will be received by you as rewards for finding it.

Cooking Dishes in Genshin Impact

In the Genshin Impact game, you are able to cook dishes and process ingredients at stoves which can be found in cities such as Liyue and Mondstadt. You are able to find a lot of campfires in the open world. However, it is important for you to know that campfires must be lit to cook. It is also important to know that Swirl and Hydro effects are able to extinguish campfires and it prevents cooking.

When you learn a new dish for the first time, you have to be proficient in making that dish by manually cooking it  a certain amount of times before you are able to auto cook it. If you want to do manual cooking, it will require you to stop the cooking timer when the indicator is in the right position. You need to note that the location of the indicator is stopped at can give an effect to the potency of the dish which is cooked:

  • The orange section will give the maximum food effect and it results in a Delicious Dish.
  • The yellow section will give the average effect and it results in a Regular Dish.
  • The gray section will result in a Suspicious Dish and it gives the lowest possible food effect.

To avoid using the ingredients, you are able to exit out of this minigame if you do not want to cook.

Some Other Recipes in Genshin Impact

Qingce Stir Fry is not the only one dish that you are able to make in the game. There are some other dishes and here are the recipes.

  • A Buoyant Breeze

A Buoyant Breeze

The ingredients to make this dish are Carrot x4, Potato x4 and Onion x4. The effect of this dish is to decrease all party members’ gliding and sprinting Stamina consumption by 25% for 1800s.

  • Almond Tofu

Almond Tofu

The ingredients for making this dish are Almond x1, Milk x3 and Sugar x3. The effect of this dish is to increase the entire party’s ATK by 66-95 for 200 seconds.

  • Baked Vegetable Pie

Baked Vegetable Pie

The ingredients for making this dish are Cabbage x1, Ham x1, Cream x1, and Crab x1. The effects of this dish are to revive the chosen character and restore 900 to 1500 HP.

  • Crispy Teyvat Egg

Crispy Teyvat Egg

The ingredients for making this dish are Bird Egg x1. The effects of this dish are to revive a character and restore 10% of the max HP and then a further 150 HP.

  • Fishy Toast

Fishy Toast

The ingredients for making this dish are Flour x3, Milk x1, Onion x1 and Tomato x2. The effect of this dish is to increase the entire party’s DEF by 141 for 300 seconds.

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