What to Do with Moonchase Charms Genshin Impact

You may be one of the Genshin Impact players who wonder about the things that you are able to do with Moonchase Charms. So, let’s find out the information about Moonchase Charms here so that you will know more about this thing.

What To Do With Moonchase Charms

As you know that in Genshin Impact, players and maybe including you, have spent the past week and a half to find Moonchase Charms and Mystmoon Chests. As explained on Sportskeeda that after discovering these items, you have fulfilled the Moonlight Seeker event and got free Primogems in the process. However, as you may also experience that the Moonchase Charms are accumulating in the inventories of the players and they do not know what to do with them.

What To Do With Moonchase Charms

According to Sportskeeda, here is the explanation about it. Seventy Moonchase Charms have been collected by you in the Moonlight Seeker event. When you collect them, they are added to the inventory. There is no explanation from the Genshin Impact team why the Moonchase Charms are in the bags of the players. There is also no information from them about what will become of them.

Now, the Moonchase Charms are to expire immediately so that no wonder why Genshin Impact players are curious about why these items are in their inventories. Some players think that they will expire and some other players hope that they will be able to trade their Moonchase Charms for getting some rewards. Some players noticed that Genshin Impact changed the description for Moonchase Charms. In the description, it was explained that these charms were able to be exchanged for rewards during the Moonchase Festival. However, this description has been removed.

There are a lot of players who think that these charms will not have further use in the Moonchase Festival. In the old description of the Moonchase Charm, it was explained that there would be an event shop and it may tell that now the description has changed. Nevertheless, there is still some hope that the Moonchase Charms will have some benefits by the end of the event. Linyang, who is the NPC where he helped find charms and chests, said that the Traveler could redeem rewards with Moonchase Charms. So, there is the possibility that there will be a big surprise in Genshin Impact for players who have collected their 70 Moonchase Charms.

In the DualShockers website, it is explained that basically, it looks like the Moonchase Charms were originally created to be exchanged with Linyang in Liyue Harbor. However, it looks like miHoYo changed things at the final version of the Event and the reward you have got through the Event menu are similar rewards you have gotten by exchanging the Charms. This is the rewards sub-menu that you are able to access via the Event menu after you choose Moonchase. It seems miHoYo redesigned the event. However, it seems that the developers forgot to change the dialogue of Linyang where this NPC says in the beginning of the Event that we were able to exchange the Moonchase Charms.

Getting Moonchase Charm in Genshin Impact

Getting Moonchase Charm in Genshin Impact

According to Gamewith, here is where and how you can get Moonchase Charm in Genshin Impact.

Path of Stalwart Stone

    • You can find it on the water in front of the cave entrance.
    • You are able to find it at the very peak of the mountain beside a harpastum puzzle.
    • You are able to find it on peak of the mountain beside a torch.
    • You can find it floating above the hanging bride.
    • You are able to find it at the top of the mountain.
    • You are able to find it on the side of the mountain.
    • You are able to find it on the mountain between two hanging bridges.
    • You are able to find it on top of an Adventures Camp.
    • You are able to find it at the mountain peak beside a seelie court.
    • You are able to find it in the middle of the water.
    • You are able to find it above the rock.
    • You are able to find it inside the chest beside another Charm.
    • You are able to find it above the stone pillar.
    • You are able to find it under some bush high above the mountain.
    • You are able to find it high up in the air between two mountains.
    • You are able to find it at the end of a broken tree trunk.
    • You are able to find it on top of a rock formation.
    • You are able to find it on top of an adventurer camp.
    • You are able to find it floating in the air between a mountain and a rock mountain.
    • You are able to find it on the rock formation beside another Charm.
    • You are able to find it on a broken tree branch beside the water.
    • You are able to find it near the ledge of a mountain.
    • You are able to find it on top of a mountain.
    • You are able to find it under a Mystmoon Chest.
    • You are able to find it on the field near a bunch of yellow trees.
    • You are able to find it on top of a rock formation.
    • You are able to find it on top of the big tree near Azhdaha Domain.
    • You are able to find it in the middle of a pond.
    • You are able to find it beside a formation with a Seelie Court on it.
    • You are able to find it on top of a Hillchurl camp.

Path of Gentle Breezes

    • You can find it below the tree.
    • You can find it above the rock, in the middle of the river.
    • You can find it above the waterfall, floating on a rock.
    • You can find it above the cliff where it is located at the edge of the cliff.
    • You are able to discover it above the tree.
    • You can find it below the mountain above the elevated rocks.
    • You can find it next to the Statue of the Seven floating in the river.
    • You can find it above the cliff, floating in the uppermost corner.
    • and many more locations.

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