Minecraft: How to Defeat *OP* Infinity Armor in Insane Craft

How to Defeat *OP* Infinity Armor in Insane Craft (Minecraft) is the name of the video that was made and shared by an American Youtuber gamer called Ssundee (Ian Marcus Stapleton) on September 19, 2021. It means it is only 22 days since it was uploaded. Since then, the views of the video have reached 3,855,908 views and has earned 280k likes.

The video was uploaded on the popular sharing videos called Youtube. In order to find and watch this video on Youtube, you can follow these following steps:

How to Defeat OP Infinity Armor in Insane Craft

    1. The first thing that you need to do is obviously go to Youtube.
    2. When you are on the platform, go straight to the search bar that is located at the top of the page.
    3. You will have to type the keyword in the search bar. Since you already know the title of the video, you can just enter “how to defeat *op* infinity armor in insane craft (Minecraft).” Besides, you can also specify it by adding the uploader, Ssundee.
    4. Do not forget to press Enter after that so that the results can be shown.
    5. As there are some videos included in the results even if you already specified the keyword, please find the one that fits with the keyword and find the one uploaded by SSundee.
    6. Upon finding it, click it and the video will be played just like that.

At the beginning of the video, Ssundee says that he has two pieces of news. The first one is the bad news and the second one is the good news and he says that he will let the viewers know the bad news first. The bad news is that the sword of cosmos that is held by the character is going to be useless. As for the good news, a new mod has been added to the mod pack. According to him, the mod is beyond broken. This one is basically another level and even the Infinity Armor and Infinity Gauntlet cannot compare.

Ssundee then explains the new challenge in this mod. He hits a cow but it does not work. Then, he finds the second one, hits it, but unfortunately, it still does not work and then he makes some other attempts. There is a blue creature (the one that looks like a blue version of cow) shown on the screen after killing a cow. On the bottom of the screen, it is shown that his health is at 29 out of 29. The player then attacks that blue one and he gets Deviant Beef and Deviant Milk.

After getting these items, he then goes back to his base. Aside from this, he also needs the pickaxe. Shortly after that, he says that he needs to go to find some diamonds. To find these, he goes down underneath his house. He then puts on the Infinity Gauntlet. Next, he grabs the red duplicate and then starts duplicating diamonds. After that, he tries to use this pickaxe on the diamond but it does not work. When he makes another attempt to mine a diamond, he does it and gets a ton.

Once he is done with mining the diamonds, the next thing that Ssundee does is to find more cows, the deviant ones. When on his way looking for some Deviant Cows, he apparently dies because he is killed. Just like its name, this mod is really insane.

The story does not stop here. After getting killed, he starts out everything again by looking for some Deviant Cows. He says he needs to take out enderman and shulkers. Thanks to his effort, he then manages to collect a total of 12 beef, which should be good and it should be enough for him to stop hunting and go home.

With 12 additional beefs, everything that Ssundee needs is almost in his hand. He just needs to do some more stuffs. One of these stuffs is to make a portal to the end.

Do you want to know the next? If the answer to the question is yes, you can go to Youtube and watch the video by yourself. The steps to find and watch it have been given before. If you do not understand something, feel free to log in and leave a comment on the comment section under the video. While it is true that the chance of getting replied by Ssunde is low, you can still hope someone is kind enough to help you to answer the question. Apart from leaving a comment under the video, it may also be a good idea to seek help from the community.

In the world of Minecraft, the thing called Insane Craft is known as an insane modpack. This one is made by Spark Universe. For your information, Spark Universe refers to a team that consists of Ssundee, Sigils, Henwy, BiffleWiffle, and JeromeASF. These guys are not only the creators but also the ones who play it. Talking about its name, it is named Insane Craft Modpack due to the fact that InsaneCraft and Insane Craft are already taken.

In the mudpack called Insane Craft, there are a lot of insane things. It consists of a total of 250 mods. There are some classic and new mods. Some of these mods include Lucky Blocks, Animated Player Mod, AnimationAPI, Armourers Workshop, BackTools, BeeBarker, CodeChickenCore, CreativeCore, CustomMainMenu, Damage Indicators, Dark Core, Decocraft, Exotic Birds, Flans Mod, Hats, Hat Stand, IChunUtil, InventoryPets, Item Physics, Legends Core, Lucky Block ADDON – Block Night-2, M-Ore, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Mc Helicopters Mod, Mobius Core, Morph, Nei Addons- EX Nihilo, Not Enough Items, Origin, Pandora’s Box, PortalGun, RailCraft, Rei’s Minimap, Recourse Loader, Rival Rebels, Security Craft, Superheroes Mod Unlimited, Tardis Mod, The SecretRoomsMod, Transformers Mod, Weeping Angels, Youtuber Structers and Youtubers+. The pack includes free Magic Gauntlet cosmetic but not all the players are able to get it as the time is limited. The ultimate challenge of this is to get the Infinity Stones and become Thanos.

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