King’s Raid Tier List 2021

In King’s Raid game, there are two most notorious modes of play, they are PvE (Player versus Environment) and PvP (Player versus Player). The two modes here are meant as every game mode has a specific strategy for dominating your enemies.

Of course, each mode has a different list of characters that you can play in the game. Each tier list with unique characteristics can allow you to create any number of equipment configurations. The tier list of King’s Raid game that we’ll show below will help you to find an ideal character for each chance.

King's Raid Tier List 2021

With this guide, we also hope that you will know the quality and data which distinguish the heroes of King’s Raid in order to know them first before entering a world full of mysteries. Let’s see the King’s Raid tier list on our post below!

King’s Raid Tier List (PvE)

In this first list, we’ll show you the King’s Raid tier list for PvE. Noticing the PvE tier list below to get the best characters to perform missions and eliminate the bosses in the game. Here you go!

S – Tier

There are the best of the best characters that can let you tear the content of the game without any problem, pushing you to the very end. Here are the best heroes that you can use for PvE content in King’s Raid game:

Hero Role
Artemia AoE DPS
Erze AoE DPS
Zafir AoE DPS
Neraxis Tank
Cleo AoE DPS
Clause Tank and Debuffer
Glenwys Tank

A – Tier

These heroes below are very gorgeous that you can use in the game. They totally come with only one or two flaws which bar them from the S tier.

Hero Role
Loman Tank, Support, Healer
Jane Tank, Burst DPS
Mirianne DPS
Epis DPS
Luna DPS
Phillop Tank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer
Theo DPS, Debuffer, Buffer
Viska Burst DPS, Debuffer
Requina DPS, Blocker
Miruru Debuffer, AoE DPS
Lakrak Status Attack, AoE DPS
Rephy Cleanser, Healer
Mediana Healer, Support
Nyx AoE DPS, Dispeller
Maria Status Attack, Buffer

B – Tier

The heroes in Tier B can be categorized as the good heroes which have the potential to shine with a proper setup. Here are they:

Hero Role
Gau Tank, Status Attacker, Support
Priscilla DPS, Support
Chase DPS, Support
Ezekiel Debuffer, Breaker
Gladi DPS, Support
Arch DPS, Support, Breaker
Chrisha AoE DPS, Support
Annette Support
Pavel AoE DPS, Status Attack
Ophelia Burst DPS, Support
Laias Support, Healer
Juno Cleanser, Support
Frey Support, Tank

C – Tier

The heroes in C tier are in average level which will be fine to get them through the content but you will need more strategies on higher levels. Here are the average level heroes:

Hero Role
Aselica Support, Tank
Sonia Tank, Debuffer, Support
Naila DPS, Debuffer
Seria Breaker
Scarlet DPS, Cleanser, Dispeller
Tanya DPS, Status Attack, Dispeller
Reina DPS
Nia Breaker
Shamilla DPS, Support, Breaker
Selene DPS
Oddy Support
Kara Support
Lorraine AoE DPS, Status Attack
Lilia DPS, Support
Esker AoE DPS, Support
Shea Support
Lucias Support
Laudia DPS
Lavril Support, Healer
Kaulah Support, Debuffer, Status Attack

D – Tier

We think that the heroes in Tier D are dangerous which is close to falling off the game’s meta completely. Here are they:

Hero Role
Dosarta Tank
Morrah Tank, Support
Demia Tank
Kasel DPS, Debuffer
Dimael DPS
Rodina DPS
Veronica Support
Aisha DPS
May Support, Healer
Cassandra Support, Status Attack

F – Tier

The heroes in Tier F are currently the worst which perform in the game. They should be buffed significantly to be more precious.

Hero Role
Ricardo Tank, Status Attack
Fluss DPS
Yanne DPS
Mitra DPS
Crow AoE DPS
Lewisia DPS
Leo Support, Dispeller
Baudouin Support, Status Attack

The best hero in PvE mode is Artemia.

King’s Raid Tier List (PvP)

Once showing you the PvE mode, let’s get into the PvE rankings.

S – Tier

The heroes in Tier S are a must pick that you can put them on your team to perform in the game. Here are they:

Hero Role
Loman Tank, Support, Healer
Scarlet DPS, Cleanser, Dispeller
Mirianne DPS
Requina DPS, Blocker
Miruru Debuffer, AoE DPS
Pavel AoE DPS, Status Attack
Ophelia Burst DPS, Support
Rephy Cleanser, Healer

A – Tier

The characters in Tier A may not be the best of the best, but we think that they will be reliable to put on your team.

Hero Role
Demia Tank
Ricardo Tank, Status Attack
Chase DPS, Support
Fluss DPS
Dimael DPS
Nyx AoE DPS, Dispeller
Maria Status Attack, Buffer
Lucias Support
Juno Cleanser, Support
Cassandra Support, Status Attack

B – Tier

Here are the heroes in Tier B which are categorized as the good heroes:

Hero Role
Dosarta Tank
Gau Tank, Status Attacker, Support
Priscilla DPS, Support
Tanya DPS, Status Attack, Dispeller
Nia Breaker
Arch DPS, Support, Breaker
Zafir AoE DPS
Shamilla DPS, Support, Breaker
Lakrak Status Attack, AoE DPS
Lilia DPS, Support

C – Tier

Here are the average heroes level that you can put on your team:

Hero Role
Phillop Tank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer
Aselica Support, Tank
Kasel DPS, Debuffer
Naila DPS, Debuffer
Seria Breaker
Laudia DPS
Ezekiel Debuffer, Breaker
Erze AoE DPS
Epis DPS
Luna DPS
Kara Support
Rodina DPS
Oddy Support
Cleo AoE DPS
Shea Support
Kaulah Support, Debuffer, Status Attack

D – Tier

We think that the heroes in Tier D are very dangerous but they are still worth to put on your team. Here are they:

Hero Role
Jane Tank, Burst DPS
Neraxis Tank
Viska Burst DPS, Debuffer
Reina DPS
Gladi DPS, Support
Selene DPS
Yanne DPS
Crow AoE DPS
Chrisha AoE DPS, Support
Annette Support
Lorraine AoE DPS, Status Attack
Artemia AoE DPS
Aisha DPS
Frey Support, Tank

F – Tier

The heroes in Tier F are categorized as the worst heroes which can be the last option when you want to put them on your team. Here are they:

Hero Role
Clause Tank, Debuffer
Morrah Tank, Support
Glenwys Tank
Theo DPS, Debuffer, Buffer
Mitra DPS
Veronica Support
Lewisia DPS
Esker AoE DPS, Support
May Support, Healer
Lavril Support, Healer

The best hero in PvP mode is Loman.

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