How to Make Money in BitLife Without a Job

Is it possible to make money in BitLife without having a job? In real life, it is impossible, except if you are born in a very wealthy family. Now, how about in the BitLife game? The explanation about it is able to be checked below.

Making Money in BitLife Without a Job

In BitLife, if you want to make money, you must have a job. And even if you want to make a lot of money and be a rich person, you have to choose the best job that can give you a lot of money. However, if you do not want to have a job but you want to make money, the thing that you can do is to marry an old person who has a lot of money. You are able to find someone who is old and rich in the game by using the dating app in the game and then you can be rich without doing any jobs.

How to Make Money in BitLife Without a Job

Marrying someone rich and old seems an evil idea, but this is the thing that you can do in the game if you do not want to work, but you want to be rich or make money. However, this is only in the game. How to marry an old and rich person in the BitLife game?

According to the Pro Game Guides, if you want to marry someone who is old and rich, you have to make sure that you are over 18 years old and then you have to get a job of some kind and then begin hitting up the Dating App. For your information, it will cost you a bit of money every time you look for a person to date. You are able to make the desired age as high as it will go and put the highest desired income as well. And of course, you will need your character to have high looks to be able to do this thing.

Then, you need to look for high stats in Money and Craziness. Also, you want their smarts to be quite low. Let’s say that you are able to find someone like this. If so, you have to maximize the relationship stat with them and you may be able to elope with them. By doing it, you are able to bypass any talk of a prenup. After that, the thing that you have to do is to wait for them to die and inherit their money.

Once again, this is an evil way for making money without having to work even though it is only in the game. So, it is better for you to have a job to make money than doing this way. If you want to be rich, there are some jobs in the game that can make you rich. What jobs are there? You are able to check the explanation below.

However, before I give you the explanation about jobs with the highest paying in BitLife, there is another way that you can do to make money without a job in BitLife. The way is to be born from a royal family. If you are born in a royal family, you will get a lot of wealth so that you will be just rich by default and it is a nice way to live in the game. To be born in a royal family, you have to make sure that you are born in one of the countries that have royalty such as Japan, Belgium, Denmark, Jordan, Malaysia, Kuwait, Netherlands, Morocco, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.

Jobs with High Salary

There are a number of jobs with high salaries in BitLife and it may be able to make you rich. Here are some of the jobs according to the Pro Game Guides.

  • Celebrity

Becoming a celebrity is one of the jobs that can make you earn a lot of money and become rich. If being actor is your option, then you have to start it when you are young and you need to take acting lessons. After you master your acting skills, then you have to go to the Special Careers tab and then you have to start trying to get gigs as an actor. If you choose to be a singer, you have to take singing lessons, not acting lessons. After you can sing well, then you have to try getting gigs as a singer via the Musician tab that you are able to find under Special Careers.

  • Athlete

Another job that can make you earn a lot of money is Athlete. If you want to be an athlete in this game, you need to have a high athletic stat where it can be reached by going on walks and taking up martial arts in your younger years. It must be continued until you hit High School. And then, you have to join the sport that you want. After you graduate, then you have to go to college and try to get drafted. Alternatively, you are able to get out of High School and try out for a team. You are able to make quite a bit of money in case you are in one of the top positions on your team and usually you will get a big contract after you are out of your rookie seasons.

  • Doctor

Becoming a doctor can make you earn a lot of money. If you want to be a doctor, you will have to do very well in school and then you have to go to Medical School. You have to note that it will take a long time to complete the process. However, after you make it, you are able to be paid very well and even finally you are able to get to Brain Surgeon where this job is the highest paying career in this path.

That’s all some jobs with the highest paying. If you want to make a lot of money from your job, you are able to choose one of these jobs in BitLife.

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