How to Achieve a 5000 Year Generation BitLife

In the game known as BitLife, there are a lot of achievements. In this game, achievements refer to special rewards for completing tasks. Keep in mind that it is only possible for them to be unlocked once. There is no need for them to be completed in one lifetime, unless the achievement says so. Talking about achievements, some of them are easy to achieve while some others are not and appear randomly.

As of June 29, 2022, BitLife has a total of 189 achievements to unlock and they are all included in 24 different categories. One of the achievements that the game has is called Living Legacy. What is the achievement called Living Legacy?

How to Achieve a 5000 Year Generation BitLife

Living Legacy achievement is described as achieving a 5000-year generation. How do you achieve a 5000 year generation in this game? In order to achieve a 5000 year generation in this game, you will need to have generations that add up to more than 5000 years. For those who have no idea about generations in this game, you can check out the brief information about them below.

Generations are the name of a new update in BitLife. They show up in the iOS version of the game. They made their debut in March 2019. As for the Android version, they also made their debut in the same year. However, instead of March, they did it in December. If the character that you play in the game is a Bitizen, they may have unlimited generations. If not, they may only do this once.

After the life that you have in the past dies, it is possible for any kids in that life to go to the bathroom and it is also possible for you to play as them. In a new generation, the life of a character starts with how the character of the previous generation died and what they got as an inheritance. The character that you play as will share the same age as they were when their parents died. A few countries in the game have a rule that an estate tax will be paid to the government of the country, resulting in the amount of money inherited to be lowered. Not only money, the new generation will also get Heirlooms. If a character in the new generation is a juvenile, they will get any houses or cars that belonged to the previous generation auctioned off due to their age. However, they are able to keep all the profits from the items that are auctioned. Besides, they will still be able to hold any heirlooms from the past generations. In a Will/Testament of a character, it is possible for them to choose to give everything up to a child and it is still possible for the player to play as that child and get all the inheritance. The same thing applies if there were an only child. If the character in the game has brothers or sisters, the will was split evenly. It means the inheritance will be shared evenly by the siblings and you will get a fraction of the inheritance. The amount of the thing that they will get depends on how many siblings that they have.

Talking about generations in BitLife, it is worth noting that they cannot be played with as a spouse. It is a must for your new generation to be any of the living children your character has. However, it is possible for generations to be played as an adopted child or step-child as long as your character had any.

Back to Living Legacy achievement which can be achieved by having generations that adds up to more than 5000 years. Apparently, this achievement is included in the Longevity category. Aside from this achievement, there are some other achievements included in the same categories. These achievements include:

    • Achievement: Complete a Life
      Description: Complete a full Bitlife life from start to finish.
    • Achievement: Octogenarian
      Description: Live long enough to see your 80th birthday.
    • Achievement: Nonagenarian
      Description: Live long enough to see your 90th birthday.
    • Achievement: Centenarian
      Description: Live to see your 100th birthday.
    • Achievement: Super Centenarian
      Description: Live to see your 110th birthday.
    • Achievement: Mega Centenarian
      Description: Live to see your 120th birthday.
    • Achievement: Strone Genes
      Description: Achieve a 500 year generation.
    • Achievement: Long Lineage
      Description: Achieve a 1000 year generation.
      If you also want to know the achievements in BitLife in the other categories, some of them include:
    • Achievement: Chipping In
      Description: Acquire a Semiconductor company to complete this achievement.
    • Achievement: Expansion
      Description: Lead a company with 100+ facilities
    • Achievement: Feeding Families
      Description: Lead a company with 1k+ employees
    • Achievement: It’s All Yours
      Description: Get offered a CEO position.
    • Achievement: Lawsuit & Tie
      Description: Get sued by an employee.
    • Achievement: Meals on Wheels
      Description: Start a Foodtruck company.
    • Achievement: Now Buy Twitter
      Description: Introduce a new electric car.
    • Achievement: Phlegmpoloyee
      Description: Spit at an employee
    • Achievement: Taco Tuesday!
      Description: Bring your team tacos on Tuesday.
    • Achievement: Escape Artist
      Description: Escape from your first prison.
    • Achievement: Instigator
      Description: Start a Prison Riot.
    • Achievement: Justice
      Description: Get freed from prison by appeal.
    • Achievement: Midnight Express
      Description: Get sentenced to a Turkish prison.
    • Achievement: Behind Bars
      Description: Spend 50 years in prison.
    • Achievement: Cry Baby
      Description: Cry in prison once.
    • Achievement: True Lifer
      Description: Spend 75 years behind bars, you stand-up guy.
    • Achievement: Theseus
      Description: Escape a supermax prison.
    • Achievement: Gangtsa
      Description: Join your first prison gang.
    • Achievement: Aftermath
      Description: Escape prison in a riot.
    • Achievement: Inmating
      Description: Get a lover pregnant during a conjugal visit.
    • Achievement: Mercy Me
      Description: Get granted clemency.
    • Achievement: Executioner
      Description: Execute 20 people as a monarch.
    • Achievement: Markle
      Description: Marry into the British royal family.
    • Achievement: Monarch
      Description: Become a Monarch.
    • Achievement: Napoleon
      Description: Get exiled to a distant land
    • Achievement: Reign Over Us
      Description: Reign as a monarch for 100 years.
    • Achievement: Millionaire
      Description: Become a millionaire.
    • Achievement: My Second Million
      Description: Achieve a net worth of $2m.

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