How to Increase Luck in BitLife

In BitLife, the main way you can win the lottery is by relying on luck. By the way, how to increase luck in BitLife? If you really want to know the way to increase luck in BitLife, you are able to read this entire article. Here we are going to share what you can do to increase luck in BitLife.

Increase Luck in BitLife – Here’s Way

For those who are trying to win the lottery in BitLife, we are sure that you will want to know how to increase luck in BitLife so that you are going to win the lottery. Luck is one of the requirements to win the lottery in BitLife. So, make sure you have some luck. The more you get, the better your opportunities are of winning.

For your information, you are able to increase luck in BitLife by doing some particular tasks such as:

    • Going on a roller coaster.
    • Studying philosophy.

So, when you want to try winning the lottery in BitLife, you have to remember it.

Benefits of Winning the Lottery in BitLife

BitLife is all about money. Of course, winning the lottery in BitLife will make you richer.

Here are some benefits of winning the lottery in BitLife:

    • You will be able to purchase everything. You are able to live out your dream life by simply buying it.
    • You will be able to achieve anything. If you have money, there is nothing that you cannot do. BitLife will also remind you of this.
    • Your friends will like to hang out with rich people. This one must be obvious, but mostly because we believe it makes sense. You do not become someone’s friend only because you have money, however, it surely does help.
    • The people around you will be more polite. This is a good benefit to your social life in BitLife. Of course, you do not need the lottery to win this one, only being rich can be enough. If someone is rude towards their superiors, then they typically get punished.
    • You are able to travel the world. Money is the only thing you require to do this. If we are talking about winning big money, BitLife gives you more than enough of it. Winning the lottery in BitLife means that your BitLife bank account is bursting with cash. Also, it means that all of your needs are met.
    • When you become rich in BitLife, then it is time to start living large. You will need to do this if you want to fulfil all your dreams.

Winning the Lottery in BitLife – Here’s Way

How to Increase Luck in BitLife

Here are some ways to win the lottery in BitLife:

Way 1: Purchasing Tickets

Surely, the most obvious way to win the lottery in BitLife is by purchasing the lottery tickets over and over. After you have enough money for at least one lottery ticket, then you have to go to the lottery machine and then select “buy tickets”. After that, you have to select how many tickets you want. We suggest you purchase ten lottery tickets. Lastly, you can only wait until your number of lottery tickets gets called.

Way 2: Random Chance

Another way to win the lottery in the game of BitLife is by random chance. Yeah, it will never be guaranteed, but it will give you a high opportunity of winning the lottery. In BitLife, every time you age up, then there might be some text on the background under your current year that says that a fortune cookie told me to play the lottery. When this occurs, then you will be able to go ahead and play your ten lottery tickets. You are going to have a big chance to win the lottery.

Way 3: Win the Lottery in BitLife Using a Trick

The next way to win the lottery in the game of BitLife is by using a trick. If you go to the settings on your mobile phone and switch notification from “BitLife alerts” to “everything else”, then BitLife will send you notifications every time it is relevant. Every day at several points, there might be an alert that says you received a lottery tip. You are able to check out the machine in town hall. When you get this notification, then you will be able to go to BitLife and purchase 10 lottery tickets with it. The chances are high that one of your lottery tickets will be a winner. Thus, you do not miss your opportunity of winning the lottery.

Way 4: Very Special Trick

The last way you are able to do for winning the lottery in BitLife is by using a very special trick. It will need some luck. But if we are talking about winning big money easily, this last way definitely takes the top spot. When your age is up in the game of BitLife, and you get an alert that says that your Lucky Dice Heirloom has been inherited, then you will be able to go to your Assets area and choose it. You will be able to play with the dice if you want. When you are done playing with them, simply you are able to go ahead and buy several lottery tickets. If one of your lottery tickets is a winner, then you are going to win yourself the jackpot.

About Lottery in BitLife

In BitLife, a lottery is an activity where the player can purchase a ticket or 10 tickets to win a lottery jackpot prize. The prize will be shown before purchasing the lottery tickets and is random, at least 6 figures. An achievement will be able to be unlocked if the player wins the lottery jackpot. Winning the lottery is extremely rare, it does not vary by nation. However, all nations allow it, unlike nations which ban gambling. Sometimes, a popup in Notifications is going to say that this is a good time to play the lottery and can automatically win your character the jackpot if they purchase a lottery ticket.

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