How to Get a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft with Commands

Since a blue Axolotl is the rarest Axolotl in Minecraft, it may encourage you to perform some extra ways to get it. It is known that there are a bunch of ways that you can take to get a Blue Axolotl. One of the ways to get a blue axolotl is by using commands.

Getting a blue Axolotl with command can be an alternative way when you spend hours to find it, but it’s nihil. So, what is the command to get a blue axolotl? If you’re really interested to get a blue axolotl with command, you can find it in our post below!

How to Get a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft with Commands

Here’s the Command to Get a Blue Axolotl!

The command that you can use to spawn a blue axolotl is

    • ‘/summon minecraft:axolotl ~ ~ ~ {Variant:4}’ (For Java Edition)
    • ‘/summon axolotl ~ ~ ~ minecraft:entity_born’ (For Bedrock Edition)

Even though the syntax is a bit different between Minecraft versions, a command to get a blue axolotl actually exists in both Bedrock and Java editions. Before you can enter the command, you may have to make sure that their Minecraft world has cheats enabled.

However, it can be obtained in a few ways depending on whether you are playing Bedrock Edition or Java Edition. If you are on a multiplayer server, you will have to ensure that they have operator privileges or have been given the ability to use console commands on a given server.

Here’s how to use commands to spawn a blue axolotl!

Bedrock Edition

    • First, you need to open the in-game pause menu. Then, choose ‘Settings’.
    • You can then scroll down the right side of the window in the Settings menu until you find a slider that is labeled ‘Activate Cheats’.
    • You have to activate the slider that will turn it green and require that you cannot earn achievements/ trophies while cheats are active. Sure, you need to accept  those conditions and proceed.
    • You can now open your chat window and enter the commands.
    • After you have enabled your cheats, you need to enter the command that we’ve shown above in your chat windows.

Java Edition

    • First, choose the ‘Open to LAN’ option in the in-game pause menu if you have not already.
    • On the next menu, you need to ensure that cheats have been activated.
    • After that, you can choose the ‘Start LAN world’ option.
    • If you are within the single player/LAN world, sure you will now have access to commands that are placed in the chat.

It’s a great time for you to enter the command to get a blue axolotl.

How to Get a Blue Axolotl Through Breeding?

As getting a blue axolotl in the wild is very difficult, instead you can get it through the breeding process. Breeding is not as easy as you may think in your mind, as you have to get two adult axolotls and lead them to produce  a baby axolotl. That’s such a real problem in the breeding of Axolotl.

In other words, you may need 1200 times to get a single blue axolotl through breeding. Before you breed them, you must have many buckets of tropical fish to feed Axolotls. As a clue, you can find tropical fish in the warm ocean and lukewarm ocean biomes. In the case of finding tropical fish, you may have to bring shulker boxes or breed Axolotls near those biomes, since buckets of tropical fish cannot be stacked.

To breed a blue axolotl, you have to find two Axolotls. After finding them, you must lead them near each other. Make sure to feed each of them with a bucket of tropical fish to let them enter ‘Love Mode’.

After they are in the Love Mode, they will breed with one another to produce a baby Axolotl. For more information, this breeding process is the same as when you breed other animals in Minecraft such as Foxes.

A baby axolotl that is in the stage of growth will follow their parent until they are fully grown. It really occurs 20 minutes after birth. You can also feed the baby with more buckets of tropical fish to speed up its journey to adulthood.

You may need to approach an Axolotl and lead it in a direction to help you obtain both Axolotls In the same place which are ready for breeding. When you lead them to the same place for breeding, make sure you are holding a bucket of tropical fish in your hand. So, it will make it easier for you to let them breed.

A baby Axolotl will spawn after breeding and around 1-7 experiences will be generated. In Java Edition, the adult Axolotls cannot be bred for 5 minutes, while in Bedrock Edition, the adult Axolotls that have bred cannot breed again for 5 minutes.

The baby Axolotl will have a 1/1200 chance to be the blue axolotl, so that’s why breeding Axolotls can be a great way to get a blue axolotl. However, the baby axolotls will inherit the color of one parent randomly.The growth of baby Axolotls can be accelerated with buckets of tropical fish where each usage will reduce the remaining growing time by 10%.

What Are Axolotls in Minecraft?

Axolotls are the new aquatic mobs that commonly will spawn in the rivers of the lush caves. When you click on it with a water bucket, it will generate a bucket of Axolotls. These mobs have been introduced in the Caves and Cliffs update with two separate parts, along with a number of cool items, new blocks and more.

The Axolotls has a bunch of color variations that are divided into three rarities including Common, Rare and Previous/ Unreleased rarity. The color variations of Axolotls include Leucistic, wild, gold, cyan and blue.

For more information, when Axolotls die, they will drop the experience orbs, as of this writing. If you want to prove what things will be dropped by Axolotls, you can try to kill them and see if you get the experience orbs or not.

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