How to Fix SU-41350-3 PS4 Error Code [SOLVED]

When you try to update the PS4 system software, you may receive an error message with the code number SU-41350-3. It means the PS4 system fails to find or recognize the appropriate update file to complete the process. The message shows up with the safe mode when you restart the PS4 during the update process. Here are some fixes that you can try.

Fix 1: Make sure the USB drive is formatted to FAT32 or exFAT

The SU-41350-3 error is caused by an incorrectly formatted USB drive. It means the quickest and the easiest method is to format the USB drive to FAT32 or exFAT. There are two useful tools that you can use to format, those include Disk Management and MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Edition.

Disk Management refers to a small tool in the computer that you can use to perform some partition operations. To format the USB drive to exFAT with this tool, please follow these steps:

  • First thing first, connect the USB drive to the computer.
  • Then, right click the Start button and choose Disk Management from the context menu.
  • Next, choose the USB drive in the Disk Management window, right click it and choose the Format option.

choose the Format option.

  • In this step, you can choose the exFAT from the drop down menu and click OK. When it is done, you will get a message and you will need to confirm this operation by pressing OK.

choose the exFAT

  • Lastly, reconnect the USB to the PS4 and check if the issue is gone.

MiniTool Partition Wizard offers an effective format method. This one has a lot of incredible features such as data recovery, clone disk, convert MBR to GPT disk, and so on. You can use the free edition of the tool if you want to format the USB drive easily. Please install the tool on the computer and then follow these following steps:

  • The first thing that you will need to do to install the MiniTool Partition Wizard on your computer is to connect the USB drive to the computer and launch the software to get to the main interface.
  • When you are in the main interface, choose the USB drive from the listed drives and click on the Format Partition feature on the left pane.
  • Choose the FAT32 or exFAT file system in the format window and press Ok to go on.
  • After that, click Apply in order to execute. You can restart the PS4 and check if the error is solved.

click Apply in order to execute

Fix 2: Update the PS4 system software using the formatted USB drive

First and foremost, the PS4 system software can be updated using the USB drive that you just formatted to FAT32 or exFAT. Here is everything that you will need to do if you want to update the system software with the USB drive.

  • First of all, connect the USB drive into the computer, click the USB, and make a new folder named PS4 in it. Open the folder and recreate a new one named UPDATE in it.

named UPDATE in it

  • Visit the PS4 System Software Update page and download the newest version to the formatted USB drive. Please click on the Agree and Download Now button.

click on the Agree and Download Now button

  • Save the PS4 software update file to the UPDATE folder. This time, the name of the file should be PS4UPDATE.PUP.


  • Next, connect the USB drive to the PS4 console and follow this following guide.
  • Press the Up and D-pad in the Home screen of PS4 to enter the Function menu. You will then have to go to the Settings icon and press the X button to open it.

in the Home screen of PS4 to enter the Function menu

  • Choose the System Software Update option in the Settings and press X button again.

Choose the System Software Update

  • Please read the System Software License Agreement and choose Accept and press the X button. wait until the installation is done.

Fix 3: Update the PS4 system software in the safe mode

As the alternative, the system software is able to be updated by using the USB flash drive. The method to download the update file has been explained before. After you have saved the PS4UPDATE.PUP file in the USB drive, please follow these following steps to complete the installation.

  • Firstly, enter the safe Mode. Please hold on the Power console button or seven consoles in order to make sure that the PS4 is shut down completely.
  • After you have turned the PS4 system off, hold the Power button for the second time until the beep sound can be heard. Now, it is time for you to connect the DS4 with the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller to access the Safe Mode.
  • Choose the option called Initialize Ps4 (Reinstall System Software).

Reinstall System Software

  • When you are in the new window, you will need to choose the Update from the USB Storage Device and click OK. Do not forget to follow the on screen guide to complete the installation process.

Fix 4: Check the storage device for errors

If all the solutions above are not working and the error is still there, you are highly recommended to check if there are any bad sectors on the USB storage device, which can also be the culprit of the PS4 error. Here there is a thing called the MiniTool Partition Wizard that you can choose to check it. This one is really simple to operate. You will only need to perform two steps. The first one is to choose the USB drive and click on the Surface Test feature on the left panel. The second one is to click on the Start Now button in the pop up window. Doing so will make the tool scan the USB automatically. If you see a lot of blocks marked with the red color, it means you will need to consider using another USB flash drive. On the other, you can take measures to shield the bad sectors if there are not so many of them on the USB drive.

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