How to Become a Famous Runway Model in BitLife

One of the jobs in BitLife is a runway model. If you want to have this job, there are a series of things that you have to do so that you are able to achieve this job. You can read the explanation about being a runway model in BitLife below.

The Requirement of Becoming a Runway Model

According to the Ofzen and Computing site, here are the requirements for becoming a runway model in BitLife.

    • You have to graduate high school to give you a head start in the industry.
    • You must have high looks stat. It is because you must be attractive for having your career as a model. If you want to increase your looks, you have to go to the gym or you can go for walks. Even your character can do plastic surgery if you feel your character does not improve the look in the game.

How to Become a Famous Runway Model in BitLife

The Steps to Be a Model in BitLife

According to the Ofzen and Computing site, here are the steps that you have to do to be a model in BitLife.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to make sure that your character has an ideal body which is appropriate with the industry standards.
    • You must have a high look stat. It is important for you to note that all of your other stats will depend on how good looking you are. So, you must be able to update it regularly.
    • When you are old enough, you have to go to the gym and start walking. By doing these activities, it can increase your looks.
    • After you get out of school and you get into adulthood, you have to find a job. Here, you have to find a foot model career. It is one of the most difficult ones to obtain in this game, so you have to travel around quite a bit with it.
    • Let’s say that you do not see any jobs available. If so, you can age up or exit out of your app so that all of the jobs are refreshed.
    • You have to make sure that you choose the hard work option when you are applying for jobs. It is done to increase your career performance.
    • After you are able to start working as a foot model, then you have to make sure to check out all of the different types of shoots so that you are able to get used to different things. So, it will be easier for you to be a hand model and so on.
    • After you become a foot model, then you have to be a hand model. If you have obtained this point, you are able to take some time off of work so your performance is able to go up and you will be more in demand.
    • After enough time has passed, then you will get an offer from one of the big fashion brands and then you will be made into a catalog model.
    • If you have become a catalog model, then you are able to be a lingerie model before you become a runway model.
    • After you reach the top of your modelling career, you will finally be a supermodel and get your success.
    • For the most part, you have to be patient if you want to be a supermodel in this game, because it is all about luck and you have to wait for the chance to come to you.

That’s all the steps that you have to take if you want to be a runway model according to the Ofzen and Computing site. However, there is no information about being famous one. Nevertheless, according to the Attack Of The Fan Boy site, after you are hired as a Runway Model, fame will come naturally.

Besides, it is important for you to note that it is just a game. As you know in the step above, there is a phase where you have to be a lingerie model. Don’t do it in real life. And even it is better if you do not play this job in this game. You can choose any other useful jobs in the game.

Model Agency Jobs in BitLife

In BitLife, Runway model is a job which is categorized into model agency jobs. According to the Bit Life Simulator wiki, here are jobs in the game which are included in the Model Agency.

    • Foot Model
      After you reach this job, you will be promoted to Hand Model.
    • Hand Model
      After you reach this job, you will be promoted to Catalog Model. The work experience that you must have is Foot Model.
    • Catalog Model
      After you reach Catalog Model, you will be promoted to Lingerie Model. The work experience that you must have is Hand Model.
    • Lingerie Model
      After you reach Lingerie Model, you will be promoted to Runway model and the work experience that you must have is Catalog Model.
    • Runway Model
      The work experience that you must have to be a runway model is a lingerie model.

Some Other Jobs in BitLife

In BitLife, there are a lot of jobs that you are able to choose from and here are some of them.

    • Pilot
      If a pilot job has been reached, you can be promoted to be a Chief Pilot.
    • Jr. Flight Attendant
      If you have reached this job, you will be promoted to Flight Attendant. The education requirement is Upper Secondary School and the average starting salary of this job is around $22,979.
    • Veterinarian
      If you have reached this job, you will be promoted to Sr. Veterinarian. The average starting salary of this job is $17,855.
    • Clinical Nurse Specialist
      The education that you need is nursing school and the work experience is advanced clinician. The average starting salary is $79,164.
    • Brain Surgeon
      The required education is Medical School and the average starting salary is $175,000.
    • Associate Chief Justice
      You will be promoted to be Chef Justice and the required education is Law School and the work experience is District Court Judge.
    • Teacher
      If you become a teacher, you will be promoted to be a tech teacher. The required education is University.
    • Restaurant Manager
      If you become a restaurant manager, you will be promoted to be a General Manager. The work experience that you need to have is Shift Manager.

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