Harvest Fruits and Vegetables Fortnite Locations

Apparently, there are seven new challenges that the players can complete in Fortnite chapter 2 Season 5 week 14. One of challenges requires the players to harvest fruits and veggies from around the map. But, it is not as easy as it seems. Some challenges from earlier this season have required the players to eat specific types of fruit or vegetables, but now the players have to find the food that they can harvest manually.

This challenge has the players visiting different regions to harvest fruits and vegetables. It is a week where the players are not forced to interact with opposing players, instead are needed to cruise around The Island for XP. Although these challenges are pretty easy, the players only have a limited amount of time left before the season ends. Here is where the players can harvest fruits and vegetables in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 Week 14.

Harvest Fruits and Vegetables Fortnite Locations

Fortnite Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting Locations

There are some locations on Fortnite’s map where the players are able to find fruits and vegetables to harvest. The difference between this challenge and previous food-related challenges is that the players have to forage wild foods instead of food which can be found in food boxes. The forest surrounding Weeping Woods is filled with blue mushrooms that the players can collect. Need to know that Pleasant Park has some houses with Cabbage planters outside which the players can harvest. Please look throughout the neighborhood, and you are going to find that some of the houses have cabbage patches. Simply, you are able to interact with them to collect each planted head.

Here are a few cabbage boxes you are able to use:

  • Location 1

You can find cabbage in the northwest side of Holly behind a blue house.

find cabbage in the northwest side of Holly

  • Location 2

A cabbage can be found in the Northeast of the previous location, behind a yellow house with a basketball hoop.

A cabbage can be found in the Northeast

  • Location 3

Behind a stone house with a basketball hoop exactly in the southeast section of Holly Hedges, you can find cabbage box. You have to collect eight cabbages to complete this challenge, that should be very possible from these three spots as long as you land here early. However there are some additional places worth investigating if these do not work out.

Behind a stone house with a basketball hoop in the southeast section of Holly Hedges.

  • Location 4

North of the Orchard you are going to find another cabbage patch to gather from.

North of the Orchard

  • Location 5

It is not as clearly marked, but there are some small cabbage patches discovered south of the Orchard as well, next to some sheds.

It is not as clearly marked

  • Location 6

Also, you are able to try harvesting fruit from the Orchard if you like. Please hit the apple trees with your Pickaxe and grab anything that falls.

arvesting fruit from the Orchard if you like

  • Location 7

If cabbage or apples are not your thing, then you are able to travel southeast of the previous location to reap from these cornfields. Please collect corn by whacking the stalks with your Pickaxe and then picking up the vegetables that fall to the ground.

 collect corn

The Orchard is a landmark which has a cabbage patch and an apple orchard making it one of the best places to land to complete this challenge easily and quickly. Steel Farm has cornfields that the players can break to harvest corn.

To complete this challenge, the players have to pick up eight fruits and/or vegetables. Again, the Orchard is a good place to visit as its abundance of food and it is not a high traffic area for players. Dropping here, easily the players are able to complete this challenge in one match. After collecting eight fruits and/or vegetables, the challenge will be completed and the players will get 20k experience points. This will make them one step closer to Battle Pass tier 100 or unlocking the Zero Point skin variants for the Battle Pass skins.

Other Fortnite Foraged Item locations

Other Fortnite Foraged Item locations

Fortnite foraged items are an easy way to give yourself a little health or shield boost, by harvesting fruits and vegetables you discover around the island. There was a time when you had to consume these foraged items where you found them or leave them behind, but now you are able to collect them up to save in your inventory for use later on. This is very useful because although the individual fruits and vegetables only provide a small benefit, you are able to take stacks of up to 15 of each item to give comparable healing or shielding to other Fortnite resources such as bandages and shield potions. When you want to harvest fruits and vegetables for one of the Fortnite quests, or you are only looking to quickly bolster your health and shield, we have got details on where to go to discover Fortnite foraged items.

Apples (+5 health. It cannot consume when health is at 100)

The locations:

  • Fortnite Orchard (north of Colossal Coliseum).
  • West of Salty Towers.

Cabbages (+10 health. It cannot consume when health is at 100).

The locations:

  • Holly Hedges.
  • Sunflower’s Farm (north of Colossal Coliseum).
  • Retail Row.

Corn (+10 health. It cannot consume when health is at 100).

The locations:

  • Steel Farm (east of Colossal Coliseum).
  • Camp Cod (south of Catty Corner).

Mushrooms (+5 shield. It cannot consume when shield is at 100).

The locations:

  • Weeping Woods.
  • West of Slurpy Swamp.

Slurpshrooms (+10 health or shield. It cannot consume when both are at 100).

The locations:

  • Slurpy Swamp.
  • South east of Slurpy Swamp.

Coconuts (+5 health or shield. It cannot consume when both are at 100).

The locations:

  • Coral Cove (west of Coral Castle).
  • Sharky Shell (north of Coral Castle).
  • Sweaty Sands.

Bananas (+5 health. It cannot consume when health is at 100).

The locations:

  • Coral Cove (west of Coral Castle).
  • Sharky Shell (north of Coral Castle).

Noms Boxes (contain many Fortnite foraged items).

The locations:

  • Sweaty Sands.
  • Holly Hedges.
  • The Durrr Burger (south of Holly Hedges).
  • Hunter’s Haven.
  • Misty Meadows.
  • Catty Corner.
  • The Orchard (north of Colossal Coliseum).

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