Destiny 2 Witch Queen Campaign Length

If you have a plan to take the Witch Queen campaign, you may wonder how long you will spend your time to complete all the missions. It is known that the Witch Queen campaign is one of the longest campaigns in Destiny 2. If so, how many hours that you need to spend.

To know the length of the Witch Queen campaign, it would be better for you to try completing all the missions for the Witch Queen campaign. But, if you want to know the length of the Witch Queen campaign first before taking them, you can dive into our post to find out this information.

Destiny 2 Witch Queen Campaign Length

How Long Does the Witch Queen Campaign Take to Complete?

As we’ve mentioned, the Witch Queen campaign is a very long campaign in Destiny’s history. Well, talking about  how many hours you will spend to complete the Witch Queen campaign depends on how good you are in the game and how low or high your power level is.

On average, the players will spend about 5 to 8 hours to complete the Witch Queen campaign. When your power level is low, the campaign may take a bit longer, but you can still complete the campaign.

According to HowLongToBeat, the original campaign might last 12 hours to complete. However, a lot of proof found the Witch Queen campaign is a little shorter than the original Destiny 2 campaign.

Unfortunately, that is not quite as simple as that, as the Witch Queen campaign actually offers two difficulties: Classic and Legendary. It is known that the Classic is not too challenging, as you can complete the mission in about 7 to 9 hours.

Meanwhile, the Legendary is a different story where the missions will take more than one hour to complete. Many players expect that the campaign will take you up to 10 – 12 hours on Legendary difficulty. It will be if you’re equipped and experienced enough to handle it. Most players can manage it in around 10 hours to complete.

How Many Missions Are in the Witch Queen Campaign?

The Witch Queen campaign has 8 missions with a variety of length. This campaign aims to defeat Savathun, the Witch Queen. Each mission for the Witch Queen will take more than one hour to complete, since this campaign has very long missions.

The good news! The Witch Queen campaign  can be completed whenever you want, meaning  you can play the quests back anytime. If you want to complete the Witch Queen campaign,  all you have to do is to go to Savathun’s Throne World on your Director and select the quest and difficulty located at the bottom of the map.

In the Witch Queen campaign, you may  open more story content after completing  the game, from exotic quests, post-story revelations, and various investigations to solve. Here are the eight missions that you should complete for the Witch Queen campaign:

    1. The Arrival
    2. The Investigation
    3. The Ghost
    4. The Communion
    5. The Mirror
    6. The Cunning
    7. The Last Chance
    8. The Ritual

For more information, each mission of the campaign has a sizable area, as a space for the players to defeat the enemies. As we’ve mentioned, the Witch Queen campaign has two level difficulties, including Classic and Legendary.

If you take the Classic campaign, it will likely spend roughly 6 to 8 eight hours for an average Destiny vet. Each quest contains the content that will stay identical between the Classic difficulty and the Legendary difficulty. In this case, you may also pass difficulty modifiers into the mix for a greater challenge.

If you are looking for a smoother experience, you will want to stick with Classic. But if you are interested in higher risks and more rewards to gain, you will be better to take the Legendary campaign to complete.

How to Access the Witch Queen in Destiny 2?

Since the Witch Queen is a paid expansion, you may need to spend about $39.99 for Standard Edition and about $79.99 for Deluxe Edition to access the Witch Queen in Destiny 2.

If you take the Standard Edition, you will get access to the Witch Queen Campaign, Exotic Weapons and Armor, as well as a new Raid. While if you take the Deluxe Edition, you will get access to the Witch Queen campaigns, Exotic Armor, Exotic Weapons, a new raid, Ornament, Catalyst, the Osteo Striga Exotic SMG, as well as getting access to all four seasons that are available during Year 5 including:

    • Season of the Risen (Season 16)
    • Season 17
    • Season 18
    • Season 19

The Deluxe Edition also offers access to two Dungeons which will be released during Year 5 and an exclusive Throne World Sparrow. Additionally, you will be able to play the Introductory mission for free and also get access to Weapon Crafting feature without purchasing the expansion.

Here are some features available in the Witch Queen update:

    • The Witch Queen Campaign
    • Savathûn’s Throne World
    • Lucent Brood
    • The Relic
    • Glaive
    • Wellspring
    • Void 3.0
    • Raid – Vow of the Disciple*

What Power Level Do You Have to Start the Witch Queen Campaign?

The recommended Power Level to start the Witch Queen campaign is 1360, as all Guardians will start at the same Power Level of 1350 whether they are new players or returning players. In other words, you can jump right into the Witch Queen without having to grind levels or chase specific armor or weapons.

As with each expansion, the Power Level has been increased for the start of Year 5, here they are:

    • Power Floor – 1350: This is the lowest possible Power Level
    • Soft Cap – 1500: This is the level at which normal gear drops stop raising your Power Level
    • Power Cap – 1550: This is the level at which Powerful gear drops stop raising  your Power Level
    • Hard Cap – 1560: This is the current Power level cap for The Witch Queen/Season of the Risen

If you want to continue increasing your Power Level, you may need to focus on activities that reward the correct type of loot such as Powerful and Pinnacle activities when applicable.

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