Destiny Xur Time Schedule (What Time Does Xur Appear)

Xur is a mysterious vendor in the game of Destiny 2. As we know, he sells exotic armor, exotic weapons, and an exotic engram in Destiny 2. By the way, what time does Xur appear? To find out that great information, you are able to read this entire article. Here we are going to talk about Xur’s time schedule in Destiny 2.

What Time Does Xur Appear?

Need to know that Xur appears every Friday at 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT. He will stick around until the Tuesday reset. Usually, Xur will appear in the public sector of any of the four worlds: European Dead Zone (EDZ), Titan, IO, and Nessus or in the Tower. After you know Xur’s time schedule, then you should know some locations where Xur always appears, as well which are the best items he sells this week.

Destiny Xur Time Schedule (What Time Does Xur Appear)

Today, we are in Beyond Light territory, however Xur’s first appearances have been at the usual spots. Thus, probably do not expect too many surprises from the merchant in the new year of Destiny content.

According to research, this week, Xur is is selling:

    • Sunshot (Energy hand cannon): For 29 Legendary Shards
    • Hawkmoon (Primary hand cannon): For 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher, 1 Ascendant Shard
    • Dead Man’s Tale (Primary scout rifle): For 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher, 1 Ascendant Shard
    • Lucky Pants (Hunter leg armour): For 23 Legendary Shards
    • Doom Fang Pauldron (Titan gauntlets): For 23 Legendary Shards
    • Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Warlock helmet): For 23 Legendary Shards

How to Find Xur in Destiny 2?

Xur sells strange weapons and armor to the Guardians. In Destiny2, Xur likes to switch his location every week. Usually, Xur is going to appear in the public sector of any of the four worlds: European Dead Zone (EDZ), Titan, IO, and Nessus or in the Tower. Below, we are going to explain those locations.

    • Social-Hangar on Tower
      To find Xur in Destiny 2, you are able to spawn directly on Tower. Then, go towards the left to the Hangar. Next, you need to take a left from the Hangar. There you are going to discover a stairway. Here, you will be able to discover Xur, a vendor of Destiny 2.
    • Winding Cove on EDZ
      Some people say that this is a tricky location to reach. You have to spawn right into Winding Cove on the European Dead Zone (EDZ). Then, you are able to go straight towards the location. You are able to find Xur standing above you on the edge of a cliff. We think that this location is easy to spot because there will be the players around him most of the time.
    • Tree on Watchers Grave at Nessus
      You have to know that Watcher’s Grave is a spawn point located at Nessus. Some people say that this is another location which is hard to explain. However, if you really want to find Xur, do not hesitate to visit this place. Usually, he stands beside the tree.

Who is Xur?

Who is Xur

Some of you may not know about Xur. Well, in this paragraph we are going to explain some information about Xur in Destiny 2. As we explained above, Xur is a mysterious vendor in Destiny 2. He usually sells exotic armor, exotic weapons, and an exotic engram. He appears on lots of different planets and locations in the Solar system. Each Friday on the daily reset, Xur will appear in one of those locations. He is going to stay in that same location until the next Weekly Reset on Tuesday.

Now, he appears in some locations such as Social-Hangar, Watcher’s Grave at Nessus and Winding Cove on EDZ. Those locations are going to alter when Destiny 2 Beyond Light launches in the month of November. Several of the locations Xur appears on will be deleted from the game. Next, the new locations are going to be added. Nowadays, we do not know if he will be standing in new locations when Beyond Light launches. We are going to update this page with the new locations as soon as we learn where Xur will be located in Beyond Light.

Each week, Xur brings four exotic items that your Guardian can buy for Legendary Shards. In the first slot, he sells an Exotic weapon. For now, the exotic weapons from Xur will be interesting to the players in Destiny 2 because most long-time users will have got most of the Exotic Weapons Xur is selling. Eventually, the exotic armour Xur sells features randomized rolls. Of course, the armour Xur sells has really good stats. Do not forget to pay him a visit to see if he is selling a better version of the exotic armour you already own.

For those who have not collected every exotic in the game yet, buying Xur’s exotic engram will give you an exotic which you do not already own. Visiting Xur is a great way to add another exotic to your collection. You are able to check out possible exotics to see what exotics you can obtain from the engram. If you have every exotic, buying an exotic engram from Xur is a great way to get better perks than the version you might already have. The exotic engram you are able to buy from Xur will provide you with a new exotic until you have every world drop exotic you get. Next, it will provide you with random rolled armor. Aside from that, it is true for every exotic engram which drops in the game now.

Beyond the items, Xur Destiny has the Five of Swords challenge card and an Invitation of the Nine bounties which first featured in Season of The Drifter which when completed give you a powerful legendary engram. For each Invitation of the Nine bounties you complete, you also are going to view several cinematics where you are able to learn more about the Nine.

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