How to Join the Mean Girl Clique in BitLife

In the Next Top Model Challenge in BitLife game, there is a requirement where you have to join the mean girl clique. You may wonder what you have to do to be able to join the mean girl clique. You can read about joining the mean girl clique below.

The Way to Join the Mean Girl Clique in BitLife

According to the Gamer Journalist site, here are the things that you have to do if you want to join the Mean Girl Clique in BitLife.

If you want to join the Mean Girls Clique, you have to make sure to be in high school and then tap on the School button. Then, you need to tap on your high school name and then tap on the Clique option. You will be able to see the option to join Mean Girls if you are a girl. However, before you do these things, you need to make sure that you meet the requirements below.

    • You have to max out your looks.
    • You need to be popular in high school.
    • You need to try out for Cheerleading or Gymnastics.

How to Join the Mean Girl Clique in BitLife

If you want to join the Mean Girls Clique in this game, imagine that you are Regina George from Mean Girls. You can see that she is good looking, very popular, does cheerleading, and she also socializes with other popular friends. So, in this game, you also need to do this as well.

Your looks may be random. So, it can be improved by working out and also taking care of yourself. However, if your looks are high, you can focus on your popularity. To get popularity, you are able to join a sport like cheerleading and communicate with other popular people. You need to make friends with other popular people and you should begin to enter the green popularity status soon.

If you meet all of the requirements, you are able to tap on the name of your school and join the Mean Girls clique. After that, you have to choose the option to begin hanging out with the Mean Girls. As long as you are popular and good looking, you should be a member immediately.

All of The Objectives that You Have to Complete in BitLife Next Top Model Challenge

Joining the Mean Girl Clique is not the only objective that you have to complete in BitLife Next Top Model Challenge. There are some other objectives and as you can see below, here are all of the objectives that you have to complete in the BitLife Next Top Model Challenge.

    • You need to join the Mean Girls clique in high school.
    • You must be a famous runway model.
    • You need to achieve 90% fame.
    • You must publish a book about your career.
    • There is an objective to pose for a nude photoshoot.

According to the Pro Game Guides site, you have to complete each objective in BitLife Next Top Model Challenge and you can complete them as explained below.

    • The Things to Do To Join the Mean Girls Clique in High School
      In case you want to join the Mean Girls Clique in high school, you must do that after you begin high school when you are 14 years old. Then, the thing that you must do is to click on the School option and choose the Mean Girls Clique option. If you are not accepted, don’t worry. You are able to try to engage in mean and mischievous things from the Activities tab so that you are able to increase your notoriety.
    • The Things to Do to Be a Famous Runway Model
      To be able to be a popular runway model, you must keep your Looks stat pretty high. You are able to go to the salon, go on walks, and go to the gym regularly. You need to maintain your Looks stat above 90 and you must try to get a job as a Foot Model from the Jobs section. Then, you must continue the way until you become a Hand Model, the Catalog Model, Lingerie Model, and finally a Runway Model.
    • The Things to Do to Achieve 90% Fame
      Do you want to achieve 90% fame? To reach it, you must unlock the fame option. You must focus on your career, do commercials and also engage with your fans on social media. Then, the fame tab will open. You must repeat the process until you are able to reach the prescribed 90.
    • The Things to Do to Publish a Book About Your Career
      Let’s say that the fame option is unlocked. If so, then there is the opportunity to write books about yourself. The activities tab can be used by you if you want to write the book.
    • The Things to Do to Pose for a Nude Photoshoot
      In your modelling career, there will be a moment where you must pose and act nude. If you want to complete the objective, the offer must be accepted. However, it is not recommended for you to play this part because it is not good action and you need to note that this is just a game which means that don’t do it in real life.

Two Other Challenges in BitLife

The Next Top Model Challenge is not the only challenge in BitLife. There are other challenges, but here are two of them.

    • The O Challenge
      This challenge was held from 4 to 8 June, 2022 and here are the objectives that you must do.

      1. You are required to be born a female in Mississippi.
      2. You are required to major in journalism while you are on scholarship.
      3. You are required to be a famous reporter.
      4. You are required to give away 10+ cars and 5+ houses.
      5. You are required to write a best-selling book.
    • Queen Mother Challenge
      1. This challenge was held on 28th May to 1st June, 2022 and here are the objectives that you must do.
      2. You are required to be born a female in England.
      3. You are required to become Queen of England for 70 years.
      4. You are required to have 20+ babies during your reign.
      5. Make sure that you don’t get a driver’s license.

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