How to Friendship Checker in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you are able to check friendship level with a friendship checker. How to use this friendship checker? Also how to get it? Here, you can read the explanation about it.

How to Use Friendship Checker in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

If you want to check the friendship level of a Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the thing that you need is the Poketch app. This app can be obtained by speaking to Aroma Lady in Eterna City. After you get it, then you can boot up the app on your Poketch and then there will be all of the Pokemon in your party on the display.

How to Use Friendship Checker in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Pressing and holding on a Pokemon will show a number of hearts which reflect their friendship level. If you find that there are no hearts shown, it means that the friendship level is low. If there is one heart, it means that it is normal. However, if there are two hearts, it means that the friendship level with that Pokemon is high.

Besides using the app, there is another way that you can do to know the friendship level of a Pokemon. There are friendship raters. They are able to tell you the levels of your Pokemon. Those are Aroma Lady in Eterna City, Beauty in Hearthome City Pokemon Fan Club, and Dr. Footstep on Route 213.

Knowing the friendship level of a Pokemon is important because there are some Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl such as Lopunny, Roselia and Chimecho which need to have a high friendship level to be able to evolve in their evolutionary starters. If a Pokemon has a higher friendship level, the Pokemon will listen to you during combat.

If you have to improve your friendship level, you are able to do things such as giving the Pokemon items and taking them on walks.

Getting The Poketch Friendship Checker App

Before you check the friendship level of a Pokemon, you need to get the Poketch Friendship Checker app first. How to get this app? There are several ways to get this app and you are able to see each of the methods below.

    • Getting the Poketch Friendship Checker in Jubilife City
      The first thing that you have to do is to get the Poketch in Jubilife City. There will be a man who approaches you and gives you a task to find three clowns around the city and each of them hold a coupon. After you get three coupons, then you have to talk to the first man and get your Poketch.
    • Getting a Poketch Friendship Checker in Eterna City
      In Eterna City, you can get this Poketch app. So, you can go there and if you have defeated the Oreburgh Gym leader and headed north, you will get this app there.
    • Getting a Poketch Friendship Checker in the Pokemon Center
      You can go to the Pokemon Center and there you have to talk to the woman who is wearing a pink dress. The woman will comment on your Pokemon and install the Friendship Checker app on your Poketch.

Raising Friendship Level in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

There are several ways that you are able to do to raise the friendship level of a Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl according to IGN.

    • You need to catch the Pokemon in a Luxury Ball where it can be bought at Poke Marts after a certain Gym Badge.
    • You have to get it a Message in Veilstone City building.
    • You have to use vitamins on the Pokemon.
    • You have to use the Pokemon in battle.
    • You need to permit the Pokemon to hold the item Soothe Bell which you are able to get inside the Pokemon Mansion.
    • You need to keep them in your party as you travel and walk.
    • You need to feed them certain berries which say ‘raise friendliness’. It can also lower Effort values.
    • You have to use them in Super Contests in Hearthome City.

Lowering Friendship Level of a Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Do you want to lower the friendship level of a Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?  If so, here are the methods for lowering the friendship level of a Pokemon according to IGN.

    • You have to let the Pokemon faint in battle.
    • You have to use bitter items on the Pokemon.
    • You need to keep the Pokemon stored in the PC.
    • You have to trade the Pokemon.

It is important for you to note that if you trade a Pokemon, it will revert its Friendship level to its base point.

Some Pokemons Evolving with Friendship

As explained earlier, there are some Pokemons which evolve with Friendship. It means that the Pokemons are only able to evolve if they are friendly enough to you. Not only that, to evolve, sometimes, Friendship is also needed with an item, select item or select location. So, here are some Pokemons which need Friendship for their evolution.

    • Eevee
      This Pokemon evolves to Espeon (Day) or Umbreon (Night).
    • Pichu
      This Pokemon evolves to Pikachu.
    • Cleffa
      This Pokemon evolves to Clefairy.
    • Togepi
      This Pokemon evolves to Togetic.
    • Azurill
      This Pokemon evolves to Marill.
    • Budew
      This Pokemon evolves to Roselia (Day).
    • Munchlax
      This Pokemon evolves to Snorlax.
    • Riolu
      This Pokemon evolves to Lucario.

About Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl

About Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl are remakes of the 2006 Nintendo DS role-playing video games Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. These games are part of the eight generation of the Pokemon video game series.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were released on November 19th, 2021. The games were announced as part of the Pokemon 25th Anniversary event together with Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

The gameplay of these Pokemon games is the same as the original Diamond and Pearl games. Same as the original games, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are also set in Sinnoh, a fictional region where it is an island based on the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

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