There are many reasons why your Dishwasher is not draining properly. One of the reasons is clogs. By the way, how do you know if your drain hose is clogged? Well, let us read this entire article to get that important information.
Checking Your Dishwasher Drain Hose for Kinks
A kinked dishwasher drain hose, a ribbed plastic hose which connects from the dishwasher’s drain pump to the garbage disposal will be able to prevent water from draining. If something huge or heavy was shoved under the sink, it might have hampered the dishwasher hose. So, you have to explore the area and locate the hose. If it’s kinked, you are able to try straightening it out manually. Unfortunately, after a drain hose kinks, it tends to occur again in the same spot. If this continues to occur, we highly suggest you replace the drain hose.
My Dishwasher Drain Hose is Clogged – How Do I Know?
If you dishwasher drain hose is not kinked, it could still be clogged with debris or food sludge. To check for a clog, you have to to remove the lower front panel of the dishwasher and find the spot where the ribbed hose attaches to the drain pump.
First, you are able to unplug your dishwasher. While you should not come in contact with any wiring, but the general rule of thumb when working on appliances is to unplug them first. Please place old towels under the unit and remove the lower front panel. Lots of panels snap off but, depending on your model, you will have to remove a screw or two. Just disconnect the hose from the pump. If you are unsure where it is or how to disconnect it, you are able to consult your owner’s manual.
To check the drain hose for clogs, simply you are able to blow through it. If air will not pass through, you have got a clog. If the clog is located at end of the hose, you are able to try to remove it carefully with a screwdriver or other thin implement, like a straightened out wire coat hanger. If the clog is not located near the end connected to the pump, then you are able to remove the hose where it connects to the garbage disposal or air cap to know a clog on that end. If the clog is lodged deeper, you have to replace the entire drain hose. Please do not try to clear the clog with a plumber’s snake. Dishwasher hoses are not designed to withstand the tool’s cutting motion and can be punctured easily.
Checking Drain Hose to Fix Dishwasher Not Draining
As we know that if your dishwasher cannot drain, it may be because the drain hose is blocked or kinked. If the drain hose is not kinked, then you have to check to see if the drain hose is blocked. Detaching the drain hose from under the sink must not be too hard. The pliers are able to be utilized to release clamps which may be securing it. You will be able to use a drain snake tool to clear the hose of debris. Another great way to clear Dishwasher drain hose is to put the end of the hose into a big bucket and run a short cycle. This will be able to cause the blockage to blow out into the bucket or show that the pump is not working. Please ensure that you are prepared to turn your dishwasher off or have another bucket handy to gather the discharged water from the dishwasher. Checking the other end of the hose will need accessing the drain pump inside the dishwasher.
Replacing Dishwasher Drain Hose
For recurring kinks or a clog which you cannot solve, you have to replace the entire drain hose. You are able to call a plumber if you are not comfortable trying this by yourself. A pro can easily charge a minimum of $150 for a house call, so you would save a bundle making the repair yourself. First, you need to unplug the dishwasher and slide it out from under the countertop. After that, you have to disconnect the old hose from both the pump and the garbage disposal, and attach the new one in the same manner. Please consult your owner’s manual first to make sure that you buy the correct replacement hose, and for any specific instructions on how it attaches to your appliance.
Checking Drain Pipe and Garbage Disposal to Fix Dishwasher Not Draining
Before you check your dishwasher components which could be responsible for the drainage issue, you must check that the pipe the dishwasher drains into is not clogged. If the dishwasher is connected to a garbage disposal, you have to ensure that the disposal is clear of debris or food sludge. The garbage disposal’s drain tube may become clogged. Detaching the drain hose and clearing the disposal’s drain tube will be able to solve the drainage problem. If the dishwasher has been recently installed, make sure that the garbage disposal knockout plug in the garbage disposal’s drain tube has been removed.
Checking Air Gap and High Loop to Fix Dishwasher Not Draining
If your dishwasher drain hose does not connect to a garbage disposal, it might connect to an air gap. If you do not have an air gap, then the drain hose will be positioned in a high loop underneath the sink. If the air gap is clogged, then may be causing the drainage problem. Normally, the air gap is a fitting mounted to the sink. The air gap work by sending air into the hose which eliminates the negative pressure. The air gap will be able to be cleaned of debris or food sludge by removing the cover and cap. This method works by looping the drain hose up, so that it is very secured under the sink. You are able to check your dishwasher’s manual for the right specifications for your dishwasher’s drain hose.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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