Genshin Impact a Mysterious Lost

Genshin Impact the Mysterious Loss quest is known as one of the Meteoric Wave missions for the Star of Destiny in the Unreconciled Starts event of the game. Before you are able to access it, you will need to complete the 7 previous Meteoric Wave missions. Aside from that, you should also complete the What the Skies Conceal, the waters Reveal quest.

Mysterious Loss quest details

  • Quest Type: World Quest or Event (Unreconciled Stars)
  • Description: Many meteorites have landed outside the city of Mondstadt, wreaking havoc everywhere. Viktor appears to have lost something important, and is talking to himself, flummoxed…
  • Chapter: Star of Destiny: Meteoric Wave
  • Starting Location: Mondstadt, Mondstadt
  • Required AR: 20
  • Requirements: Complete What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals.
  • Quest Giver: Viktor
  • Rewards: Fading Star’s Essence x 20, Primogem x 40, Mora x 25000

The Mysterious Loss objectives

The Mysterious Loss objectives

Quest objectives:

  • Go to Cathedral and talk to Viktor
  • Go to the Thousand Winds Temple to look for the lost box of Viktor
  • Use the Elemental sight to discover the lost box of Viktor
  • Return to Cathedral and report back to Viktor

The Mysterious Loss walkthrough

First of all, you will need to go to find Viktor in his usual spot in the Modstadt Cathedral to do the mission. He will be inside the door sitting on the left. Please talk to him and by doing so, it will reveal that he lost a box while he is running away from some Electro Slimes. You are able to talk to him again if you want him to repeat the hints and tell him how untrustworthy he is. Then, open up the map and go for the waypoint that is marked near the Thousand Winds Temple, for those who have it unlocked. If you have not done it, please make your way to the quest marker near the Temple on foot. When you reach there, your Elemental Sight is able to be used if you want to find the nearby trace of Viktor’s Box. This one is located on the hill behind the nearby tree stump. Do not forget to interact with it. After that, turn and go further up the hill and locate the next trace to the left of the path. You will be able to see a group of Electro Slimes up there, and there is also a bit of a giveaway. You can take them all out by using the Elemental Sight again. Doing so will make you able to see another purple energy marker. This time, you should interact with that to find the Viktor’s box. When everything is done, go back to the Cathedral and give him back the box to complete the quest and get the reward. Keep in mind that you will get to ask him what he knows about the Fatui and the meteorites after returning the box to him.

The Mysterious Loss tips and strategies

  • Defeating the Electro Slimes

Defeating the Electro Slimes

Electro Slimes are the most popular enemies as of now. It has been known that the easiest method to get rid of them is with some good Elemental Reactions. Pyro and Cryo are so good.

  • Get hints from Viktor

Get hints from Viktor

In case you forgot the instructions of Viktor or get lost when you are trying to find traces of his lost box, feel free to go back to him and what happened when he ran away to get a refresher.

These followings will talk about the Unreconciled Stars event, a new seasonal event that lasts until November 30. This one is considered as one of the biggest events of the game and includes some lengthy quests and some interesting rewards. The event is divided into three different phases, with new quests and rewards coming with every new phase. Here is everything that you should you know:

  • You have to be Adventure Rank 20 to join the event.
  • Phase 1, which is called Unknown Start, was started on November 16.
  • Phase 2, which is called Star of Deceitful Dreams, was started on November 18.
  • Phase 3, which is called Star of Destiny, was started on November 23.
  • The currency of the event can be earned up until November 30.
  • The special in game shop for the event currency is open until December 6.
  • Completing the event will also reward you a free copy of one of the strongest characters in the game named Fischl.

Apparently, the Unreconciled Stars are broken up into some distinct elements. The first one is a main quest that is able to be accessed from the Event menu by pressing F5 on your PC. Once you have completed it, you will earn access to two new features called Meteoric Waves and Overtures.

The Unreconciled Stars event might seem a bit complicated, but it is actually really easy. The first thing that you will need to do is to go to Mondstadt and speak to Katheryne, who is really familiar as she is the Adventurer’s Guild Receptionist that you talk to with to turn in daily quests or get the rewards for increasing your Adventure Rank. Speaking with her will make the event start, which takes you to the village of Springvale in order to learn about the mysterious meteors that have fallen all throughout Teyvat and are making one who approaches them fall asleep. It is such an easy quest to follow, so it does not really need much detail. Once the Unreconciled Stars is completed, you are able to start taking on Meteoric Waves sidequests, which is also easy to follow and will not need much effort. Besides, you will also be able to take on Overtures, and gather fallen meteors so that you can get the extra currency. Everything, including the shop, is found in the Event menu. When Phase Two or Phase Three become available in the future, you are able to complete the next chapter of the main quest. Go visit some forums to know more about the Unreconciled Stars and the Mysterious Lost.

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