Qingce Stir Fry Recipe Location in Genshin Impact

There are many different recipes you can get to cook up some delicious meals in Genshin Impact. You are able to get them in various places, such as from vendors, participating in events and completing quests. One of the recipes is a requirement for the Unreconciled Stars (Star of Destiny questline). So, you need to ensure that you have it available when the time comes. Here is the location of Qingce Stir Fry Recipe in Genshin Impact.

The Location Of Qingce Stir Fry Recipe In Genshin Impact

You are able to pick up the Qingce Stir Fry recipe from Ms. Bai in Qingce Village for 5,000 Mora. For your information, Qingce Village is west of Mondstadt in the Bishui Plains area. Look at the map for an exact location of where to find Ms. Bai.

The Location Of Qingce Stir Fry Recipe In Genshin Impact

You will be able to find Ms. Bai who standing outside the Water Mill in Qingce Village. Speak with her and choose the option to see what she has for sale. You are going to see an option in there to buy Qingce Stir Fry for 5,000 Mora. Please open up your bag and go to the last tab, and then click on the recipe to learn it.

Qingce Stir Fry Recipe Ingredients

Here are the ingredients required for Qingce Stir Fry:

  • Mushroom x3

Qingce Stir Fry Recipe Ingredients

Lotus Head

  • Jueyun Chili x1

Jueyun Chili

  • Cabbage x1


Usually, you are able to find Mushrooms and Cabbage in the wild, and the latter is also sold in general goods shops in Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor. Please search around farms, inside barrels and crates, and all around the wild to find these items. While Jueyun Chili is found primarily in Qingce Village, so you are able to go pick some up while you are grabbing the recipe from Ms. Bai. Eventually, Lotus Heads are discovered near lakes and riverbanks.

Before you are able to take on Genshin Impact’s Fallen Star Challenge, you must first complete a quest named What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals. Part of this quest centers around taking Gao the Sixth, a serving of Qingce Stir Fry. Fortunately, it is very easy to get Qingce Stir Fry in Genshin Impact. Simply to put things, Genshin Impact players who are looking for Qingce Stir Fry must begin by navigating to the nearby quest marker, where they are going to find a cooking pot. Next to this pot is an NPC called Ms. Bai, and the players must approach and initiate a conversation with her.

After buying this recipe, the players are able to return to the pot to cook the dish, assuming that they have the requisite ingredients in Genshin Impact. The specific ingredients which are required for Qingce Stir Fry are three Mushrooms, two Lotus Heads, one Jueyun Chili, and one Cabbage. Some players may find that they are lacking in Lotus Head, and they may need to go out and do some farming.

Related to where the players are able to find Lotus Head in Genshin Impact, the lakes and rivers in the Liyue region are very good places to visit. Luhua Pool in particular is great for getting this ingredient, and the players that make a trip to this location must be able to cook their Qingce Stir Fry in no time. In alternative, the players are able to head to Liyue Harbor, as Lotus Heads often appear in the ponds that surround it. When the players have collected all of the necessary ingredients and created the Qingce Stir Fir, then they are going to be ready to deliver it to Gao the Sixth. This will not mark the end of the What the Skies Conceal, because the players have to speak with Mona in Genshin Impact once again. This conversation will send players to locate a giant meteorite on the beach, and they are going to receive one Fragile Resin, 60 Primogems, and 30,000 Mora as rewards for finding it.

Find Jueyun Chili In Genshin Impact

There are many types of ingredients and plans you are able to harvest in the wild of Teyvat. You may need them for specific recipes or leveling up characters and ascending them to the next level. Regardless of your reasoning, it is very important to know where to farm each recipe in case you need them. Here is where to find Jueyun Chili in Genshin Impact. For your information, this does not include every single location in the Genshin Impact game. But it will allow you to farm as many as you want.

Apparently, there are two main areas you are able to find Jueyun Chili in Genshin Impact:

  1. Qingce Village

We count about 10 Jueyun Chili in the Qingce Village area. You are able to find this Qingce Village in the Bishui Plains. There are 2 waypoints you can fast travel to. However, we recommend the western one. After teleporting, you have to grab the nearby Jueyun Chili, and cross the bridges to collect the rest of them.

  1. Jueyun Karst

Next, you are able to make your way to the Jueyun Karst and Qingyun Peak area of the map. You will be able to find those areas northwest of Liyue Harbor on the map. There are about 23 Jueyun Chili plant spawns around this particular region. We suggest you teleport to a high vantage point like Mt. Aozang, and then gliding to the locations.

Jueyun Chilis are a requirement for some things. First, it is a necessary ingredient in the Qingce Stir Fry recipe (used for the Unreconciled Stars Event). Second, Xiangling requires a lot of this Jueyun Chili to ascend to different tiers.

About Qingce Stir Fry

Qingce Stir Fry is a food item that you are able to cook in the game of Genshin Impact. As explained above, you are able to obtain this Qingce Stir Fry recipe from Ms. Bai in Qingce Village for 5,000 Mora. Depending on the quality, the Qingce Stir Fry adds the party’s ATK for 300 seconds. Like most foods, this Qingce Stir Fry has no effect for other players in Co-Op Mode.

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