Fortnite Unable to Sign in to Account for Playstation Network

Unable to sign in to account for PlayStation Network error may prevent you from logging into the game of Fortnite. Bye the way, how to solve that error? Well, let us find out that information from this page.

How to solve “Unable to Sign in to Account for Playstation Network” error

For those who get this error, you do not need to worry. The error can be solved easily. The easiest methods to solve log-in problems is to log out of PlayStation Network. Then, log back in. Also, you need to ensure that your internet connection is stable and working well. For the best results, we highly recommend to use a wired Ethernet connection.

Fortnite Unable to Sign in to Account for Playstation Network,

When you get into PSN and not into Fortnite, you are likely finding a server problem. Usually, there will be some server problems right when a new season drops or when a major update occurs. Between Wednesday and Thursday at night, the server maintenance occurs.

Probably, Fortnite: Chapter 2 Season 6 caused log-in issues across the world. The day the update was released, server problem occurred on both PC and Switch. When the servers are down, there is not much can be done. You can only wait until Epic Games solves it. Because these error affect PlayStation Network, it does not matter if you are on Playstation4 or Playstation5.

Link Your Playstation Network Account to your Epic Account

Epic suggests to make a new Epic account for each platform from which you play: PS, PC, and Xbox.

Here are some easy steps to link your Playstation network account to your Epic account:

    • Firstly, you have to visit the Fortnite website.
    • If you have logged into your account, so you are able to sign out.
    • Then, you have to click the user icon which is located at the top right of the page and select “Playstation.”
    • The next step that you have to do is to log in by using your Playstation Network credentials. Need to know that Epic makes a temporary epic account for you based on your PSN credentials when you play on console. Signing in allow you to promote it to an Epic account fully. Remember that you do not use the credentials for an existing Epic account.
    • After logged in, you are going to be prompted to Register. To link the account, you need to use an Email Address and Display Name which are not being used on another Epic account. (If you receive an “account already linked” error message, you might use an email address or display name which is already in use).

Keep in mind that all of your save data is tied to your Epic Games account that your PSN name is linked to. After you have created your new Epic account (or promoted your console account to a full Epic account), you will be able to return to Fortnite Scout and then see your console stats with your new Epic username.

Log out of Fortnite on PLayStation4

Log out of PlayStation Network is the easiest method to solve log-in problems. We are sure that you know on how to do that. There are some ways that you can do to log out of your account on PlayStation4, all of which involve using a browser. As navigating the PS4’s browser is a bit clunky, you may want to consider using a separate device to do this right now.

Way 1: Logging out of Fortnite via PS4

Once you launch Fortnite, you will look for a specific log out option from the main menu. Sadly, it is not as simple. Instead, you need to press the Options button from the game’s main menu, scroll down, and then you are able to select the Support option. Finally, this will open up the PlayStation browser.

You will be taken to the Epic Games site. When the page loads, you have to go to the top right of the screen. Then, simply press Sign in. You will be able to use it to sign in to your Epic Games account. Please remember that you need to use a verification code to get signed in. Once you are in, you are able to go back to the same spot. You will view your username. When you hover over it, a new option appear, just select that option. This will direct you to a new page with several choices on the left-hand side of the screen. You have to click the Connections option.

The submenu defaults to Apps, so you will be able to click on the Accounts. This offer you to check a list of every Fortnite connection you have made, including the PlayStation Network. Please select PlayStation Network, check all the boxes, and simply press Unlink. That will make you logs out of your Fortnite account on PS4. Also, you are able to use the same steps to log out of Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

For those who want to change users, it need some steps. Firstly, reboot the game. Once it relaunches, you are able to see a sign-in page on your display. It allows the users to type in your specific Playstation4 user information or add a new account.

Way 2: Logging out of PS4 account via PC

This way also can you do for logging out of Fortnite on PS4. It does not matter if you are using a tablet, phone, or PC, it is the same process. Probably, you discover the process a little easier, because your browser may seem more familiar than the PS4’s browser. However, from start to finish, logging out will nearly resemble logging out of a PS4 system exactly.

First, you are able to go to the Epic Games site. Then, sign in by using the top right option. After that, you have to steer back to your Epic account. Please go to Connections, and then simply unlink your PSN account. When you launch Fortnite from your Playstation4, the screen will prompt you to sign in and connect an account.