Fastest Way to Get 99 Crafting OSRS

In OSRS, you will spend money for crafting training methods, as it basically requires a lot of capital to purchase the supplies needed. Certainly, the cost of the materials will fluctuate, so in the case of crafting in OSRS, it’s better for you to always check the Grand Exchange prices before you buy and sell them in large quantities.

Sure, to train your Crafting level in OSRS, you will need the best guide that will lead you to do crafting as effectively as possible. To ease you do Crafting in OSRS, we’ll show you the 1-99 crafting guide shown below! Let’s see how to do crafting well in OSRS!

Fastest Way to Get 99 Crafting OSRS

The OSRS 1-99 Fastest Crafting Guide

The skill in OSRS involves collecting  or purchasing the raw materials that the player will need. Then, it uses the activator, whether it be a Thread and Needle, a Spinning Wheels, a Chisel, etc. Afterwards, you will then obtain the final product with some experience. You can also obtain your first taste of Crafting by completing the Sheep Shearer Quest.

The 1-99 crafting guide is shown by Theoatrix on the official site here. The site shows 99 crafting guides in a very clear way, so we think anyone who reads their blog post will easily understand. So, here’s 99 crafting guide that you can do:

    • Level 1 – 50

To reach the level 1 to 54 crafting, you can level up by cutting gems.

    • Level 1 – 20

Level 1 – 20 Opals

Cutting Opals is what you should do at level 1 – 20. You should know that cut opals are worth almost double a regular uncut Opals. Sure, you will still earn most of your money back, though you will destroy a few at a low level.

In order to get level 20, you will need roughly 500 Opals, but it depends on how many you crush them. What you should do is to stay around the Grand Exchange if you need to buy more. You will need a Chisel to cut Opal, and take about 10 minutes to level 20 with a cost of 10 000 -15 000 once you sell the Opals back.

    • Level 20 – 27

Level 20 – 27

You can actually unlock Sapphires at level 20 that are a lot more expensive than Opals. However, it will take you to level 27 faster, as they have a stable XP rate of over 140 000 per hour. You will also need 106 Sapphires and you will lose roughly 40 000 after you sell them back.

    • Level 27

Level 27

At level 27, you can unlock Emeralds that are cheaper than Sapphires. Many people recommend to do those all the way through to level 54 Crafting. Overall, you may need 2091 uncut Emeralds. Then, it will cost approximately 650 000 after cutting and selling them all back while obtaining an XP rate of around 170 000 per hour.

Instead, you can continue to cut Opals to reach level 54 if you find that Emeralds and Sapphires are too expensive. That’s because if you unlock Emeralds with too expensive a cost, it will make a small profit or even not at all. For more information, the rates of XP are about 1/5 of the speed though.

    • Level 54 – 58

The fastest training method to reach level 54, you should create Water Battlestaves that you can create using a regular Battlestaff with an Elemental Orb. At level 54, you can create Water Battlestaves that are slightly more expensive than Emerald. However, your  Xp rates will go up to 250 000 per hour.

    • Level 58 – 63

Level 58 – 63 Earth Battlestaves

You may need 972 Earth Battlestaves to reach level 63.

    • Level 63 – 66

Level 63 – 66 Green Dragonhide Bodies

Even though you have passed level 63, you will need to continue doing Battlestaves. But, keep in mind that  the Green Dragonhide Bodies are cheaper than Earth Battlestaves and also will give you XP rates of over 300 000 per hour.

Since you know that the price of Green Dragonhide Leather is low, you can then decide whether to continue with Battlestaves or start with Green Dragonhide Bodies. To reach level 66, you have to create 687 Bodies, meaning you will need 2061 Green Dragon Leathers.

    • Level 66 – 71

Level 66 – 71 Air Battlestaves

To reach level 66 – 71, you will need to create Air Battlestaves that are actually faster and cheaper material. Air Battlestaves currently have a GP/ XP of only 4 and the XP rates are more than 330 000 per hour.

In order to get through to level 71, you will need around 2315 Battlestaves that can unlock the next fastest method. The point is, a reliable alternative to save your money is through making Air Battlestaves.

    • Level 71 – 77

To reach level  71, you may need to unlock Blue Dragonhide Bodies that will give you around 20 000 more XP per hour than Air Battlestaves. Sure, they are 2 GP/ XP more. Aside from that, it will also cost you 4 000 000 to reach level 77.

    • Level 77 – 84

From level 77 – 84, you can create Red Dragonhide Bodies. It will cost around 10 000 000, as you will need almost 19 000 Red Dragon Leather.

    • Level 84 – 99

Level 84 – 99 Black Dragonhide Bodies

At level 84, you may be able to unlock Black Dragonhide Bodies as one of the fastest crafting methods in OSRS. You will obtain up to 430 000 XP per hour doing this method and will take you to level 99 faster. Aside from that, you also have to create 39 000 Black Dragonhide Bodies. You will then lose 90 000 000 in the process after selling them all.

Okay, those are the all methods that you can do in each level to get 99 crafting in OSRS.

In conclusion, in total for the fastest method,  you will be able to go from 66 – 99 with Air Battlestaves that costs 50 000 000 with XP rates of up to 330 000. Alternatively, you will be able to take the more expensive route with Blue, Black and Red Dragonhide Bodies that reach up to 430 000 XP per hour. However, it costs 104 000 000.

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