Cheapest Place to Live BitLife

In BitLife, you may want to live in a cheapest place with the hope that you will not have to spend a lot of money. So, what is the cheapest place to live in BitLife? I have tried to find the information about the cheapest place to live in BitLife, but I could not find the information about it. Instead, I found information about characteristics of some countries in BitLife.

You are able to learn the characteristics of some countries in BitLife below to consider where you can live. By reading the characteristics of some countries in the game, you can measure the life that you can live in the game.

Cheapest Place to Live BitLife

According to the Touch Tap Play, here is the explanation about some countries in BitLife.

  • If you live in countries such as Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, Paris-France, or Madrid-Spain, you are able to get popularity and career success.
  • If you live in the UK or France-Paris, you are able to study well and for free and even you can get free healthcare as well.
  • If you want to live in a violent environment, you are able to live in Afghanistan where this country has options for roadside bombs or mines, blown up houses, suicide bombers, and bullets that fly like bees.
  • If you want to live in a country where you do not want to pay extra money for high taxes, you are able to live in Monaco.
  • If you want to live in a country with no state tax after death, free healthcare, and high salaries, you are able to live in Norway. This country is a convenient country and a favorite country of a lot of players in BitLife.
  • If you do not want to deal with generations, you are able to live in Switzerland because it has the highest initial capital in the game.

The Richest Countries in BitLife

According to the BitLifie site, the richest countries in BitLife are Monaco, Saudi Arabia, and the USA. In Saudi Arabia, there is no income tax or estate tax for the citizens. Monaco is a good tax shelter so it is considered a tax haven in this game and as a result players can save a lot of money. Nevertheless, the cost of living in these countries is higher than most of the other countries. If you decide to live in the USA, you have a lot of opportunities.

So, if you choose to live in one of the richest countries above in the game, you do not need to pay a more significant tax and in some countries, you do not have to pay any tax in case you are a citizen in the country.

The Best Country for Being Born in BitLife

After you know some characteristics of some countries in BitLife, then you may be confused where you have to be born in the game. According to BitLifie, the best thing is to be a royal family member and another best thing is to be born into a wealthy family in a rich country.

Do you want to be born into royalty? If so, you have to be born in a country that has royal family rules such as Monaco, UK, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. However, if you want to be born into a wealthy country, you are able to be born in a country like Monaco or the USA.

If you want to be born in a royal family and a wealthy country, you can choose to be born in Monaco because this country is the combination of both characteristics. So, we can say that Monaco is the best country to be born in BitLife. Besides, as explained earlier, this country is free of tax so that you are able to save a lot of money that you earn.

Poorest Countries in BitLife

So, what are the poorest countries in BitLife? In the BitLife game, the African countries are the poorest countries and among all the countries, DR Congo is the poorest country in the game. Do you want to be born in this country? If you are born in DR Congo, you will go through a hard time when you are developing your character in the game. However, the positive thing about living in this country is that you will understand the feelings of the people who live in poor countries.

So, when you live in the poorest country in the game, you also have to adjust your lifestyle. Let’s say that your character in BitLife is born in Congo. If so, you will face some issues as the poorest country citizen and even you will be able to see your loved one dying at their younger age. Not only that, according to the BitLifie site, you will have to deal with death at 50 to 60 years of age. It means that the life expectancy of people living in the poorest country is low. In the poorest countries, STD and other diseases like chickenpox are very common. If you live in the poorest country in the game, you have to be able to improve the health of your character and make sure that you can get rid of bad habits. In addition, drugs are also common in the countries and your character can be easily addicted to them.

Congo also has an inheritance tax or estate tax where it is the tax that you have to pay if you inherit some money or an asset from your parents or anymore from your old generation because you are a citizen of Congo.

Countries Without Estate Tax in BitLife

In BitLife, there are also a number of countries that do not charge the estate tax to the citizen. So, if you mind spending money for paying the estate tax, it is better for you to live in one of the countries below since they are free of estate tax in BitLife.






Czech Republic


Hong Kong





New Zealand








United Arab Emirates

That’s all the explanation about countries in BitLife according to the Bit Lifie site and Touch Tap Play site.