All Geoculus Locations on Genshin Impact Interactive Map

Are you looking for the interactive map of Geoculus locations on Genshin Impact? If the answer to the question is yes, you might want to visit Mapgenie. Mapgenie is the name of the web mapping service that provides online and immediate access to the mapping collections. One of the things that you will be able to find on the site is the interactive map of Geoculus locations. With that map, you will be able to find all Geoculus locations of Genshin Impact.


  • Mark locations as found
  • Add the custom locations
  • Track the collectibles

Pro features:

  • No more ads
  • Unlimited progress tracking
  • Share the custom locations with friends

Aside from the official website of Mapgenie, there is also an app offered by Mapgenie. Most of the things are the same. The only difference is you are able to access it anywhere you want without having to bring your laptop, PC, or the other devices everywhere.


  • More than 600 locations: You are able to find all Anemoculus, Chests, Shrines, and many more.
  • More than 70 categories, including Quests, Books, Seelies, resources and Teleport Waypoints.
  • Quicksearch: You can just input the name of the location to immediately find the thing that you are looking for.
  • Sync progress with the website at
  • Progress Tracker:
  • Take Notes

In the world of Genshin Impact, each main location in the world is attached to one of the seven elements that feature in the game. It is expressed directly to particular collectibles that are able to be found in the world, and a good instance of that is called the Geoculus, which all of them are hidden all over the Liyue region.

Just like the Anemoculus collectibles that you are able to find in the Mondstadt Region of the world, Geoculus are special collections that are located in the Liyue Region. After having a lot of these collectibles, you are able to take the Geoculi to the Statue of the Seven locations in the Liyue region and trade them in to get some really useful rewards.

All Geoculus Locations on Genshin Impact Interactive Map

Genshin Impact has a huge map, and the easiest way to show you each of the Geoculus locations is to display them all on one map. Apparently, there are 131 Geoculus that you are able to find and grab in total, which is really a lot. Mapgenie has all the complete Geoculus locations. In case the image is not doing it for you, you are recommended to watch a great video guide on Youtube by KyoStinV. The video covers all the 131 locations. Here is the link that will lead you to the video:

There is also one certain Geoculus that you need to know about. This one is located at the northernmost point of the map is hidden underground and the location will not be accessible unless you tackle and quest The Chi of Guyun. If you cannot manage to find one, that is the reason.

Luckily, Geoculus are easy to spot in game and once you are close to the in game mini map, it will give you a sign in on a more exact location. Usually, the Geoculus will be lightly hidden or open to see but in a hard to reach place. The Geoculus are also so eye catching and shiny and of the golden sort of color Genshin Impact that the players will associate with the Geo element. Sometimes, they will tease you with how clear they are, giving you a challenge to reach them.

They are not actually the hardest things to find in Genshin Impact, but collecting every Geoculus is going to take some time. Once you have found a great number of them, feel free to trade them in for some useful upgrades.

In fact, you will not get any rewards for just simply gathering the Geoculus. All that you need to do is to take them and trade them back in. In order to do so, you will have to go to a Statue of the Seven in the Liyue region, which is able to be found frequently enough. You will recognize these statues really well as they are fast travel points, healing points, and many more.

When you find a statue, the Geoculus is able to be exchanged as an offering to the gods. The step will level up that Statue of Seven, which gives you rewards including Raising your Stamina, which is otherwise is able to be only raised through the character progression and temporary cooking recipe buffs, Primogems for drawing Gacha Banners, Adventure EXP to level up, and Geo Sigils that are able to be exchanged for items in the Souvenir Shop.

Remember that Statues of the Seven are everywhere, so feel free to explore and find different ones. You are allowed to use them to fast travel, as well as to regularly turn the Geoculus until the statues reach level 10 and give up all the rewards.

Apart from Geoculus, there are also Anemoculus, the things needed to improve your Status of the Seven. If you want to increase the level of a status, a specific number of Anemoculus should be collected. To help you on your hunting, you might want to go to to see the map showing you the different places so that you will be able to find the Anemoculus. Apparently, the number will be higher or lower, depending on the level of the statue. The locations of the Genshin Impact Anemoculus are mostly hidden, island, and high point places. In the world, there are 66 of Anemoculus. For those who want to get all the locations without forgetting some, it is better for you to read some tips shared by the other players of Genshin Impact. You can visit the community of the game to look for the tips. Most Anemoculus will require you to look up. For that, you should find a point in the height to glide over it but it might be different in some cases.

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