Moonchase Charm Purpose in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, there are a number of items that you have to find either on daily gameplay or during an event. Certainly, each item can be used for certain purposes, especially if the item is only available in an event.

One of the collectable limited items that you can get on an event is Moonchase Charm. This is the Adventure Items found during the Moonlight Merriment Event. Just like most limited event items, Moonchase Charm also has a specific purpose.  However, most players do not know how to use the Moonchase Charm. Let’s find out the purposes in our post below!

Moonchase Charm Purpose in Genshin Impact

What Is Moonchase Charm For?

Moonchase Charm

It does not wonder if many players do not know what the Moonchase Charm is for, as there does not seem to be any mention for the use of this item inside the event. However, if you see the announcement page, you will see a Crown of Insight yet to be claimed.

Upon its announcement, some players think that they will open a shop where they can exchange the Moonchase Charms for Crown of Insight, Primogems, Mora, Books and many more.

Moreover, there’s also a very good chance that the shop will open at the third phase of the event (1 or 2 days from now). Well, it makes sense as there will only be a week left before the Moonchase Charms expire.

The point is, the Moonchase Charms’s purposes are to unlock or claim some rewards including Crown of Sight, Mora, Primogems, books and more that you will need when playing Genshin Impact.

How to Find Moonchase Charm?

As you know, Moonchase Charm is an Adventure Event item that can only be obtained during the Moonlight Merriment Event. Moonchase Charms are scattered around Teyvat, at three specific locations.

When a Moonchase Charm is within close proximity of a player, an icon will suddenly appear on the minimap along with a sound effect that is similar to an Oculi. These items appear on map as Icon Moonchase Charms.svg. In this case, Linyang can also be asked to sign uncollected Moonchase Charms.

Moreover, each Mystmoon Charm that is collected will provide a different percentage exploration for each Moonlight Seeker stage. Here are for the percentage exploration:

    • 30 in Path of Stalwart Stone (Liyue): 2% each
    • 20 in Path of Gentle Breezes (Mondstadt): ~2.86% each
    • 20 in Path of Austere Frost (Dragonspine): ~2.86% each

As we’ve mentioned, there are three locations where you can find Moonchase Charms, here’s for the explanation:

Stage 1: Found in Path of Stalwart Stone

Found in Path of Stalwart Stone

You can find the Moonchase Charms in Path of Stalwart Stone that is the first gameplay stage of Moonlight Seeker, as a part of the Moonlight Merriment Event. Path of Stalwart Stone is available in Liyue. Make sure to explore the map in order to find the Moonchase Charms as the map shown above.

The amount of Moonchase Charms available in this area is roughly 30. Aside from Moonchase Charms, you can also find Mystmoon Chest of 40. Well, the collection rewards that you will get in Path of Stalwart Stone include:

Reach collection progress of 25% will get:

    • Lustrous Stone from Guyun x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 50% will get:

    • Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 75% will get:

    • Piece of Aerosiderite x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 100% will get:

    • Luxurious Sea-Lord (Claymore)
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Stage 2: Found in Path of Gentle Breezes

Found in Path of Gentle Breezes

The second nation that you can visit is Monstadt. Here, you can find roughly 20 Moonchase Charms in Path of Gentle Breezes. This is the second gameplay stage of Moonlight Seeker, as a part of the Moonlight Merriment Event.

Aside from finding around 20 Moonchase Charms, you can also find 30 Mystmoon Chest in this area. So, if you want to get both easily, make sure to discover Mondstadt and get those items. The collection rewards that you will get in Path of Stalwart Stone include:

Reach collection progress of 25% will get:

    • Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 50% will get:

    • Debris of Decarabian’s City x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 75% will get:

    • Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 100% will get:

    • Emperor’s Balsam x1
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Stage 3: Found in Path of Austere Frost

Found in Path of Austere Frost

The third nation that you can visit to get the Moonchase Charms is Dragonspine. In this area, you will find around 20 Moonchase Charms in Path of Austere Frost. This is the third gameplay stage of Moonlight Seeker, as a part of the Moonlight Merriment Event.

In this area, you also need to get 30 Mystmoon Chests, along with Moonchase Charms. To get those items, make sure to discover this place in order to get the rewards. Well, the collectible rewards that the Path of Austere Frost offers include:

Reach collection progress of 25% will get:

    • Mystic Enhancement Ore x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 50% will get:

    • Mystic Enhancement Ore x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 75% will get:

    • Mystic Enhancement Ore x4
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

Reach collection progress of 100% will get:

    • Emperor’s Balsam x1
    • 20000 Mora
    • 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever

How to Join a Moonlight Merriment Event?

In order to get the Moonchase Charms, you have to join the Moonlight Merriment Event first. This is an Event available in version 2.1 that has been taking place from September 27, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM to October 11, 2021 at 03:59:59 AM.

To join Moonlight Merriment Event, you need to reach Adventure Rank 20 or above and also complete the Archon Quest ‘Chapter I: Act III – A new Star Approaches’ and ‘Trulla Chapter:  Act 1 – Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip’.

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