How to Fix Error Code 1060 on Amazon Prime Video

Many people use Amazon Prime Video to stream their favorite shows and videos. But, there are cases when they reported the Error 1060, which prevents them from streaming and downloading content.

How To Fix Amazon Prime Error Code 1060

Solving Error 1060 problem by troubleshooting your internet connection with your streaming device. Usually, it requires an access to your home network such as your modem or router and your streaming device in order to do that. In the text below, we are going to share some methods that can help solve the error.

How To Fix Amazon Prime Error Code 1060

Method 1: Check whether your bandwidth meets the requirements.

To stream and download video contents on your Amazon Prime properly, you need to have enough bandwidth on your device. For your information, the minimum requirements of 900 Kbps applies only to small screen devices such as iOS and Android devices and Desktop such as PC or Mac. But, if you are using a Smart TV which utilizes streaming devices such as Roku and Chromecast, you are going to need a bandwidth requirement of at least 3.5 Mbps. Aside from that, if you have connection plan which has a limited network, there is a probability that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is giving you a low bandwidth requirement to be able to use the streaming service.

Check whether your bandwidth meets the requirements.

To check whether your bandwidth is enough to run the streaming devices, you have to do a simple internet speed test. Please follow the steps below to do a quick internet speed test:

  • Firstly, go to on any browser.
  • Then, click on GO to start speed test.
  • Please wait for it to complete.
  • After completed, check the results. Ensure that the results on your Download is not lower than 3.5 Mbps. Otherwise, you will need to get an upgrade of your network from your Internet Service Provider to fix the error.

Method 2: Exit Running Programs

It is highly potential that Amazon Prime Error Code 1060 happens if there is not enough bandwidth available to stream. But, multiple programs running all at the same time are also using up your bandwidth leaving no room for your streaming device to utilize. For this case, you have to check your computer and streaming device for programs which are currently running and are no longer using. Please ensure to exit those programs as this might be the reason for Amazon Prime error code 1060 happens. After the programs have been closed, simply check if the error still persists and try to stream Video or shows again.

Method 3: Reboot or Reset your Modem/Router

Reboot or Reset your Modem Router

The next method to fix Amazon prime video error code 1060 is by rebooting and resetting your network device. Before you do this method, you need to ensure that you have an internet connection. You are able to open a site or play a video on YouTube. After internet connection is confirmed, you will be able to proceed with method two.

First, you can do a network reboot before trying to reset your network to prevent resetting to the settings which you have set. Occasionally, doing a power cycle on your modem/router is all it takes to fix the issue with Amazon Prime Error Code 1060. To reboot or restart your network, simply you are able to power OFF everything and then turn it back ON again.

  • Please press the Power Button to turn OFF your Modem/Router.
  • You have to wait it at least for 30 seconds.
  • After that, you are able to press the Power Button to Turn ON your router or modem.
  • Just check if rebooting works by streaming on Amazon Prime Video, if not, you have to repeat the process one more time.

If rebooting cannot fix the error, you may need to reset your modem/router. Here are steps to reset your modem/router:

  • Please press on the Reset Button which is located at the back of your Router/Modem. You are able to do this by using a sharp object.
  • Then, press down firmly for about 10 seconds or until the LEDs in the front of the router/modem starts flashing.
  • After resetting is complete, just check if resetting works and try to stream video again on Amazon Prime Video.

Method 4: Disable Proxy Server and Remove VPN client

Disable Proxy Server and Remove VPN client

Usually, Amazon Prime Video blocks Proxy users and several VPN clients from streaming video contents. If you have been using proxy servers or VPN clients , so you have to disable the server first and check if it resolves Amazon Prime Error Code 1060 error.

  • At the first step, you have to press Windows (key) + R to open the Run Dialog Box.
  • After that, you need to type ‘ms–settings:network-proxy’  and then click on OK to open up the Proxy tab.
  • At the proxy tab, please scroll down and click on Manual Proxy Setup.
  • When at the proxy server tab, you have to choose Use a proxy server for LAN to uncheck and disable it.
  • Just click on OK and close the Settings menu.
  • Now, you are able to restart computer to apply changes made.
  • After device is restarted, just check if this method solve the Amazon Error Code 1060 and try to stream again on Amazon Prime Video.

To remove a VPN client:

  • Firstly, you have to press Windows (key) + R to open the Run Dialog Box.
  • After that, type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features screen.
  • At the Programs and Features Screen, you are able to scroll down from the list of installed applications and search the VPN client which you are using currently.
  • In this step, you need to right Click on the VPN client, and click on Uninstall.
  • Please restart computer to apply changes made.
  • Just check if the Amazon Prime Error Code 1060 is fixed by trying to stream again on Amazon Prime Video.

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