How to Beat Gardevoir Arlo

Arlo’s Gardevoir may give some gamers trouble in Pokemon GO, but there are a lot of Pokemon out there that can assist take it down quickly.


The big event in Pokemon GO now is the Team GO Rocket Celebration Event. While that event is running, the players are going to find themselves going up against members of Team GO Rocket more often than usual with the leaders also getting new parties of Pokemon. For your information, one of the leaders of Team GO Rocket is Arlo, an enemy with an often unpredictable, but strong team. One Pokemon of his that the players may discover themselves going up against is Arlo’s Gardevoir.

How to Beat Gardevoir Arlo

Beating Gardevoir Arlo

Beating Gardevoir Arlo

Gardevoir is a Pokemon which originally appeared in generation 3 as a Psychic-type. But, now, it became a Psychic and Fairy-type Pokemon from generation 6 and onwards. It means that Gardevoir is very weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel moves. Also, Gardevoir resists Psychic, Fighting, and Dragon moves.

Even though Gardevoir Pokemon have three weaknesses, but there are many Pokemon that you can use to beat Gardevoir. Of course, playing against Gardevoir’s weaknesses is the best method to defeat Gardevoir out of the way quickly while minimizing the amount of damage that the players take beforehand.

By the Team GO Rocket Celebration Event active, there are several Poison Pokemon with increased spawn rates. While not all of them are capable of becoming incredibly powerful, there are Poison-type Pokemon that will help whittle Gardevoir’s health down to zero.

These Poison-type Pokemon are:

    • Mega Beedrill: Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
    • Mega Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
    • Victreebel: Acid and Sludge Bomb
    • Vileplume: Acid and Sludge Bomb
    • Roserade: Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb

Ghost-type Pokemon are good in a lot of situations in Pokemon GO. They are going to be helpful when it comes to battling Arlo’s Gardevoir. Several of the best ones to take along for the fight are:

    • Mega Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
    • Origin Form Giratina: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
    • Chandelure: Hex and Shadow Ball
    • Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
    • Banette: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball

There are also many powerful Steel-type Pokemon that can make easy work of Gardevoir. This will make Gardevoir’s secondary Fairy-typing more of a hindrance than a help for what usually is a hard battle.

The best of those Steel-type Pokemon are:

    • Metagross: Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
    • Dialga: Metal Claw and Iron Head
    • Genesect: Metal Claw and Magnet Bomb
    • Excadrill: Metal Claw and Iron Head
    • Bisharp: Metal Claw and Iron Head

Although it is vital to plan for every scenario, Gardevoir is only one out of three possible Pokemon that Arlo will select as his second Pokemon within an encounter. If the players have already battled in the encounter and lost, they may already know what to expect from him, however there is no way to tell from the encounter’s start. For your information, the two other Pokemon that Arlo will pick for his second Pokemon are Aggron and Infernape. It means that different strategies will be needed if they appear.

Beating Infernape Arlo

Infernape is an easier battle because Water Pokemon will be able to destroy it. The only thing to be worried about is a potential Solarbeam from Infernape.

Here are some Pokemon that you can use to beat Infernape Arlo:

    • Reshiram


Reshiram is legendary Dragon and Fire Pokemon. Based on the research, Reshiram has a maximum CP of 4565. Also, it has 275 attack, 211 defense and 205 stamina in the game of Pokemon GO. Formerly, Reshiram was found in the Unova region in Generation 5. You have to know that Reshiram is very weak to Dragon, Ground and Rock type moves. Windy and Sunny weather Reshiram boost this Pokemon. Fire Fang and Overheat (17.05 DPS) are the best moves of Reshiram.

    • Kyogre

Kyogre pokemon

Kyogre is legendary Water Pokemon. Based on the research, Kyogre has a maximum CP of 4652. Also, it has 270 attack, 228 defense and 205 stamina in the game of Pokemon GO. Formerly, Kyogre was found in the Hoenn region in Generation 3. You have to know that Kyogre is very weak to Electric and Grass type moves. Rain weather boosts this Pokemon. Waterfall and Surf (15.48 DPS) are the best moves of Kyogre.

    • Relicanth


Relicanth is Water and Rock Pokemon. Based on the research, Relicanth has a maximum CP of 2858. Also, it has 162 attack, 203 defense and 225 stamina in the game of Pokemon GO. Formerly, it was found in the Hoenn region in Generation 3. You have to know that Relicanth is very weak to Electric, Grass, Ground and Fighting type moves. Rain and Partly Cloudy weather boost this Pokemon. Water Gun and Hydro Pump (9.13 DPS) are the best moves of Relicanth.

    • Palkia


Palkia is legendary Water and Dragon Pokemon. Based on the research, Palkia has a maximum CP of 4512. Also, it has 280 attack, 215 defense and 189 stamina in the game of Pokemon GO. Formerly, it was found in the Sinnoh region in Generation 4. You have to know that Palkia is very weak to Dragon and Fairy type moves. Rain and Windy weather boost this Pokemon. Dragon Tail and Hydro Pump (16.60 DPS) are the best moves of Palkia.

    • Swampert

Swampert pokemon

Swampert is Water and Ground Pokemon. Based on the research, Swampert has a maximum CP of 3362. Also, it has 208 attack, 175 defense and 225 stamina in the game of Pokemon GO. Formerly, it was found in the Hoenn region in Generation 3. You have to know that Swampert is very weak to Grass type moves. Rain and Sunny weather boost this Pokemon. Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon (15.06 DPS) are the best moves of Swampert.

Well, the text above is an explanation about how to beat Arlo’s Gardevoir and also how to beat Arlo’s Infernape. If you need further information related to beating Arlo’s Gardevoir, we suggest you read another article on our site. Or you are also able to read other information out of there.

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