What Does the Number on Snapchat Mean Next to Your Name?

When you open your Snapchat profile, you may find that there is the number next to your name. So, what is it? It is your Snapchat score. What it a snapchat score and how to find it out? Does it affect your account? You are able to read about the Snapchat score below.

Finding Your Snapchat Score

Do you want to see your Snapchat score? You probably just talked with your friends about it and they reveal their Snapchat score, but you do not know about yours. Well, if you want to find your snapchat score, the thing that you have to do is to tap your Snapchat profile or Bitmoji picture which can be found in the upper left corner of the app. Then, under your snapcode, there will be a number next to your username. So, this is your Snapchat score.

What Does the Number on Snapchat Mean Next to Your Name

If you want to know how many snaps that you have sent and received since you created your account, you can do that by tapping your Snapchat score. By tapping on it, you can see two numbers which take the place of your username and current score. The number on the left is the number of snaps that you have sent and the number on the right is the number of snaps that you have received.

It is important for you to note that if you add these two numbers, the total is not the same as your current score. It is because you have extra points that you earned for increased snap activity.

The Way Your Snapchat Score Increases

When you check your Snapchat score, you may wonder how it can increase. As explained on the Lifewire site, Snapchat does not provide a lot of information about why you should work on increasing your score. However, scores were used to help users to get trophies, but this feature was stopped in 2020. To replace it, Snapchat recommends using Charms where these are special mementos that celebrate your friendships. When a certain level is reached by your score, you may get a Score Charm.

However, there is a possibility that if you have higher scores, you may be able to get access to other Snapchat features such as premium lenses.

So, do we have to increase our Snapchat score? Once again, there is no information about the benefits of having a higher score on Snapchat. So, it seems that it is not important for you to increase your Snapchat score.

Checking Your Friends’ Snapchat Scores

After you know your Snapchat scores, now you may also want to know your friends’ snapchat scores. Well, according to the Lifewire site, before recent Snapchat updates, you were able to tap a friend’s username to check their Snapchat score. However, now you cannot do this anymore because now the app has been updated.

However, it does not mean that now you cannot check your friend’s Snapchat scores. There is another way that you are able to do to check your friend’s Snapchat scores.

According to the Lifewire, on your conversations tab, you have to tap your friend’s profile or Bitmoji picture. Then, you are able to see that your friend’s Snapchat score is listed under their name. However, this way can only work for users that you added as friends and have added you back.

What Do We Have to Do to Increase Our Snapchat Score?

After you know the method to check your Snapchat scores and check your friend’s Snapchat scores, now you may wonder about what you can do to increase your Snapchat score. As explained on the Lifewire site, here are the things that you are able to do if you want to increase your Snapchat score.

    • You are able to share your username by sending a link to a new contact. By doing it, you are able to snap more.
    • You are able to add more friends to Snapchat by scanning their Snapcodes.
    • You are able to try out Snapchat lenses and send them to friends or you can post them as stories.
    • You are able to keep up with your Snapchat streaks.
    • You are able to play Snappables with your friends.

Well, that’s all the information about Snapchat scores according to the Lifewire site. Now, let’s find out more information related to Snapchat below according to the Snapchat Support page.

What Do I Have to Do If I Lost My Snapstreak

If you want to keep a Snapstreak going, it is important for you to note that Snapchatters need to send a Snap back and forth to each other within a 24 hour window. Let’s say that you lost your Snapstreak and you know you have sent a Snap (not chat) back and forth within a 24 hour window. If so, you are able to contact Snapchat.

What Do We Have to Do to Search for Friends on Snapchat?

If you want to search for friends on Snapchat, it is very easy. On Snapchat, you are able to search for friends, groups of friends and even find new friends to add by tapping on the magnifying glass icon and then start typing.

What Do We Have to Do to Create a Snap?

If you want to create a snap, here is the basic information that you have to know according to the Snapchat Support page.

    • You have to tap the Camera button to take a photo Snap.
    • You have to press and hold the Camera button to create a video Snap.
    • You need to tap an End icon in the form of a left-pointing arrow to switch between the selfie and rear-facing camera. You are also able to double tap the screen if you want to switch cameras.
    • If you want to enable or disable flash, you have to tap on the flash icon.

About Director Mode

You are able to use Director Mode if you want to elevate your video Snaps. If you use this mode, you are able to access a set of camera features so that you are able to create more sophisticated video content, whether it is for Stories, Spotlight, or even your Snaps. If you want to try this mode, you can tap on the camera icon in the Camera Modes tool bar on the Camera screen.

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