In the game called Dead by Daylight, Pop Goes the Weasel is the name of a Teachable Perk unique to The Clown. Everyone is able to unlock this for all other Characters from Level 40 onwards. It costs varied, including 4,000 BP, 5,000 BP, 6,000 BP, 5,000, and 2,000 Iridescent Shards.
Pop Goes the Weasel is described as a deep bond with The Entity that unlocks great strength. After a Survivor is hooked, this one activates for the next 35, 40 or 45 seconds. It results the next Generator you damage to immediately lose 25% Progression. Aside from that, there is also Regular Generator Regression that applies after that and this Teachable Perk deactivates.
There are several versions of Pop Goes the Weasel. The first one is Version 2.0.0. Here is everything about this version:
- Tier I: 15%
- Tier II: 20%
- Tier III: 25%
- Description: This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. Once the Survivor is hooked, the next Generator that you break is immediately regressed by 15, 20 or 25% of its total progression. The time the normal Generator regression applies is after the damage is done. After the Survivor is hooked, this Teachable Perk is active for 30 seconds.
The second one is Version 3.0.0. If you want to know the details about this version, check out below:
- Tier I: 40 seconds
- Tier II: 50 seconds
- Tier III: 60 seconds
- Description: This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. The next Generator that you break is immediately regressed by 25% of its total progression after a Survivor is hooked. The time the normal Generator regression applies is after the damage is done. After the Survivor is hooked, this Teachable Perk is active for 40, 50 or 60 seconds.
Another version of Pop Goes the Weasel is Version 4.3.0. To be able to know more about it, this following if for you:
- Tier I: 35 seconds
- Tier II: 40 seconds
- Tier III: 45 seconds
- Description: This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. Pop goes the Weasel activates for the next 35, 40 or 45 seconds after hooking a Survivor. The next Generator that you damage is immediately loses 25% Progression. As for the Regular Generator Regression, it will be applied after that and the Teachable Perk deactivates.
Aside from the history, you might also want to know about the change log. Below is the information of the thing that you are looking for:
Patch 3.0.0:
- Buff: The regression penalty is adjusted to 25% across every Tier.
- Buff: The window of opportunity to damage a Generator is increased to 40, 50 or 60 seconds.
Patch 4.3.0:
- Nerf: The window of opportunity to damage a Generator is reduced to 35, 40 or 45 seconds.
Talking about Pop Goes the Weasel, there is a trivia that you might not know yet. Apparently, the percentage of this Teachable Perk is always in regard to the full 80 Charges and not the current progression of the Generator.
Another thing that you need to know about Pop Goes the Weasel is that it is included in the week’s Shrine of Secrets. If you have zero knowledge about Shrine of Secret, it refers to a market for the game. In this kind of market, you are allowed to unlock Teachable Perks without having to level the associated Character to either Level 30, 35 or 40. Every week, there are a total of four perks that are available for the players like you. In addition to Pop Goes the Weasel, the other three include Adrenaline as a Survivor Teachable Perk, Dead Hear as a Survivor Teachable Perk, and Hex: Undying as a Killer Teachable Perk.
Adrenaline is the name of a Teachable Park unique to Meg Thomas. This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. It becomes available in the Bloodweb from the other characters included in the Level 40 onwards.
Dead Hard is also counted as a Teachable Perk in the game. While Adrenaline is unique to Meg Thomas, this one is unique to David King. This perk becomes available in the Bloodweb for the other characters that are included in Level 40 onwards.
Hex: Undying is named as a Teachable Perk unique to one of the Killers named The Blight. This one becomes available in the Bloodweb for the other characters from Level 40 onwards.
Hex: Undying is described as a kind of Hex that maintains the vile powers that flow throughout the Trial. You will be revealed with the Auras of Survivors within a few metres of any Dull Totem. Apparently, the Hex will be transferred to the Hex: Undying Totem when another Perk’s Hex Totem is cleansed. This includes any accumulated Tokens, making the Hex: Undying disabled. According to a lot of sources, the Hex effects will be there as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
As stated before, there are a lot of Teachable Perks in Dead of Daylight with some of them being the ones for Killers. If you are wondering about the other Teachable Killer Perks apart from Pop Goes the Weasel and Hex: Undying, the other ones include A Nurse’s Calling, Agitation, Bamboozle, Barbecue && Chilli, Beast of Prey, Blood Echo, Blood Warden, Bloodhound, Brutal Strength, Corrupt Intervention, Coulrophobia, Coup de Grace, Cruel Limits, Dark Devotion, Dead Man’s Switch, Deadlock, Deathbound, Discordance, Dragon’s Grip, Dying Light, Enduring, Eruption, Fire Up, Forced Penance, Franklin’s Demise, Furtive Chase, Gearhead, Grim Embrace, Hangman’s Trick, Hex: Blood Favour, Hex: Crowd Control, Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Haunted Ground, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Plaything, Hex: Retribution, Hex: Ruin, Hex: The Third Seal, Hoarder, Hysteria, I’m All Ears, Infectious Fright, Iron Maiden, Knock Out, Lethal Pursuer, Lightborn, Mad Grit, Make Your Choice, Mindbreaker, Monitor & Abuse, Nemesis, No Way Out, Oppression, Overcharge, Overwhelming Presence, Play with Your Food, Predator, Rancor, Remember Me, Save the Best for Last, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Shadowborn, Spirit Fury, Starstruck, Stridor, Surge, Surveillance, Territorial Imperative, Thanatophobia, Thrilling Tremors, Tinkerer, Trail of Torment, Unnerving Presence, and Zanshin Tactics.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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