DBD Shrine of Secrets This Week

For those who just recently into Dead by Daylight, you might be wondering what the Shrine of Secrets is. Basically, it is known as a market place for the game where everyone is allowed to unlock Teachable Perks without having to level the associated Character to either Level 30, 35 or 40. There are a total of four perks that are available for the players every week. These four consists of two survivor perks and two perks for killers.

When you purchase a Teachable Perk from the Shrine, that one will be immediately unlocked in each Character’s Bloodweb. Usually, it costs a thing, meaning it is not free. Not only that, you will also have to spend more than 2,000 Iridescent Shards for every Teachable Perk that you want to unlock.

DBD Shrine of Secrets This Week

Every Wednesday, the Shrine self renews at 00:00:00 UTC (GMT+0). Since it is reset every week, you are recommended to check out the latest information every Wednesday morning in order to find the new Shrine of Secrets for the next 7 days. The question is, what are the Teachable Perks that are available this week? If you are wondering about it, find out the answer below.

Keep in mind that the current Shrine of Secrets runs from January 5th to January 12, 2022. As announced by the official Twitter account of Dead by Daylight at @DeadByBHVR on January 4th, 2022, the Teachable Perks that are available for this week include Adrenaline and Dead Hard for the Survivors and Hex: Undying and Pop Goes The Weasel for Killers. Continue reading to be guided to each of them.

    1. Adrenaline (Survivor Teachable Perk)

Adrenaline (Survivor Teachable Perk)

In the game named Dead by Daylight, Adrenaline is the name of a Teachable Park unique to Meg Thomas. This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. It becomes available in the Bloodweb from the other characters included in the Level 40 onwards.

When you are on the verge of the escape, you are fueled by an energy that you did not expect before. After the Exit Gates are getting powered, do not wait and go head one Health State right away and then sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.

In case you are disabled at the moment, the Adrenaline will be on hold. On the other hand, it will be activated once it is freed. Take note that you will be waken up from the Dream World if you are playing against The Nightmare and when the process of Adrenaline activation is done. This perk does not care about an existing Exhaustion time. However, it causes the Exhausted Status Effect for a few seconds.

    1. Dead Hard (Survivor Teachable Perk)

Dead Hard (Survivor Teachable Perk)

Just like Adrenaline, Dead Hard is also counted as a Teachable Perk in the game. While Adrenaline is unique to Meg Thomas, this one is unique to David King. This perk becomes available in the Bloodweb for the other characters that are included in Level 40 onwards.

When injured, the best thing that you can do is to tap into your adrenaline bank and then run forwards as fast as you can in order to prevent the damage from happening. Do not forget to press the Active Ability button while running to dash forwards and please try your best to avoid any damage during the Dash.

The Teachable Peak called Dead Hard is the type of perk that causes the Exhausted Status Effect for a few seconds. It is worth noting that there is no way for it to be used when Exhausted.

    1. Hex: Undying (Killer Teachable Perk)

Hex Undying (Killer Teachable Perk)

Hex: Undying is named as a Teachable Perk unique to one of the Killers named The Blight. This one becomes available in the Bloodweb for the other characters from Level 40 onwards.

Hex: Undying is described as a kind of Hex that maintains the vile powers that flow throughout the Trial. You will be revealed with the Auras of Survivors within a few metres of any Dull Totem. Apparently, the Hex will be transferred to the Hex: Undying Totem when another Perk’s Hex Totem is cleansed. This includes any accumulated Tokens, making the Hex: Undying disabled. According to a lot of sources, the Hex effects will be there as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    1. Pop Goes the Weasel (Killer Teachable Perk)

Pop Goes the Weasel (Killer Teachable Perk)

Pop Goes the Weasel refers to a Teachable Perk unique to The Clown in the game. This perk becomes available in the Bloodweb for the other characters that are included in Level 40 onwards. This one is described as a deep bond with The Entity unlocks great strength. When a Survivor is hooked, this Teachable Perk activates for the next a few seconds. Keep in mind that the next Generator that you damage will immediately lose 25% Progression and the Regular Generator Regression will apply after that. In addition, the Pop Goes the Weasel will deactivate.

That’s everything that you need to remember about the week’s Shrine of Secrets. Do not forget to check out the new the week’s Shrine of Secrets on Wednesday so that you will be able to know the list of the perks that you can get next. The perks that might be included in the next week’s Shrine of Secrets are Bond, Prove Thyself, Leader, Quick and Quiet, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Empathy, Botany Knowledge, Self Care, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Saboteur, Balanced Landing, Urban Evasion, Streetwise, Sole Survivor, Object of Obsession, Decisive Strike, Open-Handed, Up the Ante, Ace in the  Hole, Left Behind, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Technician, Lithe, Alert, We’re Gonna Live Forever, Dead Heard, No Mither, Wake Up!, Pharmacy, Vigil, Tenacity, Detective’s Hunch, Stake Out, Dance with Me, Windows of Opportunity, Boil Over, Diversion, Deliverance, Autodidact, Breakdown, Aftercare, Distortion, Solidarity, Poised, Head On, Flip-Flop, Buckle Up, Mettle of Man, Better Together, Fixated, Inner Strength, Babysitter, Camaraderie, Second Wind, Lucky Break, Any Means Necessary, Breakout, Off the Record, Red Herring, For the People, Soul Guard, Blood Pact,  Repressed Alliance, and many more.

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