If in Minecraft you can build new worlds inside the game itself, well in Roblox, you can create your own games through a dedicated program for designing new games. The program here is called Roblox Studio where it enables you to create, design, customize your game project.
Roblox Studio can easily be downloaded only on Windows and Mac computers. Outside of those operating systems, it’s a bit hard to install Roblox Studio. How about Chromebook? Are you also unable to install and use Roblox Studio on Chromebook?
Thankfully, you can use Roblox Studio on Chromebook, thanks to Grapejuice, a modern wrapper/management app which makes running Roblox/ Roblox Studio through Wine easily. The Grapejuice project is available on GitLab @BrinkerVII here.
Running Roblox Studio on Chromebook, Here’s the Guide!
In order to run Roblox Studio on Chromebook, you will need Wine and Linux. Keep in mind, it requires a Chromebook with official Linux support. However, with the release of Chrome OS 90, the location of Linux Apps has been changed into the Chromebook’s settings. In other words, you can install and run Roblox Studio using Linux and Wine.
Here’s a list of commands used to run Roblox Studio on Chromebook:
Commands Used:
1) sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
2) wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
3) sudo apt-key add winehq.key
4) sudo apt install nano
5) sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/ buster main
deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Emulators:/Wine:/Debian/Debian_10 ./
6) sudo apt-key adv –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-keys DFA175A75104960E
7) sudo apt update
8) sudo apt install –install-recommends winehq-stable
9) winecfg
10) wget https://setup.rbxcdn.com/RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe
11) wine RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe
12) sudo apt install menulibre
13) menulibre
Here’s how to run Roblox Studio with Linux and Wine on Chromebook!
First, make sure that your Chromebook is set up to use Linux apps and everything is up to date. Now, it’s ready to run Linux apps. Open the Linux terminal and begin the installation process. In this case, Roblox Studio will require some 32-bit libraries to run properly.
If you use an Intel or AMD processor on Chromebook, you will have to add the i386 architecture for those libraries to function. However, you can perform that with the following terminal command from our list above:
sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
It’s a great time to install Wine and all necessary libraries and utilities which are needed to run Roblox Studio. This step can be performed with the commands below all at once, however, it will only take a few minutes.
After installing those packages, you can then paste the following command into the terminal by right-clicking on your mouse or touch pad and press ‘Enter’:
sudo apt install -y wine git python3-pip pkg-config libcairo2-dev libdbus-1-dev gtk-update-icon-cache desktop-file-utils xdg-utils libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0
Then, you have to ‘clone’ the repository for Grapejuice. However, it’s important to pull down all the code which is needed to build and install Grapejuice too. You can then copy the files to your Chromebook with the following command:
git clone https://gitlab.com/brinkervii/grapejuice.git
Well, it should only take a few seconds to complete this process.
What you should do here is to install Grapejuice. To install this tool, you have to move to the newly created Grapejuice folder and then execute the install script. You can copy the following commands in the Linux terminal.
cd grapejuice
python3 ./install.py
After it is completed, you must see the Grapejuice app icon in your Chrome OS app launcher.
To run Grapejuice tool, you will have to install Roblox. To get Roblox in Grapejuice, you can open Grapejuice and click on the maintenance tab. After that, click ‘Install Roblox’ button. Once it is finished, you can then move to the Launcher tab and start Roblox Studio.
Congratulations! You successfully run Roblox Studio on Chromebook, thanks to Linux and Wine as well as the Grapejuice tool from a programmer, named Brinker7.
It’s important to note, this method works greatly and can be a solution for someone who has a Corei5 or great device with at least 8GB of RAM. However, Roblox Studio runs with Linux and Wine uses a Windows compatibility layer to ‘emulate’ the framework needed to run a Windows program.
Of course, this method is never going to be as smooth as running the Roblox Studio on a native machine; Windows and Mac computer.
How Does Roblox Studio Work?
Download Roblox Studio here.
Roblox Studio is such a great building tool that can help you express your creativity, innovative side and even test games before you release your own game into Roblox. Roblox Studio offers a 3D video game development program which is free to download.
With Roblox Studio, you can build terrains from open savannahs, to cityscapes, volcanic islands and high rise buildings. After you have developed their game to a level ready to release, you can then publish your own game onto the Roblox site in which anyone can play your game.
What makes Roblox Studio great is that it can be used at school and at home entirely without the use of Robux or with the need to pay any money.
Why is Roblox Studio Special?
The main goal of the Roblox is designed to allow developers and creators to connect, share and build their ideas together. Roblox can distinguish someone by encouraging a community which supports imagination, creativity and learning. However, it’s very unique in that promotion is largely achieved through word of mouth.
In Roblox Studio, kids know the regular Roblox games which use the red icon that they can play on apps or websites. However, not so many of them know that Roblox Studio uses the blue icon where they can become game developers.
The kids can immediately start experiencing the affordances of the programme, after a quick Roblox Studio introduction. In other words, Roblox Studio really gives the easy access while also providing almost infinite ways to take their design and creativity deeply.
In addition, games created and published using Roblox Studio can be played on various platforms such as Xbox One, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. The Roblox Studio software is a free program that can be downloaded to a Mac or Windows computer.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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