How to Delete Walgreens Account

Walgreens is an American company which operates pharmacy stores in the United States. Filling prescription, health information, health and wellness products, and photo services are the specializations of this company. If you register on the website of Walgreens, you are able to have access to a wide variety of Walgreens services so that it will make your shopping experience easier and enjoyable.

You may have used your Walgreens account for a long time, and now you think that you have to delete it since you do not need it anymore. If you want to delete your Walgreens account, you are able to follow the methods below according to the Join Cake site.

How to Delete Walgreens Account

The Steps to Delete Your Walgreens Account

According to the Join Cake site, there are two methods that you can choose for deleting your Walgreens account as you are able to read below.

    • The first method is by contacting the customer service of Walgreens. You are able to contact them by phone and the number that you have to use is 1-877-250-5823.  After you are connected to a customer service out there, then you are able to request to cancel or delete your account.
    • Another method that you can do to delete your Walgreens account is by sending email to the customer service. The email address that you can use for requesting to delete your Walgreens account is When you send the email to request for deleting your account, you have to make sure that you include a detailed subject line such as “Request Account Deletion” and detail your request in the email. You also have to provide them with your account details.

Now, you have known the methods to delete your Walgreens account and now you are able to choose which method for deleting your account and then do it.

You may also want to know the other things related to Walgreens, so you are able to read them below according to the Walgreens site.

Register to Walgreens Website

You may wonder why you should register on Walgreens website. Well, the reason is because if you register to Walgreens website, you will have access to a wide variety of Walgreens services and it will make your shopping easier and enjoyable. By having an account on Walgreens website, you are able to check your order history, take advantage of photo services and manage your prescriptions.

So, how to register on Walgreens website?

    • The first thing that you have to do to register to Walgreens site is to access this link here.
    • Then, you will be taken to the registration page where you have to enter your first name, last name, email address, and password.
    • If you want, you can also create or link your myWalgreens account by giving a check mark in the box and then entering your phone number and ZIP code.
    • After you fill in all of the information, then you have to give a check mark in the box which says that you read and agree to the Walgreens Terms of Use.
    • Now, you must click on the Continue button.

When you create a password, it is important for you to note that it must be at least eight characters long and it must have one number. Your passwords may also contain letters, numbers or other symbols such as #, !, %, $, etc. If you combine all three different character types, it can create the most secure passwords.

Here are some requirements that you have to meet when you create   your Walgreens password.

    • Your password must consist of 8 characters where it must be at least 1 letter and 1 number. Note that it is case-sensitive.
    • Your password must have alphabetic and numeric characters. However, this requirement is excluded if the password is 16 or more characters.
    • Your password must be different from your username, first name, last name, or email address.
    • Make sure that your password does not contain patterns or common keyboard combinations such as 123456, abcdefg, and many more.
    • Your password does not contain a commonly used password such as password, letmein, etc. And also, your password is not the same as any previous password.

You may wonder whether it is a must or not to register to Walgreens website to shop The answer is no. You do not have to register if you want to shop on Walgreens website if you do not want to register. It means that you are able to skip registration and proceed directly to checkout. However, if you do not register, it means that you will not be able to track or save your order. If you want to buy items on that site and you do not register, you are able to choose ‘Check out as a guest’.

Creating An Account for My Entire Family

On Walgreens website, you are able to create an account for your entire family. As explained on the Walgreens site, a Family Prescriptions account features an administrator who manages the accounts of linked family members or others under your care. With Family Prescriptions, you are able to order new prescriptions, refill existing prescriptions or transfer prescriptions.

The Thing That Will Happen If I Enter The Wrong Password Too Many Times

Let’s say that you enter the wrong password more than 6 times in Walgreens website to login. If it happens, the thing that will happen is that your account will be locked for 15 minutes as a security precaution. After your account is locked, then you will have the option to reset your password by requesting a link to reset your password or calling Customer Care at 877-250-5823.

Deleting The Messages You Have Already Read

If you want to delete messages that you have read in your Walgreens account, you are able to follow the steps below.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to access your Account Home page.
    • After that, you have to click on the Messages tab.
    • Then, you have to choose the checkbox beside each message that you want to delete and then click on the bright blue Delete button. There will be a Confirm Your Request window which asks whether you are sure that you want to delete the selected messages.
    • Now, you have to click on the Yes option to delete the messages.

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