Factorio Cheat Sheet

You may be looking for information about Factorio Cheat Sheets. However, what is it and how to use this cheat sheet? You are able to read the explanation about Factorio cheat sheet below according to some online sources.

About Cheat Sheet in Factorio

According to the Stealth Optional site, a cheat contains notes for quick references and it applies in the game of Factorio as well. It lists a lot of facts which are able to be useful for players, particularly on building their factories, besides a lot of other elements of the game. Various players have developed the Factorio cheat sheet since the game was released in 2016. Cheat sheet is considered as an important component where players are able to use their reference in the game.

On the Stealth Optional site, it is also explained that the Factorio cheat sheet is labelled as a compendium of some of the most common facts and things about the game itself.

Factorio Cheat Sheet

The Way to Use the Cheat Sheet

How to use a cheat sheet in a Factorio game? As also explained on the Stealth Optional site, there is no direct way to use it in the game. You are able to use it as your reference to your journey in Factorio. The thing that you can do is to go to the most popular Factorio cheat sheet which can be found in the Factorio Wiki and there you are able to find a lot of things that you want to know about the game.

Factorio Cheat Sheets

Here is the Factorio cheat sheet according to the Factorio Wiki. If you want to know more in details, you are able to access Factorio Wiki directly.

Common Ratios

It is explained that the first item represents the type of machine which is expected to assemble the following components. The items below represent the amount of machines which are needed making them. Let’s say that there is no machine mixing (assemblers/chemical plants/furnaces). If so, ratios will stay the same between assembly tiers.

Machine speeds: Assembling Machine 1 (0.5/s), Assembling Machine 2 (0.75/s), Assembling Machine 3 (1.25/s), Chemical Plant (1/s), Oil Refinery (1/s)

Let’s take an example as explained on Factorio Wiki. If you want to make rails, the right ratio is 1 iron stick assembler feeding 2 rail assemblers. If you use the level 3 assemblers, you are able to produce 10 rails every second.

Rocket Components

    • Rocket Comp. Ratio: Rocket Silo (1), Low Density Structure (40), Rocket Fuel (60), Rocket Control Unit (60)
    • Rocket Comp. Ratio w/ Sat: Rocket Silo (1), Low Density Structure (44), Rocket Fuel (63), Rocket Control Unit (60)
    • Rocket Comp. Module Ratio w/ Sat: Rocket Silo (1), Low Density Structure (33), Rocket Fuel (46), Rocket Control Unit (43)

Here are some points about Rocket Components according to the Factorio Wiki.

    • 100 Rocket Parts are needed for a rocket.
    • To get Space Science (no productivity modules in the silo); a rocket requires 1000 of each component of the rocket part + and the requirements for the satellite.
    • This is a ratio of (1100 * 2) : (1050 * 30) : (1000 * 30) or simplified of 44: 63 : 60.
    • 20 and 30 are the respective crafting speeds.
    • Module ratio is approximate with lvl 3 productivity modules.


Transport Belt Throughput – Items per second (i/s) passed over one belt tile.

Transport Belt Density – Maximum items which fit in one tile: 8 items for all belts.

All belts are able to hold up to 8 items on each tile.

Throughput Underground
Transport Belt, Underground Belt, Splitter 15 i/s 4 tiles
Fast Transport Belt, Fast Underground Belt, Fast Splitter 30 i/s 6 tiles
Express Transport Belt, Express Underground Belt, Express Splitter 45 i/s 8 tiles

It is explained that it is common to stack belts to form a Main Bus. Underground belts are able to be side loaded. Splitters are able to filter items. Belts are able to be woven.


You use balancers to evenly distribute items over multiple belts. They are usually used at ore patches or the Main Bus. Here are some points about balancers according to the Factorio Wiki.

    • Balancers which are input balanced take evenly from input belts.
    • Balancers which are output balanced distribute evenly to output belts.
    • Balancers which are output balanced under back pressure, keep an even distribution even if one or more output belts are blocked.
    • Balancers which are throughput limited may not provide the maximum throughput because of bottlenecks.

Here are some tips about balancers according to the Factorio Wiki.

    • Never overuse balancers. You have to use them when you need them.
    • You have to make a build which is inherently balanced and it can be done by letting the assembly machines consume a full belt of items.
    • Balancers are still able to be useful regardless.
    • Being throughput unlimited, the input or output amount is able to vary. So, those two cover most cases.
    • More designs are available online such as the Balancer Book by Raynquist.

Material Processing

Buildings needed to Empty Input Belt
With Input Transport Belt Fast Transport Belt Express Transport Belt
Stone Furnace Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Iron Plate 48 96 144
Steel Furnace, Electric Furnace 24 48 72
Stone Furnace Stone 24 48 72
Steel Furnace, Electric Furnace 12 24 36
Centrifuge Uranium Ore 18 36 54
Buildings Needed To Fill Output Belt
With Output Transport Belt Fast Transport Belt Express Transport Belt
Stone Furnace Copper Plate, Iron Plate, Stone Brick 48 96 144
Steel Furnace, Electric Furnace 24 48 72
Stone Furnace Steel Plate 240 480 720
Steel Furnace, Electric Furnace 120 240 360
Centrifuge Uranium-235, Uranium-238 180 360 540

Here are some smelting facts according to the Factorio Wiki.

    • If you smelt iron, copper, and stone, each of them takes a base 3.2 seconds to complete. If you smelt steel, it takes a base 16 seconds.
    • 1 is a crafting speed of Stone Furnaces. 2 is a crafting speed for Steel and Electric.
    • One furnace which makes iron is able to support one furnace making steel.
    • 0.0225 coal/second is consumed by stone and steel furnaces.

That’s all some information that I can give to you about Factoria Cheat Sheet according to Factoria Wiki. If you want to know more, you are able to access Factoria Wiki.

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