Best Factorio Modpacks

For those who are looking for information about the best Factorio modpacks, you have to read this entire article. Here you are going to get information about the best Factorio modpacks.

Best Factorio Modpacks

Here are some best Factorio modpacks:

Bob’s Mods Modpack

Bob’s Mods Modpack

Bob’s Mod is a mudpack which is created by one of the best modders in Factorio. Bob’s mod has useful mods to choose from. Also, it has a modpack that allows you to take some pretty game-changing ideas. For your information, Bob’s modpack contains nineteen separate downloads, ranging from the common such as Tech, Ores, and Power, to some more inventive stuff like Enemies, Warfare, and Bob’s Greenhouse. You will be able to download the lot, or consult the full list and choose the ones that seem more interesting for you.

Angel’s Mods Modpack

Angel’s mods mudpack has far less mods out in the wild. This modpack has eight, one of which is a beta. They focus more on standard Factorio gameplay mechanics vs. expanding gameplay. There are mods for storage, ores, mass transit, and a reskin mod which is quite famous. If you want to pick specific items, you are able to check out the full list here;



As we know, Factoria is a game about building industrial engines which can grow exponentially, provided you are able to keep all of the plates spinning and keep the opponents at bay. It is a game where hindsight is 20/20, and a game where you are able to definitely benefit from some forward planning. Here, Helmod is to do that. Helmod is listed as a helper mod. In this overlay, you are able to help plan out your factory builds and attempt to anticipate their future needs. It will not be able to help you if you cannot get the conveyor belts going in the right direction, but it is still useful.

Space Exploration

Space Exploration

Space Exploration is an overhaul mod which offers a unique gameplay experience. The mod allows you to travel the wonderful realms of space as well as build satellites and facilities which you can send up. It is an incredible mod which adds a considerable amount of content to keep you entertained for a long time if you get bored of the original gameplay, or if you want something new. Also, you will need this graphics mod and a post-process mod to make this work.

Bottleneck Modpack

Bottleneck Modpack

Bottleneck does not change the overall design of the game. Also, it does not change the base game itself. Basically, the Bottleneck job saves you from that annoying moment when everything is working smoothly then one machine suddenly decides to not work. You have to spend a lot of time to find out where and why. Bottleneck will help with that and give you a good idea about where the problem is and why it is not working.

Its basic functionality is a traffic-light system. Green means everything is working fine. Yellow means that the machine is not doing anything, however that output is the limiting factor. Red means the machine is not doing anything, however input is the limiting factor. This category will help you find where the real issues are in your industrial utopia.

Krastorio 2

Krastorio 2

This is a friendly mod which introduces new energy sources, tech, buildings, overhauls combat and fuel mechanics, to name a few things. Also, Krastorio 2 has a pretty neat art style. It is less of a full overhaul and more of a vanilla+ kind of mod. However, it still changes a lot of things and adds a lot of new content.

This mod adds a beautiful new art style and attempts to keep the overhaul to a minimum that is perfect for those fans who want to stick to the original style of Factorio. But, this mod is not too friendly to others, it needs to be in a new game if you want to use it how it’s meant to be used.

Alien Biomes

Alien Biomes

While many of the best mods focus on complete overhauls of game mechanics or adding new aspects into the original game, this Alien Biomes mod aims to bring a more visual upgrade to Factorio. The mod will introduce several awesome new biomes to explore such as dirt, snow, or even a volcanic biome which looks amazing. It brings the new biomes, new plants and is all just a wonderful addition to the game. It is well worth getting this Alien Biomes mod.

Factorissimo 2

Factorissimo 2

If immersion is your purpose, then you do not need to look for others. The Factorissimo 2 mod does not do a lot of things, but will allow the builders and the creators a whole load of fantastic chances to make their factories beautiful and unique. Basically, the Factorissimo 2 mod allows you to construct factory buildings which you are able to walk and build in. It only makes it neater and a little nicer.

Squeak Through

Squeak Through

One of the most frustrating sections of the Factorio game is the fact that you cannot get through the buildings. Only to get to one place, you will need to walk around the entire map. Fortunately, now there is a mod which can make your life easier and you’re traveling so much quicker. This Squeak Through mod will allow you to travel through the sides of buildings. It is very useful and will make your life so much easier.

Resource Spawner Overhaul

Resource Spawner Overhaul

It is very easy to stick to where you spawn. Lots of players find themselves happy in the comfort of what they know. However, for those who prefer to explore and see the sights, this Resource Spawner Overhaul mod is the best choice for you. The Resource Spawner Overhaul mod will be able to change the spawning system into a more region-friendly one. It makes the regions richer and more rewarding so it will surely be promising for the explorers. It is well worth a try even if you do not lean towards exploring. You may want to expand your empire a little more.

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