Factorio Console Commands

According to the Factorio site, there are three types of commands on Factorio. Those are normal commands, multiplayer commands, and scripting/ cheating commands. Normal commands show information about the game and customize your experience. Multiplayer commands include message filtering, banning users, etc. Meanwhile, scripting/ cheating commands run small Lua scripts.

Normal Commands

According to the Factorio Wiki, here are normal commands on Factorio.

    • Command: /alerts <enable/disable/mute/unmute> <alert>
      Description: This command enables, disables, mutes or unmutes the given alert type.
    • Command: /clear
      Description: it clears the console.
    • Command: /color <color>
      Description: this command changes your color.
    • Command: /evolution
      Description: It can print info about the alien evolution factor.
    • Command: /help [command]
      Description: this command prints a list of available commands, the optional argument is able to specify the command that should be described.
    • Command: /h [command]
      Description: It is the same as /help.
    • Command: /mute-programmable-speaker <mute/unmute> <local/everyone>
      Description: it can mute or unmute the global sounds which are created by the Programmable Speaker. You can use ‘local’ if you want to mute just the local client.
    • Command: /perf-avg-frames <number>
      Description: It is the number of ticks or updates which are used to average performance counters.
    • Command: /permissions
      Description: This command can open the permissions GUI. This command is admin only.
    • Command: /permissions <action> <parameters>
      Description: add-player <group> <player>, create-group <name>, delete-group <group>, edit-group <group> <input_action> <true/false>, get-player-group <player>, remove-player <group> <player>, rename-group <group> <new_name> and reset are available actions. This command is admin only.
    • Command: /reset-tips
      Description: This command can reset the state of the tips and tricks as if the game was just started for the first time.
    • Command: /screenshot [x resolution] [y resolution] [zoom]
      Description: This command will take a screenshot with the GUI hidden, centered on the player.
    • Command: /seed
      Description: it prints the starting map seed.
    • Command: /time
      Description: this command prints info about how old the map is.
    • Command: /toggle-action-logging
      Description: this command can toggle logging all input actions which are performed by the game. It is admin only.
    • Command: /toggle-heavy-mode
      Description: this command is used to investigate desyncs. It is admin only.
    • Command: /unlock-shortcut-bar
      Description: it is used to unlock all shortcut bar items, including blueprint string import, copy and paste, deconstructions and upgrade planner.
    • Command: /unlock-tips
      Description: It is used to unlock all tips and tricks entries.
    • Command: /version
      Description: this command is used to print the current game version.

Multiplayer Commands

Here are multiplayer commands according to the Factorio Wiki.

    • Command: <message>
      Description: console input which does not begin with / is shown as a chat message to your team.
    • Command: /admin
      Description: This command is used to open the player management GUI. It is admin only.
    • Command: /admins
      Description: it is used to print a list of game admins.
    • Command: /ban <player> <reason>
      Description: this command is used to ban the specified player. It is admin only.
    • Command: /bans
      Description: this command is used to print a list of banned players.
    • Command: /banlist <add/remove/get/clear> <player>
      Description: This command is used to add or remove a player from the banlist.
    • Command: /config <get/set> <option> <value>
      Description: this command is used to get or set various multiplayer game settings. It is admin only.
    • Command: /delete-blueprint-library <player>
      Description: this command is used to delete the blueprint library storage for the given offline player from the save file. If you want to delete the storage of all offline payers, you can enter ‘everybody confirm’. It is admin only.
    • Command: /demote <player>
      Description: This command is used to demote the player from admin. It is admin only.
    • Command: /ignore <player>
      Description: this command is used to prevent the chat from showing messages from this player.
    • Command: /ignores
      Description: this command is used to print a list of ignored players.
    • Command: /kick <player> <reason>
      Description: this command is used to kick the specified player. It is admin only.
    • Command: /mute <player>
      Description: this command is used to prevent the player from saying anything in chat. It is admin only.
    • Command: /mutes
      Description: All players that are muted ( are not able to talk in chat).
    • Command: /open <player>
      Description: this command is used to open another player’s inventory. It is admin only.
    • Command: /o <player>
      Description: it is the same as /open. It is admin only.
    • Command: /players [online/o/count/c]
      Description: this command is used to print a list of players in the game.
    • Command: /p [online/o/count/c]
      Description: this command is the same as /players.
    • Command: /promote <player>
      Description: this command is used to promote the player to admin. It is admin only.
    • Command: /purge <player>
      Description: it is used to clear all the messages from this player from the chat log. It is admin only.
    • Command: /reply <message>
      Description: It is used to reply to the last player that whispered to you.
    • Command: r/ <message>
      Description: it is the same as /reply.
    • Command: /server-save
      Description: this command is used to save the game on the server in a multiplayer game. It is admin only.
    • Command: /shout <message>
      Description: this command is used to send a message to all players including other forces.
    • Command: s/ <message>
      Description: this command is the same as /shout.
    • Command: /swap-players <player> [player]
      Description: it is used to swap your character with the given player’s character, or if two players are given swaps the two player characters. It is admin only.
    • Command: /unban <player>
      Description: it is used to unban the specified player. It is admin only.
    • Command: /unignore <player>
      Description: it is used to allow the chat to show messages from this player.
    • Command: /unmute <player>
      Description: it permits the player to talk in chat again. This is admin only.
    • Command: /whisper <player> <message>
      Description: it sends a message to the specified player.
    • Command: /w <player> <message>
      Description: it is the same as /whisper.
    • Command: /whitelist <add/remove/get/clear> [player]
      Description: it adds or removes a player from the whitelist, where only whitelisted players are able to join the game.

Scripting and Cheat Commands

And here are the scripting and cheat commands in Factorio according to Factorio Wiki.

    • Command: /cheat <all>
      Description: it is used to research all technologies and enables cheat mode.
    • Command: /command <command>
      Description: it is used to execute a Lua command.
    • Command: /c
      Description: it executes a Lua command.
    • Command: /editor
      Description: it is used to toggle the map editor.
    • Command: /measured-command <command>
      Description: It is used to execute a Lua command and measures time it took.
    • Command: /silent-command <command>
      Description: it is used to execute a Lua command without printing it to the console.
    • Command: /sc <command>
      Description: it is used to execute a Lua command without printing it to the console.

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