Can You Buy Robux with an Apple Gift Card?

When you come to this page, you may want to know whether you can buy Robux with an Apple Gift Card or not. If you want to know that answer, you need to read this article until the end. Here we are going to inform you of that answer.

Can You Buy Robux with an Apple Gift Card?

Unfortunately, you cannot buy Robux with an Apple Gift Card. Need to know that Apple Gift cards pertain specifically to products created by Apple such as Phones, Computers, iPads, etc. And not on products that they do not produce such as Robux. Roblox is its own corporation, thus purchasing Robux with a card which can only be used to purchase Apple products will not be able to work. But, if you are looking for a free and safe method, meaning you will not get banned because it is allowed to get Robux, we recommend Microsoft Rewards, because you are able to use that to buy Xbox Giftcards to purchase Robux via an Xbox or a Windows 10 computer with the Microsoft store version of Roblox. For your information, Roblox has a deal with Xbox to allow cross platform play, thus, you are able to buy stuff on Roblox with an Xbox gift card.

Can You Buy Robux with an Apple Gift Card

iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Payments

Robux and membership are able to be purchased in the Roblox Mobile App found on the iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon app stores.

How to buy Robux through Google Play or iTunes:

    • At the first step, you have to open the App (Run program).
    • After that, you are able to navigate to and then click on the Robux icon.
    • Now, you are able to select Robux amount of Robux you want to buy.
    • A pop-up window is going to appear, asking to confirm your purchase.

To cancel the purchase before completing it, simply you are able to use the Cancel or Back feature of your device.

Warning: Recurring memberships bought through Google Play or iTunes cannot be cancelled by Roblox. Those memberships are set up directly via your mobile app provider. Check the Cancelling a Mobile Membership for more information on how to cancel with your provider.

In-App purchases are billed to your Google Play, iTunes, Amazon account. You have to keep a copy of your receipt for account ownership verification in case you need it in the future.

Buying Robux

This paragraph will teach you how to buy Robux for Roblox on a computer, phone, or tablet. As we know Robux is a virtual currency that is used on Roblox. You are able to use Robux to purchase special abilities and avatar upgrades in a game.

To buy Roblox on a computer:

    • At the first step, you have to go to in a web browser. If you are not already signed in, just click Log In at the top-right corner of the page to sign in right now. If you do not have a credit or debit card, you are able to use cash at any store that sells Roblox cards. Please see Roblox’s card page to check where Roblox cards are available near you.
    • After that, you are able to click the price next to the amount of Robux you want to purchase. This will bring you to a list of payment methods.
    • Please select a payment method and then click Continue
    • Now, you are able to enter your payment details. If you select to pay with a credit or debit card, you will need to enter the details from the card. If you are using a Roblox card, just enter the PIN from the card and click Redeem. If you selected PayPal, you need to follow the on-screen instructions to sign into your PayPal account and complete your payment. But, if you are paying with a credit or debit card, you also need to enter your email address.
    • The last step, you only need to click Pay now or Submit Order. It is the green button below your payment info. After your payment is completed, your Robux will be added to your account.

To buy Roblox on a Phone or Tablet:

    • At the first step, you have to open Roblox on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. It is the icon with two Roblox characters which says “Roblox” inside. Usually, you are going to find it on the home screen or in the app drawer.
    • After that, you have to tap the R$ icon. It is near the top-right corner. Your Robux balance appears at the top.
    • Please tap the amount of Robux you want to purchase. The price for each package appears next to the amount of Robux you are buying. The pop-up appears, asking you to confirm your purchase. If you want to cancel the purchase, simply you are able to tap Cancel (iPhone/iPad) or the back button (Android).
    • Please follow the instructions on the screen to pay for your Robux. If you are using an Android, you are going to be billed by your Google Play account. If you are using an iPhone or iPad, you are going to be billed by the App Store. After you confirm, your Robux will be added to your Robux balance.

Where is My Robux?

From the Roblox Mobile App:

    • Please be logged into the account where the Robux were purchased.
    • Then, tap the Robux icon at the top of the app.
    • Next, your Robux balance is displayed at the top.

From a Browser:

Need to know that your Robux balance is shown in the upper right of the browser window.

From the Roblox Xbox One App:

    • Please click the RB (Right Bumper) until you reach the screen of Robux.
    • When you are on the Robux screen, your current total is next to My Balance.

Robux Spending History

    • Firstly, log into the account where the Robux were purchased.
    • Then, tap the Robux icon.
    • After that, tap your Robux value.
    • This is going to load the My Transactions page. You will be able to view your Currency Purchases over the Past Day, Week, Month, Year. Also, you will be able to view your Purchases to see how the Robux were spent.

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