Achieve3000 Cheat for Perfect Score

When you are taking the test activity in Achieve3000, you may wish to pass the test and gain the perfect score. However, it’s a very rare opportunity to get a high score in Achieve3000, especially when taking the test based on the article.

What if you get a low score after a test? There may be a situation where you really want to get a high score but the fact is not. You may try to cheat or hack Achieve3000 tests. Even though it’s not allowed, there are still a lot of people who do it a lot. So, is cheating allowed in Achieve3000? Let’s find out the real answer in our post below!

Achieve3000 Cheat for Perfect Score

Can You Cheat in Achieve3000?

That’s such a common question to ask whether you can cheat or not. In almost all tests including school’s test, college’s test, job entry test and many others, the participant shouldn’t cheat to gain the perfect score.

So as with Achieve3000, you are not allowed to cheat, and it may be hard to cheat while taking an online test, as your teacher can control through the computer system. We emphasize that it will get very difficult to cheat when taking Achieve3000 tests.

It is known that Points and Achievements are provided to reinforce positive student behaviors. Certainly, some of them will be automatically awarded by the system while others will be awarded by the teacher for completion of work.

Furthermore, the student’s scores and achievements will be displayed on the homepage of the Student Edition. To find the specific details about it, you can click the ‘Motivation Menu’ located at the top of the page.

Since Achieve3000 provides the reading test, the only one way to gain the perfect score is by increasing the intensity of your reading and trying to answer practice questions related to passages or articles that you read.

A Playful Hack to Gain Perfect Score in Achieve3000

We emphasize that you shouldn’t cheat or hack to get your perfect score in Achieve3000. The hack that we will explain here is only for fun and that’s not a real hack in order to get a perfect score in Achieve3000.

Through this playful hack, you can really get your perfect score, even up to 100. This playful hack is shown in a YouTube video by Michael Tanas channel entitled ‘How to hack achieve 3000 WORKING (2020) BEST HACK EVER!! THIS IS THE RIGHT VIDEO FOR YOU’ that you can watch here.

The video shows a playful hack to gain the perfect score in Achieve3000 without practicing or reading the materials available in Achieve3000. To get the perfect score, you also need to take the activity as usual. Here’s what Michael Tanas explained in his video!

  • First, you need to log into Achieve3000 with your account.
  • Then, you can go to your ‘Start Lesson’.
  • In the lesson section, you need to click on the ‘Activity’ tab to start taking the test.
  • Here, you need to fill in all the questions without thinking it will be right or wrong, what you should do is just answer the questions.
  • After you have answered all the questions, the score will appear. You surely will get correct and incorrect answers, right?
  • If you find the correct answer, you just right click your mouse and click on the ‘Inspect Element’. You must wait for a few seconds until a pop up window appears.
  • In the Inspect Element window, you will see a green link that you should copy.
  • After that, you need to right click the ‘X’ icon representing the incorrect answer to open the Inspect Element again.
  • If you find the ‘X’ link in the Inspect Element, you just need to remove it and paste the green link that you have just copied.
  • After you’ve copied the green link, the ‘X’ icon on your score table will change into ‘Ö’ icon. It means that your incorrect answer is now changed to the correct answer.
  • Now, you need to change your total score. Even though you change all the incorrect answers to correct answers, your score will remain, don’t change.

To change your total score, you can also right click on your total score and click the ‘Inspect Element’.

After the Inspect Element window appears, you can just find your total score and type the real score to a new score. In the case of changing your total score, you may need to change it to 100, or you can even set it up to 1000.

Congratulations! You successfully get your perfect score, by changing it manually.

Of course, you shouldn’t perform those ways above in a real test. As we’ve mentioned, this is just for fun. After changing your score, you can then show it off to your friend, not to your teacher. So, that’s how to change your low score to the highest score. If you want to fool your friends, it’s your great time to start doing those ways above.

How to Increase Your Reading Skill to Get Perfect Score in Achieve3000?

The only fair way to get a perfect score in Achieve3000 is to attempt increasing your reading skill before taking the Achieve3000 tests. There are a number of tips and tricks that you can take to increase your reading skill. Here are they:

  1. Take practice frequently
    You should take practice between 10 to 15 minutes each day to read.
  2. Set your reading goals
    You may need to set your reading goals in a variety of topics to increase your vocabulary and also knowledge.
  3. Preview the text you read
    You must always preview the text that you read to find out the titles, captions, headlines and other text features to get an idea.
  4. Determine the purpose
    After reading the text, you always need to determine what the text is for. If you know the purposes, it will help you look for the key ideas and details.
  5. Apply key reading strategies
    To increase your comprehension, you need to identify the text structure as informational, instructional or also persuasive.
  6. Take notes while you read
    To understand what the topic is about, you may need to take notes while reading a novel or book.

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