Saw Value MM2

When you come to this page, you may want to know information about the value of Saw in the game of Murder Mystery 2. If so, you need to keep staying on this page. Here we are going to inform you about the value of Saw in MM2.

What Value is Saw in MM2?

Saw is a godly knife which is currently obtainable by unboxing it from Knife Box 3. Or you are able to get it through trading. Saw is gray, with a long blade with little bumper spikes on the edge. Aside from that, Saw knife has blue lines going through the blade with a little handle and a grip. The tip of Saw’s blade is curved.

Saw Value MM2

So, what value is Saw in MM2? To find that answer, you have to see the text below. Here are details of Saw MM2.

    • Item Type: Knife
    • Rarity: Godly
    • Ways to Obtain: Knife Box 3 – Unbox and Trading
    • Trading: Tier 1
    • Value: x25 Seers (MM2V) 25 (Supreme)

From the explanation above, we are able to see that the value of Saw is x25 Seers (MM2V) 25 (Supreme).

Here are some facts about Saw MM2:

    • Saw knife was used to make the Handsaw in the Christmas Event 2015 using gifts. You are required to exchange Saw + 100 gifts for it.
    • Saw knife has a chroma variant named Chroma Saw.
    • Saw’s model originates from the Roblox gear called Intergalactic Sword.

Getting Saw MM2 through Trading

Need to know that trading is a way to exchange one’s own items for another Roblox player’s items. Usually, the item value is measured in rarity, demand or seers. If you want to trade, you are able to click the desired person to trade. Then, a small menu will appear with “Profile” and “Trade” buttons. After the “Trade” button is clicked, a request to trade will appear on the screen of the person requested. After that, the person will be able to deny or accept the trade request. If they deny the trade request, then the trade request is going to disappear. But, if they accept the trade request, then a trading menu is going to cover the whole screen. Also, your inventory is going to appear on the left side on the screen. To put an item into the trade, simply you are able to click an item. Every time the item is put into the trade, you need to wait for 6 seconds to accept. Keep in mind that you are only able to trade 4 unique items. However, you are able to do multiple of them.

For those who do not want to trade, there is a button underneath the player list. It offers you to refuse your trade requests. Then, you cannot receive any trade requests from other players. The tradeable items such as knives, guns, pets, and miscellaneous objects. For your information, there are two value sites: MM2 values and Supreme Values.

MM2 Value List

Talking about the value of Saw, here we will also talk about the MM2 Value list. Remember that MM2 Value List is a price of the item in terms of Seer. As we know that every item in the game has a price. The price of the item will increase because it becomes rarer in the game. To purchase old rare items, you will need to know their value. With the information of the price of every item, then you are able to ask an appropriate price for a specific item you want.

MM2 Value List – Unique

Unique MM2 Items Value
Corrupt 270
Gold Candy 150000
Gold Hallows 150000
Gold Sugar 150000
Gold EW Revolver 150000
Gold LogChopper 150000
Gold Minty 150000
Gold Vampires Edge 150000
Gold Icebreaker 150000
Gold Iceblaster 150000
Silver Candy 125000
Silver Hallows 125000
Silver Sugar 125000
Silver EW Revolver 125000
Silver Minty 125000
Silver LogChopper 125000
Silver Vampires Edge 125000
Silver Icebreaker 125000
Silver Iceblaster 125000
Bronze Candy 100000
Bronze Hallows 100000
Bronze Sugar 100000
Bronze EW Revolver 100000
Bronze LogChopper 100000
Bronze Minty 100000
Bronze Vampires Edge 100000
Bronze Icebreaker 100000
Bronze Iceblaster 100000
Blue Candy 15000
Red Hallows 15000
Blue Sugar 15000
Blue EW Revolver 15000
Blue Minty 15000
Blue LogChopper 15000
Blue Vampires Edge 15000
Red Icebreaker 15000
Red Iceblaster 15000

MM2 Value List – Godly Chroma

Godly Chroma MM2 Items Value
Seer 10
Chroma Lightbringer 120
Chroma Darkbringer 120
Chroma Luger 105
Chroma Laser 100
Chroma Heat 95
Chroma Shark 85
Chroma Fang 85
Chroma Tides 80
Chroma Slasher 75
Chroma DeathShard 75
Chroma Seer 70
Chroma Gemstone 70
Chroma Saw 65
Chroma Boneblade 60
Chroma Gingerblade 55

MM2 Value List – Non Godly Chroma

Godly Non Chroma MM2 Items Value
Seer 10
Eternal Cane 235
Luger Cane 225
Eternal IV 225
Eternal III 220
Elderwood Revolver 200
Sugar 195
Candy 195
Red Luger 165
Green Luger 155
Eternal II 150
Chill 130
Jinglegun 110
Hallowgun 100
Clockwork 150
Hallows Edge 145
Spider 145
Pixel 145
Boneblade 130
Iceblaster 120
Amerilaser 115
Old Glory 110
Minty 110
Ginger Luger 105
Eternal 100
Blaster 100
Handsaw 95
Virtual 95
Flames 90
Luger 90
Xmas 80
Darkbringer 80
Lightbringer 75
Heat 72
Tides 70
Battle Axe II 55
Laser 60
Slasher 55
Pumpking 50
Fang 45
Shark 45
BattleAxe 40
Death Shard 35
Ice Dragon 35
Saw 30
Red Seer 30
Blue Seer 30
Purple Seer 30
Orange Seer 30
Yellow Seer 30
Gingerblade 30
Gemstone 30
Winters Edge 25
Night Blade 25
Hallows Blade 25
Frostsaber 22
Ghost Blade 22
Ice Shard 20
Snowflake 20
Frostbite 20
Bioblade 20
Vampires Edge 20
Peppermint 20
Cookieblade 20
Heartblade 20
Prismatic 15
Eggblade 15

MM2 Value List – Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous MM2 Items Value
Box of Gold Papers 525
Box of Ultra Wrap 475
Box of Purple Papers 400
Box of Blue Papers 300
Box of Red Papers 250
Box of Green Papers 200
Box of Fert 165
Xmas Gifts 2
Mystery Keys 1
Snowflake Key 1
Skeleton Key 1

MM2 Value List – Ancient

Ancient MM2 Items Value
Niks Scythe 150000
Elderwood Scythe 250
Icebreaker 175
Hallowscythe 155
Log Chopper 125
Batwing 65
Ice Wing 15

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