In this page, we are going to share Roblox Surf commands. If you come to this page to get that information, you have to read this article until the end. Ensure you will not miss any information from this page.
Surf-Specific Commands
Here are commands which are exclusive to the surf server:
- !howtosurf: This command to opens a Youtube video of a surfing guide (for beginners).
- !showkeys: This command is used when spectating another player. It shows what keys the spectated player is currently pressing.
- !showmykeys: This command shows what keys you are currently pressing.
- !bestime or !besttime: This command shows your current best time on the map.
- !rank or !top: This command displays your current rank in the map and all of the players who have beaten the map and their times starting from the top seven.
- !bhop: This command enables or disables bhopping.
- !r: This command teleports you back to the first stage or start of the map.
- !s “#”: This command teleports you to a specific stage in the map. It does not work in linear maps.
- !b “#”: This command teleports you to a specific bonus stage in the map. It does not work if the map does not have a bonus stage.
- !topspeed: This command displays the fastest players on the current map.
- !hide: This command hides your weapons.
- !surf: This command displays a menu where you can enable or disable solo mode, as well enable or disable hiding your weapons.
- Solo mode: This command turns all other players invisible as if you were playing by yourself.
- !timer: This command displays a menu where you are able to check the rank menu, enable or disable the timer hud, and enable or disable fail times.
Normal Commands
Here are commands which everyone can use:
- !menu or !help: This command shows information about the server, rules, chat commands, and a list of the admins in the server.
- !rtv: When two or three players in the server use this command, a vote is initiated where the players are able to vote for a map to change. Or they are able to vote to not change the map. If the vote passes and a map is selected, the server will change to that map immediately. But, if the vote passes and most of the players do not want to change the map, nothing will occur.
- !nominate: This command will showsa list of all maps in the server. Selecting a map in the list can cause it to appear when map voting happens. You can just select one map to nominate.
- !nextmap: This command shows the next map in chat
- !tp: This command enables third-person mode.
- !fp: This command enables first-person mode.
- !trails: This command only allows you to disable or enable seeing VIP players’ trails (For non-VIP players). It is useful if you are experiencing lag because of a trail.
- !changelog: This command opens the announcements channel of the Disc-FF Discord server.
- !hop: This command opens a menu which allows you to join any of the other Disc-FF TF2 servers.
- !join: This command opens a menu which directs to the Fire Friendly Steam group.
- !discord: This command opens the invite link to the Disc-FF Discord server.
- !vip: This command opens a menu which explains information about Basic VIP, Full VIP, and many VIP commands.
- !donate: This command opens a menu which explains how to get VIP, the perks of VIP, and a trade offer link if you are interested in purchasing Full VIP.
- !admins: This command shows which admins are now in the server.
- !steam “name”: This command will display the Steam profile of anyone in the server, or in the steam community page.
- !sr “name”: This command will display the SteamRep page of anyone now in the server, or the SteamRep site.
- !settings: This command opens a menu where you are able to enable or disable your own killstreaks, and enable or disable map music.
Basic VIP Commands
You are able to get Basic VIP by adding the server to your favorites list in the community servers menu. Then, simply rejoin the server and you are going to have permanent Basic VIP.
- !robot: This command turns you into a robot version of whatever class you are playing as.
- !head or !scale: This command displays a menu where you are able to resize your body parts.
- !glow: This command displays a menu where you are able to give yourself a glowing outline.
- !colorme “color”: This command allows you to color your model with these colors: yellow, purple, cyan, orange, black, red, green, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue, silver, chocolate, thistle, aliceblue, steelblue, teal, gold, tan, tomato, saddle brown, ghostwhite, random, or normal.
- !ks: This command displays a menu where you are able to set your killstreak to 100, or disable it entirely.
Full VIP Commands
You are able to purchase Full VIP for 3 Mann Co. Here are full VIP commands which everyone can use:
- !cc: This command opens a menu where you are able to select enable or disable the vip chat tag, show or hide your chat colors and enable or disable the vip chat color.
- !robot – This command turns you into a robot version of whatever class you are playing as.
- !head or !scale: This command displays a menu where you are able to resize your body parts.
- !glow: This command displays a menu where you are able to give yourself a glowing outline.
- !colorme “color”: This command will allow you to color your model with following colors: orange, pink, olive, lime, purple, cyan, violet, black, red, green, yellow, light blue, silver, chocolate, brown, white, gold, tan, tomato, steel blue, teal, random, or normal.
- !ks: This command displays a menu where you are able to set your killstreak to 100, or disable it entirely.
- !trails: This command displays a menu where you are able to select to equip one out of many unique trails.
- !voice: This command displays a menu where you are able to select to change your voice pitch, from 60 – 160.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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