John Stossel Net Worth

If you frequently read the news on both ABC News and Fox Business Channel, you may be familiar with the name of John Stossel. Sure, he is a renowned journalist who also has multiple jobs. Aside from journalism, he also works as an author, TV presenter and a libertarian pundit.

Considering there are a number of jobs that he performs, certainly a lot of fans are wondering how much Stossel earns money through his multiple careers. If you also want to know his net worth, his career and anything about his life, let’s see some facts about John Stossel in our post below!

John Stossel Net Worth

John Stossel’s Net Worth

Celebrity Net Worth reported that John Stossel’s net worth is estimated to be roughly $4 million, as of this writing. Sure, many people know that his wealth mostly comes from his career as a journalist on ABC News and an author.

Stossel is also paid by the television channel where he appears on as a reporter. He also earns his wealth from his various news shows and also from his career as the author of three major novels.

On the TV news shows, John Stossel is known for his funky style, as he does report and commentary that reflects a libertarian political philosophy of his. Additionally, Stossel also supports the free market. He started his career in journalism as a researcher for KGW-TV.

Later, he was also the consumer reporter at WCBS-TV in New York. Afterwards,  Stossel joined the ABC News as a consumer editor and he performed reporting for Good Morning America.

John Stossel’s Career

When he was still in school, he already had an interest in the field of journalism where he wanted to work in Seattle аgаzіnе. Unfortunately, the magazine company sооn wеnt оut оf buѕіnеѕѕ whеn hе graduated.

After graduation, Stossel got a job at KGW-TV in Portland, Oregon. This is a first place where he began his career as a newsroom gofer. At this company, Stossel worked his way up to the researcher and then to the author.

Later, Stossel began his career to appear on TV advertisements that he was king of love back then. However, Stossel should follow the assignment editor’s vision of what was news. He then continuously became frustrated once following the editor. Later, he was offered a job at ABC News for 20/20. Finally, Stossel joined ABC News.

At ABC News, Stossel became a correspondent for the weekly magazine programme, 20/20 back in 1981. He then became the co-anchorman for the show in 2003. In 2009, Stossel announced that he left ABC News to join Fox News. He eventually made his debut in the Fox Business Network on December 10, 2009.

On his debut at the Fox News,  he co-hosts a one-hour weekly program and also one hour specials for Fox News and he also had his own show called Stossel. He also made regular appearances on The O’Reilly Factor and on other Fox News programs. Aside from being a firm fixture of Fox News, he is also an accomplished author that publishes three books to date. The books are ‘Cheats and Scam Artists’, ‘Give me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters And ‘Become Scourge of Liberal Media’. In fact, the 2005 book was a New York Times Bestseller for over 2 months.

For more information, Stossel has won a bunch of awards including 19 Emmy Awards and five awards from National Press Club.

John Stossel’s Early Life

Stossel was born in Illinois on March 6, 1947. He was born to Jewish parents and as the younger of two sons. His parents then left Germany before Hitler rose to power. His parents then joined a Congregationalist church in America. Certainly, Stossel was raised as Protestant.

Stossel grew up in the North Shore. He graduated from the New Trier family and attended Princeton University. He was also accepted to the University of Chicago’s, however he was sick of going to school.

John Stossel’s Early Life

John Stossel’s Life

Stossel currently lives in New York City. He married a Jewish woman named Ellen Abrams and now they have two children, Lauren and Max. Their children are also raised as Jewish.

Stossel’s brother, Thomas went to Harvard Medical School. Now, his brother is also the co-director of the Haematology Division at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. His brother also has served on a lot of advisory boards of pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Merck. Stossel has a nephew named Scott Stossel who is also a journalist and a magazine editor.

Stossel announced that he had lung cancer on April 20, 2016. His lung cancer may be caused by having smoked in his entire life. He then got cured as his cancer was detected at an early stage.

Here are the additional information about John Stossel:

    • Сеlеbrаtеd Nаmе: Јоhn Ѕtоѕѕеl
    • Rеаl Nаmе/Full Nаmе: Јоhn Frаnk Ѕtоѕѕеl
    • Gеndеr: Маlе
    • Аgе: 74 уеаrѕ оld
    • Віrth Dаtе: Маrсh 6, 1947
    • Віrth Рlасе: Сhісago Неіghtѕ, Іllіnоіѕ, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ
    • Nаtіоnаlіtу: Аmеrісаn
    • Неіght: 6’1’’
    • Wеіght: 85 kg
    • Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn: Ѕtrаіght
    • Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ: Маrrіеd
    • Wіfе/Ѕроuѕе (Nаmе): Еllеn Аbrаmѕ
    • Сhіldrеn/Кіdѕ (Ѕоn and Dаughtеr): Yеѕ
    • Dаtіng/Girlfriend (Nаmе): Yеѕ (2)
    • Іѕ Јоhn Ѕtоѕѕеl Gау? Nо
    • Рrоfеѕѕіоn: Аuthоr, соlumnіѕt, rероrtеr, ТV рrеѕеntеr

If you want to contact John Stossel, you can send him an email or also through his social media channels here:

    • Twitter @johnstossel
    • Facebook @JohnStossel
    • Instagran @john stossel

Some Facts About John Stossel

Certainly, there are some interesting facts that you should know about John Stossel. Here are they:

    • John Stossel is a libertarian and believes in personal freedom.
    • His brother named Thomas was a Harvard University professor who died in 2019.
    • He has also courted controversy when he interviewed professional wrestler David Schultz. Its controversy claimed wrestling was fake that led to David striking him twice. But, he then regretted his comments.
    • Stossel has been contributing his part of life to TV for many years.
    • Stossel is known mainly for his comic timing.
    • He has won more than 19 Emmy Awards, thanks to his contribution in the news industry for more than forty years.

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