How to Get All Ingredients in Wacky Wizards Roblox

To make potions easier in Wacky Wizards, you should know  first where to find each ingredient. You need to know that each ingredient can be found in different places.  In Wacky Wizards, you can create basic potions with six starter ingredients.

Afterwards, you will need additional ingredients that you can use to create any other potiosn. Certainly, to get additional ingredients, there are at least four ways that you can perform; via quests or looking for them around the map, automatically added to your table, by changing your character model and lastly by purchasing the additional ingredients with Gems.

How to Get All Ingredients in Wacky Wizards Roblox1

Knowing each location where to find each additional ingredient is a must for you. However, you will easily get them and use them to create certain potions if you really know the exact location of additional ingredients. Thankfully, this post will show you a list of locations for each ingredient.

Getting All Ingredients in Wacky Wizards, Here’s How!

As we’ve mentioned, in order to get all ingredients in Wacky Wizards easily, you need to know each location for each ingredient. Surely, you can locate each additional ingredient in a different location. So, ensure to know where each ingredient is located in Wacky Wizards map.

Take a look at the list of locations  for getting each ingredient below!

Six Starter Ingredients

You do not need to find the following ingredients, as you can find them on the starting table by default. Here are they:

    • Brain – Starter Ingredient
    • Fairy – Starter Ingredient
    • Giant’s Ear – Starter Ingredient
    • Giraffe Hoof – Starter Ingredient
    • Pool Noodle – Starter Ingredient
    • Rotten Sandwich – Starter Ingredient

Additional Ingredients

You need to find the additional ingredients around the map, as they are scattered throughout Wacky Wizards island. Here are they:

    • Eggcano

Eggcano is a new additional ingredient in Wacky Wizard. You definitely can get this ingredient during the Volcano Event.

    • Cauldron

Just like Eggcano, Cauldron is also a new premium ingredient which can be obtained by purchasing it with Gems.

    • Honey

You can get Honey by completing the Queen Bee Quest.

    • Sleepy Bee

Sleepy Bee can be found in the honeycombs which are attached to the small tree beside the obby tree.

    • Mount

Mount is a premium ingredient that you can purchase with Gems.

    • Pet Tags

You can obtain the Pet tags by completing the quiz in the cave.

    • Justin

The Justin additional ingredient can be found within the bushes which lead to Oz the Wizard.

    • Boxing Gloves

You can get the Boxing Gloves by completing the Witches versus Wizards quest.

    • Beans

Beans can be obtained by completing the ‘Beans Quest’ in the Volcano.

    • Bird

You can find this ingredient in the large obby tree in the forest.

    • Chameleon

The Chameleon additional ingredient can be found in the forest on a tree limb.

    • Chilli

You can find Chilli in the desert underground.

    • Dynamite

To  get the Dynamite, you need to go to the desert and you can find it under the train tracks bridge.

    • Fish

Certainly, you can find fish underwater in a cave near the waterfall.

    • Robux

You can obtain Robux by slaying the Mr. Rich boss, then turning him in the Cyclops Eye to the Wizard.

    • Spider

If you want to get the Spider, you need to go to Spider Cave. To reach the Spider Cave, you need to go through a small opening in the back with a Tiny Potion.

    • Witches Brew

The Witches Brew can be obtained by completing the Witch’s quest located in the desert cave.

    • Cleetus’s Hat

You can locate the Cleetus’s Hat in the Wizard’s Cave on a rock.

    • Cyclops Eye

The Cyclops Eye can be obtained by slaying the Mr. Rich boss.

    • Foryxe’s Head

You can find the Foryxe’s head in the cave behind the waterfall.

    • Jandel’s Head

The Jandel’s Head can be obtained behind the cactus beside the Witch’s Cave.

    • Jayingee Note

To get the Jayingee Note, you need to go to the Spider Cave. You can then find this ingredient on the right taped to the wall.

    • Premiumsalad

The Premiumsalad can be obtained on top of a tree in the forest.

    • Sketch

You can find the Sketch underwater near the waterfall next to pink kelp.

    • You

If you want to get You, you definitely have to drink a Shrink Ray potion while standing on top of your cauldron.

    • Beard

Bread is a premium ingredient in Wacky Wizard that you can get by purchasing it with Gems.

    • Frozen Egg

Just like Bread, Frozen Egg is also a premium ingredient in Wacky Wizard that you can get by purchasing it with Gems.

    • Hat of Gears

Hat of Gears is a premium ingredient in Wacky Wizard. So, if you want to get it, you need to purchase it with Gems

    • Magic Seed

Magic Seed is a premium ingredient in Wacky Wizard that you can get by purchasing it with Gems

    • Wheel

Wheel is a premium ingredient in Wacky Wizard. So, if you want to get it, you need to purchase it with Gems.

Okay, those are all ingredients that you can get in Wacky Wizards, along with the locations that will make it easy for you to find them around the map. Now, it’s your turn to try finding all ingredients to create certain potions.

A Few Words about Wacky Wizards Ingredients

One of the Wacky Wizards’ gameplay is to find the ingredients. Certainly, the ingredients are scattered around the map, so it will be hard to find them, if you do not know where each ingredient is located.

You can combine the ingredients in the brewing cauldron to create different potions. Need to know, each ingredient is associated with a certain effect. Moreover, the option outcome will be changed, depending on the quantity and combination with other ingredients.

The Wacky Wizards ingredients are mostly kept in the brewing table. Some ingredients are already available by default, other ingredients should be obtained around the map and then placed in the table to supply them.

Additionally, there are a number of ingredients which are premium-only. It means that you need to purchase them through a game pass or gems. However, there are a few Wacky Wizards ingredients which can be stored in the table.

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