You may have subscribed to IdentityIQ and now you may want to cancel your subscription. If you want to do that, of course you need to know the steps to cancel your IdentityIQ subscription. So, you are able to read the explanation below about cancelling IdentityIQ subscription and some other information related to IdentityIQ.
The Ways to Cancel IdentityIQ Subscription
According to the IdentityIQ site, you are able to cancel your services at any time using one of the methods below.
- Contacting IDIQ’s Customer Service
You are able to contact IdentityIQ’s customer service by phone during regular business hours using the phone number which is shown in the Member Site or you can find it on the IdentityIQ’s Terms of Service Agreement page. If you want to cancel, IdentityIQ’s team needs to verify your identity during the phone call. - Clicking on Cancel Button on The Website
When available, you are able to click on the Cancel Button which can be found in your Member website.
- Contacting IDIQ’s Customer Service
After you cancel your Service Plan, the features which are associated with the cancelled service plan such as identity protection monitoring, credit monitoring and credit reports will be discontinued soon. In some cases, you may still have access to login to the Member Site to use certain free Features or to make future purchases.
It is also important for you to note that if you cancel a service plan, it does not cancel your written FCRA Authorization for IDIQ to continue to access your credit information in accordance with these service terms. So, IdentityIQ may continue to monitor your credit at no cost and they may inform you if there is a suspicious event which happens and/or inform you of Special Offers and Service Plans that may be valuable to you. On the Terms of Service Agreement page of IdentityIQ site, it is also explained that because services are made available to you upon enrollment for purchase and costs are incurred by them, refunds are not provided by them.
IdentityIQ Contacts
If you want to contact IdentityIQ customer service, you are able to do that during regular business hours excluding certain common U.S. holidays. You can contact them by calling the toll-free phone number which is provided at the Member Site or by using the phone numbers or email address below.
- IdentityIQ
1 (877) 875-4347 - MyScoreIQ
1 (800) 637-5590 - DataBreachIQ
1 (800) 331-3865
- IdentityIQ
If you send an email to IdentityIQ, you have to permit up to 36 business hours for email support replies. Also, you have to provide your member number with your email message.
The Way to Discontinue Selected Participation (Opt-Out)
Under applicable law or IDIQ’s privacy policy, in some cases, you may decide to discontinue or opt-out from certain communications and/or services that IdentityIQ provide to you. If you have performed the opt-out request and it has been processed, you will not receive the special offers and/or communications and/or services anymore that you requested discontinued. This is stated in the Terms of Service Agreement page of the IdentityIQ site.
On that site, it is also explained these things.
- Opt-Out Type: Do not sell my information
What is means: If you decide that you do not want special offers from Third parties, you are able to choose not to sell your information to such Third Parties. If you opt out, it will only prevent IDIQ from sharing your contact information with such Third Parties going forward.
Methods to Opt-Out:- Online – You have to login to your Member Site and then navigate to Account Settings and then you need to deselect the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.
- Phone – You are able to call IDIQ member support at (877) 875 – 4347 and you can request to opt-out of IDIQ special offers.
- Email – You have to click on the opt-out/unsubscribe link contained in an email offer you got which contains any Third Party Offering.
- Opt-Out Type: Special Offers
What is means: Let’s say that you decide that you do not want special offers from IDIQ, or Third Party as defined elsewhere in this Agreement. If so, you may opt-out of communications about the offers going forward. It is important for you to note that opt-out will not stop communications related with your IDIQ services.
Methods to Opt-Out:- Online – You need to log into your Member Site and then navigate to Account Settings and then you have to de-select the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.
- Phone – You have to call IDIQ member support at (877) 875 – 4347 and request to opt-out of IDIQ special offers.
- Email – You need to click the opt-out link which is contained in an email offer you got from an IDIQ or Third-Party Offer.
- Opt-Out Type: Contact After Cancellation of Services
What is means: You may be able to continue to get certain communications from IDIQ after your paid Services are cancelled by you. You may opt-out from the communications going forward.
Methods to Opt-Out:- Online – You are required to login to your Member Site and then you are required to navigate to Account Settings. After that, you have to de-select the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.
- Phone – You are able to call member support of IDIQ at (877) 875 – 4347 and you have to request to have your closed membership completely cancelled for ongoing communications.
- Opt-Out Type: Do not sell my information
IdentityIQ Plans
IdentityIQ is a company which operates identity theft protection and it is based in the US. This company offers three types of plans as you are able to see below.
- Secure Max
The cost is $29.99 per month. Some of the features that you are able to enjoy are monthly 3-bureau credit report and scores, 3-bureau credit report monitoring, $1 million stolen funds reimbursement, fraud restoration with LPOA and many more. - Secure Pro
The cost is $19.99 per month and some of the features are Biannual 3-bureau credit reports and scores, 3-bureau credit report monitoring, score change alerts, alerts on crimes committed in your name, $1 million stolen funds reimbursement, and enhanced credit report monitoring. - Secure Plus
The cost is $9.99 per month and the features are annual 3-bureau credit reports and scores, 1-bureau credit report monitoring, and $1 million stolen funds reimbursement.
- Secure Max
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