How Much is a Swan Worth on TikTok

Swan Lake is known as one of the most popular ballets of all time. Not only that, this one is also named as one of the most loved ballets in the world. Apparently, it has a story that is based on a German fairy tale. As for the music, it was composed by Pyotr Iltich Tchaikovsky. Swan Lake is the name of the dance that has been performed by a number of ballet companies all around the world. This one is able to be recognized easily due to its iconic white swan costume.

Talking about Swan Lake, a lot of people want to know about a swan worth on TikTok. If you are one of those who are also wondering about the worth of a swan on this platform, do not stop reading the post until the end.

Before finding out about how much a swan is worth on TikTok, it is better for you to know about TikTok first just in case you are not that familiar with it. TikTok refers to a short form video app. This platform is extremely popular and its popularity keeps growing day by day. In this platform, users are allowed to share videos. To attract the viewers, these videos should be unique and creative. The more unique the video the more viewers it usually gets. Since the day it was created, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms.

As stated before, TikTok is the name of the platform that is full of videos. The videos on this platform vary. One of the most popular genres is dance. This platform is really useful for those who love to dance to share their skills. Aside from that, it is kind of heaven for those who are into dancing as they can also find a lot of dancers and content creators who share the contents about dance.

Just like the videos on TikTok in general, the videos about dance also vary on this platform. If you are wondering about the most popular dances on this platform, one of them is called the Swan Lake dance. For your information, Swan Lake dance is described as a dance that is based on the iconic scene from the ballet Swan Lake. It is where the white swan Odette transforms into a human.

There are a lot of dancers who have performed the Swan Lake dance on TikTok. One of the most popular versions is by a TikTok user called @avrylp. Since the first day she posted it, her version of Swan Lake dance has been viewed more than 10 million times. Isn’t it impressive?

Then, how much is a swan worth on TikTok? Let’s try to calculate. As mentioned above, the @avrylp’s version of the Swan Lake dance has been viewed more than 10 million times. For your information, she currently has more than 2 million followers on TikTok. If every one of her followers is worth $1 then her Swan Lake dance video is worth at least $10 million.

Actually, the @avrylp’s version of the Swan Lake dance is not the most popular Swan Lake dance on TikTok. It means there are some of the other versions that have been viewed even more than the one by @avrylp. So, when trying to find out the worth of a swan, the answer may vary.

If you are interested to find out about the other versions of the Swan Lake dance by the other dancers, you can just go to TikTok. Some other ones that you will be able to find include:

    1. User: @uncsadance (uncsadance)
      Title of the video: Dance of the 4 Sunny Swans! ️ @Karl Pil @Tony R @Stephen Gunter686 @Blakrok02 #uncsadance #uncsa #fyp #swanlake #ballet #balletboys
      Views: 7.1 millions
      Likes: 1.1 millions
      Comments: 8.9k
    2. User: @uncsadance (uncsadance)
      Title of the video: The dance of the 4 snowy swans \ud83e\udd2a️ @marygrace_cole @nerfandnerddude @tonydance18 #swanlake #ballet #fyp #itssnowing #uncsa #uncsadance #staywarm
      Views: 8 millions
      Likes: 1.8 millions
      Comments: 16.9k
    3. User: @uncsadance (uncsadance)
      Title of the video: WE’RE BACK!!! The swans have taken over the ballpark!  @Karl Pil@Tony R@wsdash#strikeoutswans#sluggingswans#swanlake#areyounotentertained#uncsa#uncsadance#pirouettingpickles#littleswans#fyp#sunnyswans#snowyswans#winstonsalemdash
      Views: 460.3k
      Likes: 44.6k
      Comments: 223
    4. User: @laurathatdancer (Laura Gruener)
      Title of the video: Little swans from Ben Stevenson’s swan lake a few years ago #swanlake #ballerina #ballet #littleswans #28XTREMES #dance
      Views: 2.7 millions
      Likes: 616k
      Comments: 2.1k
    5. User: @laurathatdancer (Laura Gruener)
      Title of the video: Swan pool sisters take the ocean 1 year later #ballet #swanlake #littleswans #sisters #dancingsisters #dance
      Views: 1.1 millions
      Likes: 87.5k
      Comments: 928
    6. User: @balletdancersclips (ballet dancers)
      Title of the video: Dance of the Cygnets #ballerina #bolshoiballet #fyp #bolshoi #ballet #fypシ #foryou #swanlake #tchaikovsky #danceofthecygnets
      Views: 2.3 millions
      Likes: 331.1k
      Comments: 3.3k
    7. User: @ricardobravosando (Ricardo Bravo Sandoval)
      Title of the video: Rehearsal on stage Ballet de Barcelona! #parati #ballet #dance #swanlake #littleswans #fy #fyp #balletdebarcelona #pointe #dancers #ballerina
      Views: 55.4k
      Likes: 12.4k
      Comments: 52
    8. User: @belhogie (bella)
      Title of the video: pov: your mom is a retired soloist and went to see @New York City Ballet ‘s swan lake… this is what happens when you get home
      Views: 723.6k
      Likes: 107.7k
      Comments: 342

Make sure to check out the followers of these users if you want to find the worth. For instance, a user called @uncsadance has a total of 50.2k followers on this platform. One of their versions of Swan Lake dance (the one titled Dance of the 4 Sunny Swans! ️ @Karl Pil @Tony R @Stephen Gunter686 @Blakrok02 #uncsadance #uncsa #fyp #swanlake #ballet #balletboys) has 7.1 million views. If every of their followers is worth $1 then this Swan Lake dance video is worth at least $7.1 million. For their second video, which is called The dance of the 4 snowy swans \ud83e\udd2a️ @marygrace_cole @nerfandnerddude @tonydance18 #swanlake #ballet #fyp #itssnowing #uncsa #uncsadance #staywarm, they have earned 8 million views. It means this video is worth at least $8 million if each of their followers is worth $1.

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