The Sims 4 Full-Time Career Promotion Cheats

In Sims 4, you can use career promotion cheats that you can use to promote your sims in their careers. There are a number of career promotion cheats where each career has each cheat code to use. So, you will have to use a specific cheat code, depending on the career that you want to promote.

Using a career promotion cheat is pretty easy, but if you’re a new to Sims 4, it may be a bit tricky to use. If you’re looking for full-time career promotion cheat codes, no worries, you will get the list here. So, let’s dive into our post to find out a list of full-time career promotion cheat codes!

The Sims 4 Full-Time Career Promotion Cheats

Here’s a List of Full-Time Career Promotion Cheat Codes in Sims 4!

To use the full-time career promotion cheat code, you can use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. You also need to input the cheat code ‘testingcheats true’ first before you enter the following full-time career promotion cheat codes:

    1. careers.promote Activist
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Politician career.
    2. careers.promote Actor
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Acting career.
    3. careers.promote Astronaut
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Astronaut career – Space Ranger & Interstellar Smuggler.
    4. careers.promote Athletic
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Athlete career – Professional Athlete & Bodybuilder.
    5. careers.promote Business
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Business career – Management & Investor.
    6. careers.promote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Civil Designer career.
    7. careers.promote Conservationist
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Conservationist career – Marine Biologist & Environmental Manager.
    8. careers.promote Criminal
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Criminal career – Boss & Oracle.
    9. careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Freelance Crafter career.
    10. careers.promote careers_adult_Critic
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Critic career.
    11. careers.promote Culinary
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Culinary career – Chef & Mixologist.
    12. careers.promote Detective
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Detective career.
    13. careers.promote Doctor
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Doctor career.
    14. careers.promote careers_Adult_Education
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Education career.
    15. careers.promote careers_Adult_Engineer
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Engineering career – Mechanical & Computer Engineer.
    16. careers.promote Entertainer
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Entertainer career – Musician & Comedian.
    17. careers.promote Adult_Gardener
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Gardener career – Botanist & Florist.
    18. careers.promote careers_Adult_Law
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Law career – Judge & Private Attorney.
    19. careers.promote Military
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Military career – Officer & Covert Operator.
    20. careers.promote Painter
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Painter career – Master of the Real & Patron of the Arts.
    21. careers.promote adult_active_Scientist
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Scientist career.
    22. careers.promote SecretAgent
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Secret Agent career – Diamond Agent & Villain.
    23. careers.promote SocialMedia
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Social Media career.
    24. careers.promote Influencer
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Style Influencer career.
    25. careers.promote TechGuru
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the TechGuru career – Esport Gamer & Start-up Entrepreneur.
    26. careers.promote adult_Writer
      If you use this cheat code, you will get promoted in the Writer career – Author & Journalist.
    27. careers.add_career {careername}
      If you use this cheat code, you can add a career to your Sim.
    28. careers.remove_career {careername}
      If you use this cheat code, you can  quit your career.
    29. Careers.retire {careername}
      If you use this cheat code, you can quit  your career and earn a pension every week.
    30. Sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas {SimID}
      If you use this cheat code, you can change the career outfit in Create a Sim. You can also retrieve SimsID with this cheat: Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname}

Okay, that’s a list of full-time career promotion cheat codes that you can use to get promoted in a specific profession. When using those cheat codes, make sure to type it correctly, as it will not work with wrong input. It’s highly recommended for you to copy and paste the cheat codes.

Other Career Promotion Cheat Codes in Sims 4

In addition to full-time career promotion cheat code, you may also need other Career Promotion Cheat Codes. Thankfully, this post will show them for you below!

1. Part-Time Career Promotion Cheat Codes

Cheat Code Result
careers.promote PartTime_Babysitter Using this code to get promoted as Babysitter
careers.promote PartTime_Barista Using this code to get promoted as Barista
careers.promote PartTime_Diver Using this code to get promoted as Diver
careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports Using this code to get promoted as volunteer in E-Sports
careers.promote PartTime_FastFood Using this code to get promoted as Fast Food Employee
careers.promote PartTime_Fisherman Using this code to get promoted as Fisherman
careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard Using this code to get promoted as Lifeguard
careers.promote PartTime_Manual Using this code to get promoted as Manual Laborer
careers.promote PartTime_Retail Using this code to get promoted as Retail Employee
careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam Using this code to get promoted as volunteer in the Soccer Team

2. Teen Career Promotion Cheat Codes

Cheat Code Result
careers.promote Teen_Babysitter Using this code to get promoted as Babysitter
careers.promote Teen_Barista Using this code to get promoted as Barista
careers.promote Teen_FastFood Using this code to get promoted as Fast Food Employee
careers.promote Teen_Lifeguard Using this code to get promoted as Lifeguard
careers.promote Scout Using this code to get promoted in the Scout career
careers.promote Teen_Manual Using this code to get promoted as Manual Laborer
careers.promote Teen_Retail Using this code to get promoted as Retail Employee (only for teens)

3. Kids Career Promotion Cheat Codes

Cheat Code Result
careers.promote Gradeschool Using this code to raise a Child’s Grade Performance in Grade school
careers.promote Highschool Using this code to raise a Child’s Grade Performance in High School
careers.promote Scout Using this code to get promoted in the Scout career
careers.promote DramaClub Using this code to get promoted in the Drama Club

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