Roblox Star Code for 1000 Robux

To increase the business and revenue growth of the influencers, Roblox seems to provide the Video Stars Program. Roblox players can use the Star Code when purchasing Robux to support your favorite Video Stars at no additional cost to you.

You can donate a certain amount of Robux to Roblox content creators using Star Code. You can decide how much Robux you want to donate to the Roblox content creator. If you have a plan to donate 1000 Robux for content creators, how much Robux do you need to purchase? So, let’s find out the information about it below!

How Much Robux Do You Need to Purchase to Donate for 1000 Robux?

Roblox Star Code for 1000 Robux

Through Video Stars Program, you will be able to support a content creator when making a purchase for Robux. Donating Robux will send them about 5% of your purchase without you spending anything extra.

In Roblox, you can really help Roblox content creators by donating them to Robux, especially if you are a super fan of any influencer. However, this is only applicable for those who participate in the Video Stars Program that has some high criteria.

If you want to donate 1000 Robux to your favorite influencer, you have to count first how much Robux you should purchase, as they will get 5% of your Robux purchase. The highest value packs of Robux that you can buy is 10,000 Robux.

Assuming you buy the highest value packs of Robux, 10,000 Robux and you want to support your favorite content creator. You can then count how much Robux they will get if you purchase 10,000 Robux, provided they will get 5% of your purchase. So, here’s for the explanation:

    • Robux you purchase: 10,000
    • Robux a content creator will receive: 5% of your purchase

So, we can count: 10,000 Robux x 5% = 500

If you purchase the highest value pack of Robux, that’s 10,000 Robux, you can just donate your favorite influencer around 500 Robux. To give them 1,000 Robux, you can double purchase the highest value pack of Robux, as follow:

    • 10,000 x 5% = 500 Robux
    • 20,000 x 5% = 1,000 Robux

So, if you want to donate your favorite content creator for 1,000 Robux, you need to purchase 20,000 Robux. Well, you need to spend around $200 to buy 20,000 Robux, as 10,000 Robux costs $99.99.

How to Use the Roblox Star Code?

The Roblox Star Code is a special code available in the Roblox Video Stars Program. If you use a Star Code to support a Video Star, they will automatically receive 5% of the Robux you buy through Roblox website.

However, you will still receive the full amount of Robux that you paid for with the added bonus of knowing that you have contributed to your favorite Roblox influencer. Keep in mind, you can only use Star Code when purchasing Roblox on the Roblox website and on the Roblox App.

If you want to use Star Code, you just simply enter the Star Code associated with your favorite Roblox influencer on the purchase page while completing your transaction. The Roblox content creators will then be promoting their Star Codes on their Roblox profile or group pages, as well as on their social media such as Twitter, YouTube and more.

Here’s how to use Roblox Star Code:

Method 1: Through a browser

    • First, you need to go to the Robux page here.
    • Once you are at the Robux page, you can then choose the Robux value pack that you want to buy.
    • Then, you will be taken into the payment method selection page.
    • You can then choose ‘Click Here’ to show the code entry window.
    • Before you open the code window, make sure you have your favorite Roblox influencer code on your hand.
    • Then, enter the Star Code on the available code bar and then click the ‘Add’ button.
    • If the code is accepted, the next page will show the person you’re supporting.

Method 2: Through Roblox app

    • First, open the Roblox app and go to the Membership page.
    • You can then scroll to near the end of the page to find the Star Code field.
    • After that, you can click the ‘Tap Here’ to open the code entry window.
    • Then, enter your favorite Star Code on the available bar and then click the ‘Add’ button.
    • If the code is accepted, the next page will show the person you’re supporting.

After you have added your code through a web browser or the app, the code will be saved for around 2 weeks, so that you do not have to re-enter the code each time when you are making a purchase.

Here’s a List of Star Codes for March 2022!

To ease you finding your favorite Star Code, we’ll also give you a list of Star Codes available in March 2022. Here they are:

3SB Games: 3sb ItzVexo: ItzVexo Robstix: robstix
AlvinBlox: AlvinBlox Jackeryz: Jack RODNY_ROBLOX: RODNY
AmberryYT: Amberry Jake Globox: Globox Roof: roof
Anyx: Anix Janet and Kate: TeamJK RussoPlays: Russo
Annoying Orange Gaming: TootyFruit Jayingee: Jake ryguyrocky: Ryguyrocky
Ant: Ant J-Bug: jbug SallyGreenGamer: SallyGreen
Ant Antixx: Antixx JD: JD Seedeng: See
Ashleyosity: Funneh Jenstine: jenstine SeerRblx: seer
AshleyTheUnicorn: Unicorn jeruhmi: cat Seniac: Seniac
Axiore: axiore jessetc: Jesse Senior: Senior
bandi: Bandi Jie GamingStudio: JIE SGC_Shane: ShanePlays
Bandites: Bandites Kaden Fumblebottom: Kaden SharkBL0X: SharkBlox
BereghostGames: TheFGNCrew Kavra: Kavra Signicial: Signicial
Betroner: BYN Kawaii Kunicorn: Kunicorn Sketch: Sketch
bigbst4tz2: BIGB2 Keisyo: cat skyleree: Sky
BIGHEAD: bighead KepuTheCat: Kepu Sleghart: sleghart
Blue Blob: BLOB Kelvingts: Kelvin Squid Magic: squid
BlueBug: Blue Kindly Keyin Star: Keyin Smurfzin: smurf
Bubbles: bubbles KraoESp: KraoESp SnowRBX: snow
Buur: Buur KreekCraft: RealKreek Sons of Fun: sons
BrampP: bramP KrystinPlays: Krystin Sopo Squad Gaming: sopo
CaptainTate21: Captain L0GinHDi: LOGinHDi Soy Blue: azul
Cari: Cari LaniRoblox: LANI Straw: Straw
Chrisandthemike: Christmas LankyBox: LankyBox StronbolYT: Stronbol
Cookie Cutter: CANDY Laughability: Laugh Sub’s Blox World: Sub
Conor3D: Conor3D Landon: ARKH: Quack Super Dog Tyler: super
CQQP: cqqp LazarBeam LAZAR SunsetSafari: SUNSET
CraftedRL: Crafted Leah Ashe: LeahAshe S_Viper: viper
Craxel: craxel LegolazYoutube: Legolaz Youtube TanqR: TanqR
Cryptize: cryptize Linkmon99: Linkmon99 TBNRwife: Brianna
Cybernova Games: Cybernova Lonnie: Lonnie Telanthric: Telanthric
DeeterPlays: DeeterPlays Luky: Luky Temptrist: Temptrist
DefildPlays: Defiled MatrixPlaysRB: Matrix Terabrite Games: Brite
Denis: Denis Manucraft: manucraft TheEvilShark: animal
Dessi: Dessi mayrushart: mayrushart The Frustrated Gamer: TFG
DimerDillion: Dimer MeganPlays: MeganPlays The Meg and Mo Show: MEGA
DOLLASTIC PLAYS!: Dollastic MicroGuardian: Micro The Monkey: Monkey
DV Plays: DV MK: mk therealcybernova: Cybernova
elitelupus: elite MoFlare: Moflare TheRoPo: RopoRoblox
Evanbear1: EB1 MuneebParwazMP: Muneeb Thumbs Up Family: TUFGAMING
Emperador: EmperadorMaxiYT MyUsernamesThis: Bacon Thinknoodles: Noodles
FancySmash: Fancy NapkinNate: Napkin ThnxCya: ThnxCya
FakerUp: fakerup Night_foxx: NightFoxx Tigre TV: tigretv
FGTeeV: FGTEEV Noangy: BYN Tofu: Tofu
Fishy: Fishy NO_DATA: purple Tooquick: Tooquick
Flamingo: Flamingo NotThnxCya: ThnxCya ToyHeroesMolly: Toyheroes
Flexer97YT: Otaku ObliviousHD: Oblivious Turtles Wear Raincoats: turtle
Fnatic: iifnatik okgamerman: Playonyx TussyGames: Tussy
FunkySquad413: Funky Oscar: Oscar TwiistedPandora: Twiisted
FunnyBunny: bunny Pankayz: Pankayz Unicorn Twins: PIZZA
Fuzz: Fuzz PeetahBread: Peetah VeD_DeV: VeDDeV
GallantGaming: Gallant PGHLFilms: PGHLFilms xdarzethx: Gremlins
Gamer Kawaii: kawaii PiggyMasterZ: PMZ Z_Nac: Znac
GamingMermaid: Mermaid Poke: Poke Z00LD: Z00LDYT
GamingWithKev: GWKFamily PremiumSalad: Premium ZacharyZaxor: Zach
GH0KS: GH0KS PrestonMobile: Preston Zerophyx: zerophyx
GoingLimited: GOING PREZLEY: prezley ZephPlayz: ZephPlayz
gorygaming24601: Gory Proton Plays Roblox: proton
GraserPlays: graser Raconidas: Raconidas
Gravycatman: Gravy Rainway: Rainway
heysant2018: HeySant RazorFishGaming: Razor
HappyBlack: happyblack Realistic_GamingMC95: Realistic
Hyper: Hyper Realrosesarered: Realroses
iamSanna: iamSanna RealSubZeroExtabyte: Subzero
ibemaine: IBeMaine Rektway: rektway
ImaGamerGirl: gamergirl Rell Games: Rell

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