How to Crossfade on Spotify Web Player

Spotify has a crossfade feature. What is it? It is a feature which is used to remove silence in between songs so that the song will play on and on. As explained on the How To Geek site, it is like when you are listening to a live DJ where one song does not stop playing and the tracks transition into each one another.

If you want to crossfade songs in Spotify, you can do that by following the steps which are explained below according to the Politics-DZ site. However, it is important for you to note that I only found the information about how to crossfade on Spotify PC and Smartphone.

Crossfading Songs on Spotify Web Player

The Steps to Crossfade Songs in Spotify on PC

According to the Politics-DZ, here are the steps to crossfade songs in Spotify on PC.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to launch Spotify on your computer.
    • After that, you have to tap your username at the top right corner of the screen and then you need to choose Settings from the drop-down menu.
    • Now, you have to scroll through to the end of the Settings window and find an Advanced Settings button. You have to tap this button. The Steps to Crossfade Songs in Spotify on PC
    • You will see that the first Advanced Setting is Playback and the first setting under this section is Crossfade. The thing that you have to do is to click the toggle beside Crossfade to turn it green. By doing it, it enables the setting. Playback and the first setting under this section is Crossfade
    • Now, you have to tap and drag the white button along the slider beside Crossfade Songs where it is done to increase or decrease the amount of fade that you want in between your music. The crossfading seconds that you select will reflect at the end of a track. The new track will start that many seconds in advance. Let’s take an example. Let’s say that you choose a crossfade of 5 seconds. If so, your current track will end 7 seconds before time and the next track will start soon.

The Steps to Crossfade Songs in Spotify on Your Smartphone

According to the Politics-DZ, here are the steps for crossfading songs in Spotify on your smartphone.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to open Spotify on your smartphone.
    • After that, you have to tap the Settings icon which can be found at the top right corner of the screen.
      The Steps to Crossfade Songs in Spotify on Your Smartphone
    • Now, you have to scroll a little on the Settings page and you need to discover the Playback section. Here, you will see that the first setting option is Crossfade. The thing that you have to do is to tap and move the slider between Off and 12 seconds to set the crossfade duration that you want. Let’s say that you want the duration of crossfade to be 7, then you can move the slider to 7. How to Crossfade on Spotify Web Player
    • Now, the songs will crossfade with the duration that you want.

Crossfading Songs on Spotify Web Player

The information that I got when I tried to find the information about how to crossfade songs on the Spotify web player is about how to crossfade songs on Spotify PC and Smartphone. I could not find the information about how to crossfade songs on the Spotify web player.

However, I found a question from a Spotify user in 2017 on the Community Spotify site where he/she could not find any crossfade option within the web player. She/he used Chrome, but checked that already on Explorer and could not find such option. Then, another user answered that right now the web player does not have a crossfade option. It means that you cannot crossfade songs on Spotify if you access it on a web player.

The question and answer above were in 2017. I do not know whether now Spotify web player has added a crossfade option or not, but when I tried to access Spotify on the web player, I could not find that option. However, you are able to try to access the Spotify web player by yourself and check it in the Settings. If it is available, you will see the crossfade option there.

On, it is also explained that you are not able to enable the crossfade option through Spotify Web Player. If you want to crossfade, you need to have Spotify apps. You are only able to enable and control the crossfade feature through Spotify apps such as on your mobile, tablet, and desktop apps. You are not permitted to enable, disable, or control crossfade using the Spotify Web Player.

As a bonus, there is some other information about Spotify below according to the Community Spotify site.

What Do We Have To Do To Change Our Country Settings?

According to the Community Spotify, here is the explanation about changing your country settings. Actually, if you have Premium, you are able to use Spotify anywhere in the world. However, if you move to another country permanently, you have to update your country settings on Spotify by logging in to your account page. Then, you have to click on Update beside your payment method under Your Plan. Now, you have to enter a new payment method which was issued in your new country. This change will apply from your next billing date.

If you are on Spotify Free, you can use it in a different country for up to 14 days. After 14 days, you may see an error message. If you want to continue to use Spotify, you have to update your country. It can be done by firstly accessing your account page and then clicking on Edit Profile. After that, you have to scroll down to Country and choose your new country from the dropdown list. Then, you have to click Save Profile.

Why Can’t We Find The Music We Are Looking For?

As explained on the Community Spotify site, there are a lot of people in the Community who have requested certain tracks, albums or artists to be added to Spotify. The Spotify team wants to have all of the world’s music available on Spotify, but they are adding great music every week and hopefully your choice will be up soon.

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