How to Create Wood in Little Alchemy

Do you want to be a chemist? Before your dream comes true, why not to try taking a little fun experiment through playing the Little Alchemy game. As the name implies, the Little Alchemy game offers you to combine any material to create a new material as chemists do on their  job.

In the Little Alchemy game, there are numerous things that you can create. The things here can be obtained by combining the certain elements depending on what a new thing that you want to get. Of course, to be capable in combining the elements to create a new one, at least you need to know for the formula to mix the elements.

Creating Wood in Little Alchemy

In this post, we’ll guide you to create Wood which is one of the items that you can create in this game. Here’s how!

The main elements to create a wood.

  • Tool + Tree = Wood

Tool + Tree


Here are the ways to create the woods that we explain step-by-step:

    • Firstly, you need to drag the air into the playing board. To find the air, you have to focus on finding the air icon on the right side of the Little Alchemy game.
    • The air here can be combined with fire to create the energy on the playing board.
    • The air added to the water actually produces the rain element.
    • You can also combine earth and fire  to produce a lava.
    • If you add earth to the puddle, of course, it can produce mud.
    • Here, you can also combine air and lava by dropping it on the top of the first one, it will create a stone.
    • To create a plant, you surely can add earth and rain elements together.
    • By adding a fire to the stone element,  it automatically will produce metal.
    • Pick the air element that you already drag and combine it with stone to get sand.
    • To create a glass, you need to mix fire and sand.
    • Then, to create the wood, you also have to combine the mud and plant to create swamp.
    • Combining the energy and swamp to get life.
    • Take the earth element added to the life to produce a human.
    • Taking a glass and sand to get the time.
    • Human here can be combined with metal to obtain the tool.
    • By adding a plant to time element, the tree will be shown.
    • To complete creating wood  in Little Alchemy 2, the last step that you can do is to combine the tool and tree which finally create the wood.

That’s it! You now already create the wood in the Little Alchemy game. To note, the wood element here can also be a main element used to create new other things in this game. To make it easier for you to understand how to make wood in the Little Alchemy game. Here, we show you the list and the combination of all elements to create the wood.

    • air + fire = energy
    • air + water = rain
    • earth + fire = lava
    • earth + water = mud
    • air + lava = stone
    • earth + rain = plant
    • fire + stone = metal
    • air + stone = sand
    • fire + sand = glass
    • mud + plant = swamp
    • energy + swamp = life
    • earth + life = human
    • glass + sand = time
    • human + metal = tool
    • plant + time = tree
    • tool + tree = wood

What Will You Do with Wood in Little Alchemy?

Once you already have the wood, it means that you have a right to create the new things by using the wood as the primary material. So, what are the new things that you can create using wood in the Little Alchemy game?

Let’s find out below!

  • Wood + Beaver = Dam

You can combine wood and beaver to create a dam.

  • Wood + Bird = Woodpecker

You can combine wood and bird to create a woodpecker.

  • Wood + Blade = Axe

You can combine wood  and blade to create axe

  • Wood + Charcoal = Pencil

You can combine wood and charcoal to create pencil.

  • Wood + Cheese = Mousetrap

You can combine wood and cheese to create mousetrap.

  • Wood + Coal = Pencil

You can combine wood and coal to create pencil.

  • Wood + Corpse = Coffin

You can combine wood and corpses to create a coffin.

  • Wood + Fabric = Tent

You can combine wood  and fabric to create a tent.

  • Wood + Fire = campfire, Smoke, Charcoal

You can combine wood and fire  to create campfire, smoke and charcoal

  • Wood + Fish  = Fishing Rod

You can combine wood and fish to create fishing rods.

  • Wood + Hay  = Broom

You can combine wood and hay to create a broom.

  • Wood + Horse  = Trojan Horse

You can combine wood and horse to create Trojan horse.

  • Wood + House = Log Cabin

You can combine wood and house to create a log cabin.

  • Wood + Human  = House

You can combine wood and humans to create a house.

  • Wood + Leather  = Drum

You can combine wood and leather to create drums.

  • Wood + Life  = Pinocchio

You can combine wood and life to create pinocchio.

  • Wood + Metal  = Hammer

You can combine wood and metal to create a hammer.

  • Wood + Paper = Book

You can combine wood and paper to create a book.

  • Wood + Pencil = Ruler

You can combine wood and pencil to create a ruler.

  • Wood + Pressure   = Paper

You can combine wood and pressure to create paper.

  • Wood + River = Bridge

You can combine wood and river to create bridges.

  • Wood + Snow = Snowboard

You can combine wood and snow to create snowboards.

  • Wood + Tobacco  = Pipe

You can combine wood and tobacco to create pipe.

  • Wood + Tool = Wheel

You can combine wood and tools to create wheels.

  • Wood + Wall = Fence

You can combine wood and wall  to create fences.

  • Wood + Water = Boat

You can combine wood and water to create a boat.

  • Wood + Wheel  = Cart

You can combine wood and wheel to create a cart.

  • Wood + Wild Animal = Beaver

You can combine wood and wild animal to create beavers.

  • Wood + Wind = Flute

You can combine wood and wind to create flute.

  • Wood + Wizard = Wand

You can combine wood and wizard to create wand.

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