AUT Wiki Roblox

Playing A Universal Time in Roblox may be something fun for you. As a player of this game, you may wonder a lot of things related to this game and now you need a lot of information about this game. To find the information about this game, one of the ways that you can do is to access the Wiki of this game.

Roblox Wiki for A Universal Time

There is a Roblox Wiki for A Universal Time game where you are able to access it by using link here. Here, there are a lot of information about A Universal Time that you are able to get. This wiki is a fan driven wiki page for people to get information on the Roblox game.

It is important for you to note that the staff on this wiki are not associated with the AUT game itself. The staff of the wiki are just people that play the game. Also, the staff are not associated with the developers.

AUT Wiki Roblox

When you access this AUT wiki, there will be a brief information about A Universal Time. It is explained that A Universal Time is a Universal Roblox JoJo game which is owned and created by Universe Time Studio. According to this wiki, this game was launched in around 2018 and now the creation of the game date is June 3rd, 2020. This game is an Adventure Game based on Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Manga Sequence/ Series and a lot of other Manga Series/ Fandoms.

In the AUT wiki, it is also explained that in this game, you will fight other players, farm for items and many more things to do. This game is based on JJBA which is written by Hirohiko Araki. The game is centered around a lot of fan bases and fandoms such as X!Tale, Undertale, Dragon Ball, Touhou, Glitchtale, and more. This game is somewhat of a PVP simulator and a trading and grinding simulator.

When you are on the page of AUT wiki where the link is given by us above, you can scroll down the page and then find the information that you need. There are a number of circles and actually there are links. The circle links include New, Staff Team, Game Passes, Maps, Game Badges, FAQs, Emote Wheel, Art and BOss/ NPC. Let’s say that you need the information about Gam Badges of this game, so you have to click on the Game Badges circle and then you will be taken to the Game Passes page.

There is also a link to the game in Roblox. Besides, on this AUT wiki page, you are able to find links to the social media of this game such as Twitter, Discord and Trello. The Twitter account for this game is @AUniversalTime and now this Twitter account has more than 4k followers. On this Twitter account, you can get updates, sneak peaks and more about A Universal Time game in Roblox. The Discord server of this game is A Universal Time and now it has more than 442k members. How about the Trello of this game? When we tried to access the Trello of this game by clicking on the link in the A Universal Time Roblox wiki, it said that the board not found.

Not only that, in this A Universal Time wiki, there is a link to Standlist and a link to Stands and Specs.

About A Universal Time Game in Roblox

A Universal Time is one of the games that you can find in Roblox where the genre is Fighting. This game was created by Universe Time Studio on June 3rd, 2020. This game is an action/ adventure game and it is explained in the description section of this game that this game is inspired by a lot of different popular shows, games and animes. Until now, this game has been visited more than 169 million times and it has been favorited more than 544k times. The size of the server in A Universal Time is 1.

In this game, there are two badges that you are able to obtain.

    • AUT Winter/ X-Mas

This badge is easy 100% before impossible right now. This badge was last updated on December 9th, 2020.  To get this badge, you have to use Present on Star Platinum Requiem to get Christmas Star Platinum Requiem.

    • New Universe

This badge was last updated on May 22nd, 2021. This badge can be obtained by playing the game on New Universe.

Not only badges, there are also game passes that you are able to purchase with your Robux in this game.

    • 3+ Stand Storage Slots

It is able to be bought for 350 Robux and it will give you 3 extra slots for storing stands In Stand Storage. The last update of this game pass was on June 2nd, 2021.

    • 3+ Bank Slots Storage

It is able to be bought for 250 Robux and it will give you 3 additional bank slots. The last update of this game pass was on June 2nd, 2021.

    • Item Notifier

You are able to buy it for 1,000 Robux and with it, you can play a sound whenever something spawns and a blue circle will fade out on your screen.The last update of this game pass was on August 28th, 2021.

    • Donation

You are able to buy it for 325 Robux and if you want to get your donator’s tag in-game, chat “/e donator”. The last update of this game pass was on June 13th, 2021.

    • Custom Chat Color

It is 50 Robux and it will give you a custom chat color. The last update of this game pass was on August 31st, 2021.

    • Chat Background Color

It is able to be bought for 50 Robux and it can change your chat’s background color when you chat. The last update of this game pass was on August 31st, 2021.

    • Emotes Pack

It is 120 Robux and it contains 8+ Emotes. The last update of this game pass was on June 26th, 2021.

    • Emote Pack v2

This is 120 Robux and it contains 8+ emotes. The last update of this game pass was on June 26th, 2021.

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