Yellow Seer MM2 Value

There are a ton of Godly weapons in the game called Murder Mystery 2 or MM2. Some of them are guns while some other ones are knives. One of the most popular knives included in Godly weapons is called Yellow Seer. What is Yellow Seer?

Yellow Seer is known as the reskin of Seer. The model of this knife was taken from the Roblox Avatar Shop gear called Overseer Short Sword. It has a blade. The blade of it is jaded and has a neon yellow color.  There are also black hemispheres on its sides that vary in sizes. The handle of the sword is black and jaded with neon yellow cracks. Apart from that, there are four eyes in total on its upper sides plus vertical slit pupils with different sizes and the third eye from the top down is the largest one.

Yellow Seer MM2 Value

The item named Yellow Seer is able to be obtained by chance while crafting a Random Painted Seer. If you want to craft a Random Painted Seer, you will need to get a total of 10 Godly Shards from Godly weapons which are salvageable, and 10 Godly Metals from Salvaging Seers. In the end, you will be able to get a random colored seer.

Not only crafting, Yellow Seer is also able to be obtained through trading. This method is described as a core mechanic. The purpose of it is to exchange your item with the item belonging to another player. Seers, Demands, or Rarity are three things that measure the value of an item. In short, value is important when it comes to trading something. It means every item has its own value and it might be different compared to the other items.

If you want to trade something to get a Yellow Seer, you will have to know the value of Yellow Seer and the weapon or item that you are going to trade with. So, what is the value of Yellow Seer in Murder Mystery 2?

According to some sources, Yellow Seer has a value of 35. For those who want to get Yellow Seer by trading, the first thing that you need to do is to click the person that you want to trade with on the player list on the top right. A small menu will show up with Profile and Trade buttons. Please click Trade. After clicking Trade, a request to trade will be displayed on the screen of the person requested. That person has the right to either deny or accept the trade request. The request will disappear if it is denied. If they accept it, a trading menu will appear and the inventory will also show up on the left side of the screen. If you want to put an item to exchange with Yellow Seer into the trade, you can just click an item. Then, the Yellow Seer that is being traded with puts into the trade will show up. To accept the trade, please wait for 6 seconds.

You can try to trade any weapon that you have to get Yellow Seer. Here is the information of the value of the other Godly weapons (tier 1) that you might need:

    1. Weapon/Knife: Pumpking

Value: 50

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Gun: Laser

Value: 50

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Slasher

Value: 45

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Fang

Value: 45

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Gun: Shark

Value: 45

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Nebula

Value: 40

Way to Obtain: Nebula gamepass and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: BattleAxe

Value: 40

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Death Shard

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Ice Dragon

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Red Seer

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Crafting or trading

    1. Weapon/Knife: Blue Seer

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Trading or trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Purple Seer

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Crafting or trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Orange Seer

Value: 35

Way to Obtain: Crafting or trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Gingerblade

Value: 30

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Night Blade

Value: 30

Way to Obtain: Buy and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Gemstone

Value: 30

Way to Obtain: Mystery Crate

    1. Weapon/Knife: Saw

Value: 25

Way to Obtain: Unbox and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Winters Edge

Value: 25

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Hallows Blade

Value: 25

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Frostsaber

Value: 22

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Ghost Blade

Value: 22

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Ice Shard

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Snowflake

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Frostbite

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Vampires Edge

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Peppermint

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Buy and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Cookieblade

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Buy and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Heartblade

Value: 20

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Eggblade

Value: 18

Way to Obtain: Buy and trade

    1. Weapon/Knife: Bioblade

Value: 15

Way to Obtain: Trade only

    1. Weapon/Knife: Prismatic

Value: 15

Way to Obtain: Trade only

Yellow Seer is such an interesting weapon in Murder Mystery 2 and a lot of people love it. Below are some other things that you might want to know about this knife.


Yellow Seer detail

  • Item Type: Knife
  • Rarity: Godly
  • Method to Obtain: Crafting, Trading
  • Tier: 1
  • Estimated Value: x35 Seer (MM2V), 25 (Supreme)


Yellow Seer is included as one of the 66 Random Painted Seers. If you are wondering about the other colored seers that are able to be crafted, they include Red Seer, Orange Seer, Blue Seer, Purple Seer and Chroma Seer. As for the last one, the chance is very slim.

For more information about Yellow Seer and everything about it including its value, go to something like Wiki. If you have some questions to ask, you are recommended to find the communities or forums related to the game named Murder Mystery 2.

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