Bloodhound Apex Abilities

Do you already know that the best way to achieve victory in Apex Legends is by arranging the characters in one team? Is it true? Well, that’s one of the ways that you can do it if you want to be a winner in this game.

In this case, choosing a character to be a fighter to equip the team with the strength and strategy well is totally a way in order to make this game run as effectively as possible. Of course, players who like to use fighter characters will definitely choose Bloodhound characters.

We think that it’s a very good idea when you decide to choose the character of Bloodhound for your team. In fact, Bloodhound is the only only tracker character currently in Apex Legends, which is one of the best character choices if you are an aggressive type of player.

Bloodhound Apex Abilities

How Worth Is the BloodHound’s Ability?

Bloodhound’s abilities eventually can make you closer to the enemy team. So, you can defeat them, and Bloodhound will have good cooperation with characters like Caustic and Bangalore where they can prepare ambushes against enemies.

However, playing the character of Bloodhound is a dominant role which communicates with the team, as only this character has all the information about where the enemy is going and where they are. The players who use Bloodhound character are required to communicate significantly to bring all the information collected against other teams that can help your team excel.

Bloodhound, an Apex Legends character which has one of the most enormous skillset which does not let anyone convince you otherwise. The Bloodhound’s bread and butter skill which is known as Eye of The Allfather, will give you enormous and fight-altering amounts of the information on opponent whereabouts and also tactics. Well, it’s well worth the sacrifice of your own team’s stealth and positioning.

The same goes for their Passive Tracker, which can give you important clues about enemy positions which can often give you a second or two of critical preparation time before a fight.

However, the only real drawback of the Bloodhound skill pool is that there are a lot of nasty things riding their Ultimate. Additionally, this is a superb initiation tool, but also the only Bloodhound escape tool. Then, the only thing that can directly affect your weapon play where the movement speed allows you to strafe and dodge shots more effectively.

In fact, this is an Ultimate, meaning you have to wait a whole between uses unless you priority Ultimate Accelerants.

Bloodhound’s Ability Overview

Sure, the ability of Bloodhound will give them a very different focus and skillset than a lot of other Legends in this game, meaning in the trap of revolving around finding enemies and hunting them down without their knowledge. Here are the Bloodhound’s Abilities that you should know:

    • Passive: Tracker – The enemy leaves clues for you to find.
    • Tactical: Eye of the Allfather – To reveal enemies, hints and traps through all the buildings in front of you briefly.
    • Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt – Be able to transform into the ultimate hunter. It can also enhance your senses which allow you to see cold tracks and move faster. However, knockdowns extend duration.
    • Additional traits: Recon –  Scanning Survey Beacons will reveal the next circle’s location.

Here’s how it breaks down:

Passive Ability: Tracker

Passive Ability- TrackerThis character’s passive ability can show the tracks of other players, allowing you to know where they are and where they are going. This skill can also tell you if your position is close to other teams before they see you.

Here are some Tracker Passive tips for Bloodhound:

    • To always communicate your findings with your team.
    • Tell them about your findings through voice chat or text chat.
    • Clues which are a more vibrant red if they’re more recent. So, you’re able to know if there’s likely an enemy within metres of your position.

Tactical Ability: Eye of the Allfather

Tactical Ability-Eye of the AllfatherBloodhound’s tactical abilities are like sonar ping, which can give you views of an area and penetrate walls to catch enemies, traps, and hints in the area. This is a great way to check your surroundings when you enter a new place. But beware that anyone can see the orange energy wave from your ping when you use this tactical ability, including opposing players.

Here are some Eye of Allfather tips for Bloodhound:

    • Make sure to face the correct direction as Eye of Allfather does not radiate out in all directions.
    • Don’t use the Bloodhound Tactical unless you’re ready to sacrifice stealth for knowledge.
    • It’s better for you to always scan enemies when you are on the defensive and heal. Generally, enemies will be more careful when they’re scanned. They prefer to wait until effects end to attack you back. So, it’ll give you some valuable seconds to recover.
    • Bloodhound Tactical ability is very gorgeous as it allows you to see enemies through Smoke and Gas when combined with Caustic’s Nox Gas or Bangalore’s Smoke Canisters, it will make your enemies confused, though you can still see them through the haze.
    • Eye of Allfather will allow you to see the enemy’s directions and also footprints if you’re hard to find them with Passive ability.

Ultimate Ability: Beast of the Hunt

Ultimate Ability-Beast of the HuntIt took a second to execute, but Bloodhound’s ultimate had to wait. This ability can more or less turn you into a killing machine, as it can change the look of the world to black and white while highlighting enemies in red. This Beast of the Hunt also increases your speed, making it possible to quickly approach enemies and attack them in dangerous situations.

Here are some Beast of the Hunt tips for Bloodhound:

    • This can exceed the ability’s starting time with successive kills. In this case, downing the enemies can add five seconds to your Beast of the Hunt duration.
    • Use your Ultimate as you head for the fight.
    • When your Ultimate is activated, Bloodhound will strafe fast to avoid shots.
    • This Ultimate ability allows you to see all enemies, clues and also footprints while transformed. Then, they will be highlighted at a much greater distance from your Tactical ability as well.
    • It can also actively track enemies position with the highlights.
    • Don’t waste time looking at the scenery or standing still, keep moving while your Ultimate is active.

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